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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Best post in that thread:
  2. +1 Punch him or avoid him. Both betters your life. Doesn't sound like a friend to me. Sounds like an ass.
  3. I don't think that car will have any problems with EVOs or STis. Stock for stock or modded to modded. Xenons are headlights. The kid was ganking on headlights.
  4. But it doesn't have xenons. EVOs and STis have xenons..... *pow*
  5. I wonder how long would it have taken me to punch that kid taking the vid?
  6. You'll never catch him. He's part of the Dept of Transportation's Elite. The best of the best. The creme of the crop. The ELITE!
  7. I didn't take any. Was the Volvo dealership on 161 west of 315.
  8. And engineer in brake fade and failure due to overheating? Gotta be something else at play. I know I could just go to the Volvo website but I like the mystery.
  9. ...have covers on their brakes that makes it look like they're running drums on all four corners? (Was stuck in traffic in front of a Volvo dealership - and I noticed that on a bunch of their higher end cars on the lot and now its bugging me)
  10. ...and a Remington bolt action rifle to fight the dinosaurs... and the homosexuals. Eh, I shit bigger than Gurkas. Little fellers. Persians, now persians are some specimens I don't want to have a tussle with. My home's safe from Ghurkas - I got argentinians with Exocet missles...
  11. No - it'll only take the day you die.
  12. My .02 and this doesn't really have to do with the car itself, but you mentioned it'll be your work car, so: when I see a sales rep or salesman or sales exec drive up in a BMW, my first thought is "great, here's an asshole". Sorry but thats the stereotype, and as rational as I am I have to (or rather they have to) work to get over that first impression obstacle. If its your work car I'd do anything but a beemer. Unless stereotypes are different in Texas.
  13. Made me have to stifle a laugh at work. Thats hilarious. Whats that from? Over the top. I bet that just pisses alot of people off, just reading that line alone. And that makes it even funnier.
  14. Dont be so quick to knock soft metal. It withstands abuse better than brittle hard metal even if it can't hold an edge as well. "Cheap" metal is often brittle flash and prone to breaking. "Good metal" is often a combination of hard and soft attributes. Anyway - that knife is a nice weapon and is classed in the machete category. Current utility knife of the British Ghurka Regiment. The design has some fundamental flaws in execution but a good design theory. Here's a page on a guy going over pros and cons, with a good set of links: I want to keep my finger thanks. Here you go, someone else looking to put together history of a particular example of one, it may help: Khukuri knife origin hunting Sweet knife. /off topic rant on Love the urban legend stuff around the Ghurkas now. Gave me a chuckle The Gurkas were indian militia, right. British used em in WWII against the japanese alongside the local chinese and other local forces. Made good cannon fodder for the Brits I read. "Draw their knife they need to draw blood before they put it back" "Ranger touches a Ghurka they end up in hospital in 5 minutes" ROFL - nothing ever changes I'm sure they fly and shoot rockets out their asses too. Actually, I bet I can find those same two quotes around Ninjas, SS, and Samurai somewhere. Probably even on this board. Are the Ghurkas better than line indian infantry? Certainly. Do they strike fear into the heart of Argentinians? I'm sure if I'm some uneducated Llama farmer in the hills outside Buenos Aires I'd beleive anything too. Are they supermen better than every other nation's special forces? Hardly. Personally I'd be more scared of the British SAS or a Harrier with a ADEN25 bearing down on me. But its nice to know the "Grass is greener" effect fully in force still. /off topic rant off [ 18. July 2005, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  15. Here's another product that hood designer worked on: http://www.allbrands.com/images/products_main/L_7402_U6439900.jpg Good to see he's carrying his experience forward with him. That hood scoop has looked like ass in every permutation its been on there. Its ruining an otherwise nice car.
  16. Showcase Hey now you could eat off that floor. tongue.gif You have no idea how organized that garage actually is... I just have lots o' stuff. Yeah I need another bay. Next summer.
  17. Thats another car, but I have those wheels on order. So I feel ok posting it cuz when I get my wheels on that's how she'll look but I can't work a camera for shit and could never pull off a shot like that. Here's what happens when I try to take a picture: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/Caddy3.jpg
  18. East side? Probably not anytime soon. East side is for the http://www.bumfights.com/picgallery/home/1.jpg North or NW, sure... Here's some more pics. They're 19x8.5 and 19.10 iForged Aeros with 245/40 and 275/35 BFG KDW2's. The fenders had to be rolled to tuck the rear rubber correctly. http://oklahomaspeed.com/pics/Warehouse08_1024.gif http://oklahomaspeed.com/pics/Warehouse10_1024.gif http://oklahomaspeed.com/pics/Warehouse12_1024.gif Now here's where I let you down: they're not on my car yet. Those are another forum member's car. Mine are on backorder and according to iForged I'm looking at a 8 week wait. Argg. [ 14. July 2005, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
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