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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. WHO DEY! now if carson would stop being a baby. looking forward to the defense though. i want to see how the rookie ray does, and crocker knock out some people. cough holmes cough. crocker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgb6Kwqfnzg&feature=related caleb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUGlw9s9xIY&NR=1
  2. all it did for me is make me want to smoke more.
  3. that a computer that isnt mine had issues? ok
  4. i just wiped it. new install all is good now. i did check out that k9. will prolly use it on a computer that my nieces use. thanks. already use spybot adaware and avg on some machines. installed it on theirs after i was done with the wipe and reinstall. there computer was nuts. worse infected one i have ever seen.
  5. i am at my uncles. trying to fix their computer. it has a toseeka redirecting every search or any address you enter to a bs site. i was lucky to get on here. if someone can do a search for a removal tool and link it to me. i doubt that will work but its worth a try. anytime i enter in a website i get redirected. the damn trojan knows what i am doing. dirty rat. i cant get to my gmail on here either. if anyone knows a way to get a actual removal file to me i am all ears. i do use aim and i guess you could send it to me thru there. name on there is spidey2721. other wise will have to wait till i am home download it there and bring it here on a jump drive. i deleted Firefox and reinstalled it but its still there. check internet settings and didnt see it there. never mind i cant download aim. windows live messenger. spidey2721@gmail.com
  6. thanks for the input guys. going to be a lil bit before i make any buys. just looking at options right now.
  7. anyone here have one? whats your thoughts on it? was thinking of it being a good ccw firearm. http://www.hk-usa.com/uspc_general.asp
  8. orlando all the way. oh yea and quoted for truth.
  9. i'm just waiting on them to go n dr phil. double the ratings.
  10. "king james," is going down!
  11. yea its pretty much the bullitt intake for npi heads.
  12. iraq #2 will be iraq #1 5 years after obama pulls our troops out. mark my words we will be back over there again. we pull out the bad guys take over BAM! another terrorist state.
  13. posting for a friend. he is looking for the 4.6 svo intake.
  14. ok had to post it. even if you have seen it 100 times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdegQmtgFSM
  15. yea when they first went out today first hing they did is check for the belts of space junk. checking the "weather" kinda. they had a good day so far and just "dust" like particles around.
  16. the first of five space walks is today and starting now. check the above link to watch.
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