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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. this is the most dangerous shuttle mission ever. they knew that going in, and they can not use the space station as a recovery point. all these factors are what made them have plans for a recovery shuttle in standby from day one. i would think that would make me feel better knowing its there if needs be. oh yea the shuttle will grab the hubble today at around 12:45. i think they have it listed at..... 12:54. check the link above to watch nasa tv to see it.
  2. this is a very interesting mission. least i think so.
  3. Spidey2721

    DJ Needed

    yea that would work. just need it to cover the equipment case it decides to rain. like i said dont count on me. i doubt i will be able to help. will have to check some things out.
  4. hahaha or a wtf? good song though. http://www.myspace.com/daftbodies
  5. Spidey2721

    DJ Needed

    lol let me check my schedule. see what gigs i have coming up. i MIGHT be able to pop down to do it. have friends down there i haven't seen in a bit. how big of a area do i need to fill with music? also i take it its outside? if so i don't have a good awning or canopy. will have to see what i can do about that. i generally don't do outside gigs. when i do them its for a different company and they supply it. don't count on me for it, but i will see what i can do.
  6. ok guys if you want to know the true story of wolverine forget EVERYTHING you saw in the moive. its all bullshit. bastardization of the true story. wolvie did though fight in the wars. before he got his metal. fought with captain america on one mission. wolverine didnt know he had the claws till after the metal. that was the big question when magneto ripped the adamantium out of his bones. would he still have the claws?? then on a page in a comic, we findout. yes he was born with them. only thing that is right in the movie is sabertooth and wolvie hate each other, and did at one time fight togther. everything else is bullshit. along with the bullet to the head to mess up his memory. if you want a little more info on his history watch these... there is two parts to this. this is part one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg1C6UEyuYA&feature=channel_page there is two parts to this one this also. this is part one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9lITEoYblg&feature=channel_page this is what happens when marvel loses control over their product. spiderman and x men marvel have no real say over what happens to the story. movie pissed me off. i am a big gambit fan and he was horrid in this movie.
  7. Spidey2721

    DJ Needed

    it depends on the event and what the client is looking for. some shows if i played top 40 music i wouldnt last a hour. like i said depends on the client. what kind of show it is. oh and sorry to break it to you. at car shows alot of times your going to hear oldies. kind of comes with the territory. the client there may have asked for that style music. sorry i am not closer i would prolly do the gig pro bono.
  8. +1 for the fescue recommendations. its a tougher grass then kentucky blue. is not as nice far as a plush soft green golf course look. it takes a beating though.
  9. dont know ya, but my thoughts and prayers are with you. best wishes with the recovery. well at least you have more time for cr! ;-)
  10. hey good to see another lima person. welcome!
  11. pirates http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t64/Coyoteesharptongue/more%20pictures/pirate-girl.jpg
  12. well i cant rotate it by hand right now. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2.jpg i will check my measure ments but i am almost certain its off. although the height/depth of the factory pickup tube is the same.
  13. after putting my oil pomp pickup tube on my motor it didnt look quiet right. by the looks of it i am a little worried that the crank will hit it. also doesnt look like it seats deep enough into the pan. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2001.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2002.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2003.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2004.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2008.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2009.jpg the measurement is 4 3/8 inch. 04 explorer crate motor. going in a 94 tbird. 94 oil pan from ford. 94 melling pick up tube from auto zone. cant use the explorer oil pan and tube because its too deep. i did my best to compare the difference in the two tubes with these pictures below. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2010.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2011.jpg pretty much the same except the melling tube runs along the block further. also it takes a little bit of a dip down at the end. as shown in the pictures below. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2014.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2013.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/TBRD2012.jpg if you need other pictures or measurements let me know. thanks in advance for your help.
  14. from what i have seen from zdnet mailings its a full build.
  15. haha "back off dude or i will sick my phone on you"
  16. http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/concept/cellphone-transforms-into-deadly-robot-277972.php think i can get it to work in the US?
  17. bastard stole voltron. well... http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/gundams.jpg The Gundams
  18. they are one giant muscle. insanely strong. a large anaconda or retic could manage a meal out of a man. maybe not yokozuna. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfkEmx0pjQA
  19. yea fakes. although i would not be completely surprised if a 50 foot long snake was found. 100 foot? i doubt it could happen. snakes never stop growing in their life time. although when they get older it slows way down. longest live modern snake ever documented was like 33 or 34 feet. snake skins have been around that were 50 foot. although a snake skin can stretch a good bit longer then the snakes actual length while alive.
  20. and here i thought this thread was going to be about... http://www.retrojunk.com/img/art-images/foxkidslogo.jpg http://www.retrojunk.com/details_articles/133/
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