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Everything posted by Archie

  1. And I'll be laughing when they come to confiscate your guns because the media reports so much bullshit, it masks legislation like the Patriot Act that strip you of your civil liberties. It's ok though, they need plenty of ignorant people to listen to all the propoganda and join the black shirts... If your such a smart ass, I'll challenge you to disprove just ONE thing on that site... with fact, not something from Yahoo news.
  2. You're right, I mean being a soldier you should know that the U.S. Army tells you the truth... "WMDs are in Iraq" "After 9/11, the air at ground zero was safe to breathe" Need I go on? I guess I'm just a lunatic. I guess I'll just drink some flouride filled water, take the corporate media for 100% truth, and worry about the next american idol.
  3. Sent you a PM... Do you have any pics?
  4. Drudge is OK... I like http://www.infowars.com a lot better.
  5. Vietnam? Iraq? lol...
  6. NATO could set sanctions on Russia as they have push farther than the disputed region, the U.S. has provoked Russia to seem as the aggressor. Anyone who has traveled to anywhere near that region knows the sentiment that Russians hold against countries like Poland, Georgia, ect. There will be more civilian casualties and the controlled media will incite action.
  7. Not if the U.S. has NATO forces... Coalition of the "Willing".
  8. Maybe this is where Iran gets thrown in the mix... During biblical times, wouldn't Georgia have been considered the "Middle East"?
  9. Anybody seeing this shit in the media (internet included)??? There finding U.S. mercenaries training Georgians and U.S. weapons caches in easter europe, whether it is truth or propoganda the effects could be catastrophic... I'm suprised China hasn't already dumped our debt and destroyed our economy overnight... I guess it blows my mind no one on here is talking about it. If this escalates we could see more fucked up shit than the U.S. has ever seen. Maybe this would help some of you realize how serious this situation could be: 1. Outrageous prices on commodities. 2. Daddy loses job. 3. Daddy sells your Vette/Evo/Mustang. 4. You have nothing else to talk about on CR, your life is over. 5. U.S. turns into a police state. 6. Nuclear Holocaust. Remember that the "people" should determine if the U.S. goes to war, not the CIA and the Bush Administration. WAKE UP!!!
  10. Youre a shit talking cocksucker, but I wish the best of luck with your car. I'd keep it an auto, throw some money at AJ and have him build you a nasty tranny...
  11. DP is a personal favorite... nothing beats Alive.
  12. Definitely all years... Don't forget the motor that started it all, the motor with BREAKTHROUGH technology, the LT1.
  13. Looks sexy as shit! I like the wheels & spoiler delete...
  14. Archie

    Off Topic

    god damn you guys got some fat fucking fingers...
  15. I've heard that this is relatively common with people running the CC306. I think that's why I went with the CC503...
  16. Supply is used as propoganda to mask the truth, we haven't built a refinery in the US since the 70s and our current "administration" has a conflict of interest in the oil industry. Not trying to be a dick, just do some research.
  17. I pay about $80 a month for a '99 SS, '96 Z28, 01 Sonoma, and a '97 civic (I still live in the '90s) No points, no accidents, no bullshit.
  18. Any reason your talkin shit to me? Get behind mrhobbz, literally.
  19. Archie

    Sexism on CR??

    Glad I got into construction... That sounds like a very frustrating workplace.
  20. I could give a fuck less about the service sector. We went from a country of explorers, engineers, tradesman, innovators, leaders. Now we are just a country of "service"... fucking insurance adjusters, paper pushers, therapists, marketers, ect. Maybe the economy crash will put some shovels and rakes back in the hands where they belong. No more laying around all day watching American Idol...
  21. Gas WILL keep escalating in price until higher prices and the engineered destruction of the economy, will cause people to start researching these problems. A false scarsity of oil has been created and all the mindless drones in this country won't peel their faces off the TV and wake up. The facs are there: the dollar has lost 50% of its value, which we now pay more for FOREIGN oil. All the "OMG gas prices, economy, war, global warming" bullshit will be the perfect recipe to implement a socialist police state. Just wait for the carbon tax.
  22. Archie

    Sexism on CR??

    I don't mind working with women... Although in my experience, about 90% have had a shitty work ethic and/or unreliable. Too much standing around talking, time off, excessive medical leave, annoying the fuck out of me while I'm in a meeting/on the phone, taking long breaks, and general ignorance.
  23. I think it is every americans right and duty to carry a weapon. This whole country was created on the basis of not having a standing army, cops with m16s roaming the streets, soldiers at the Kentucky Derby, ect. We should not rely on the government for anything, let alone security. A law abiding citizen carrying a weapon is better than any of the police state shit that has been implemented since 9/11. I don't think its about trying to be hard or paranoid, as people carrying guns was quite common up until the 60s or so. We are progressing from the "age of man" to the "age of woman". Scared little metro sexuals watching american idol and relying on psychiatrists to tell them why daddy didn't love them.
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