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Everything posted by dakotart

  1. Price cut to $800. Just turned over 312,000 miles tonight.
  2. What about taking a video of the issue as it is happening? I run into this at work when fixing computers. It is very difficult to fix an issue that is no longer occurring when I get the machine.
  3. Another option is to just use software to generate a panorama image.
  4. I bought my D300 with the 18-200 lens, then bought the pro lens and am still using the D300 body. I'm waiting on the upgrade to the D700 before considering a new body.
  5. Not that I could afford AAPL, but I can't help but think that 75% of investors should have already accounted for him leaving. Then again, maybe not, looks to be down 5% in aftermarket trading.
  6. There isn't city water here. I think that it may be Iron Bacteria. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/dwg/febact.htm Symptoms are similar. I think I last shocked it about 1 year ago. How often should it be shocked? Does any one just add some chlorine tablets regularly?
  7. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the neighbors kids in a couple of days.
  8. I might have. Never know what is lurking below ground.
  9. Just add a gallon of bleach and let it sit for about 24 hours right?
  10. Unfortunately I don't know the path that the pipe takes from the well to the house. The well is out front about 900 feet from the house and the well comes in from the back.
  11. From both. I also hooked up a hose right at the pressure tank (so directly from the well) and it was the same there.
  12. My well water turned cloudy/black last night. It is leaving black stains in the tub and toilets. There is no odor. Anybody have any ideas on the problem? or know a good well company? Thanks, -Rich
  13. I have a panoramic of Crater Lake that I took in 2004. I have it printed at 8" x 24". It was 7-9 shots if I remember correctly. Very nice lake. http://ecksteinjr.com/imagegalleries/panoramics/originalimages/1Crater%20Lake.jpg
  14. Bump. Anybody? open to offers on multiple item purchases
  15. Funny video. Also, I saw momma Doe and her 2 fawns about 2 hours ago. Haven't caught all 3 in the same photo though. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/_DSC1782.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/_DSC1798.jpg
  16. Yes it is the law. http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Default.aspx?tabid=5674
  17. It is a 5 speed. Timing belt was replaced within the last 20-30k miles. I don't remember exactly. Only that it was between winter and spring and I replaced it due to a water pump failure.
  18. Both of my Honda's get worse gas mileage with BP gas. The 1991 CRX gets 42mpg with BP and 52+ with Meijer gas
  19. For sale is my 1991 Honda Civic HF Hatchback. Currently has 312,000 miles Good: Runs great MPG average from May 2010-May2011 = 46MPG Gets high 30's in the winter and around 50 in the summer (high was 56mpg) Radiator replaced last year Timing belt, water pump, etc replaced within the last 1.5 years Tires are not matching, but have great tread left. Bad: Cracked windshield Rear bumper is falling off (currently held on by wire) Shifter needs new bushings Body rust No A/C (compressor seized so it was removed) This car runs great, but I don't drive it since I bought the 2000 Civic. The check engine light will come on if you engine brake for 10-20 seconds. When this happens, it idles better. Light goes off when you restart. Great beater car with great gas mileage. Asking $1,000 OBO http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/civic/_DSC1952.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/civic/_DSC1955.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/civic/_DSC1954.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/civic/_DSC1957.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/civic/_DSC1953.jpg
  20. Sorry. I must have missed it. Can you send it again?
  21. Looks like RAW for the D200 is 12bit. If you want 16bit you have to shoot in TIFF format. My D300 will shoot 14bit RAW.
  22. The exif says that your contrast and saturation is turned up. but I don't really see that in the image. Maybe try to do a reset of the camera settings.
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