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Everything posted by dakotart

  1. My uncle has a 2005 and his was a a fuel pressure release valve. He thinks it was on the passenger side fuel rail. Looks like a bolt. He said that there are a couple of cheaper performance bolts. He took his out and welded the pin hole shut. He also said that the new valve is was $300 and the performance race valves are solid (no spring/pin hole)
  2. Posted on CL. will sell for $600 to a CR member.
  3. dakotart

    Fuck Racoons

    Here are 2 of 4 that were on my roof last year http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/_DSC1807.jpg
  4. I think it is the windows update folder. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-performance/winsxs-folder-consuming-enormous-disk-space/b99f2d7c-9264-4b9a-bca6-b1b4b0aadf47
  5. Here are a few that I took last January. 1/250 f16 ISO400 @105mm (Macro) http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/Snowflake1.jpg 1/640 f11 ISO400 @105mm (Macro) http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/Snowflake2.jpg 1/60 f11 ISO280 @105mm (Macro) http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/Snowflakes.jpg
  6. That looks to be an LCD issue and not a video card issue.
  7. Most computers will bring up a boot prompt if you press F12 while the BIOS splash screen is up. (it is possible it is another F key though) And then you can select CD. but you have to get the CD in the drive first. There should be a small hole on the drive door that you can use a paper clip to manually eject the drive.
  8. Most likely it is a driver issue. Unless the model number was the same (or close) it likely won't boot. It may be blue screening and then automatically restarting and you aren't seeing it. First option is to run a windows repair on the system. Last option is to format and start over.
  9. Need a little more information. You installed WinXP on one computer and then moved the drive to a different model computer? Is the blue screen code 0x0000007b?
  10. yes it is 4x4. Why buy a 2 wheel drive?
  11. It has the R4 tires. I've read that some have had to add chains.
  12. That is a good looking setup. I think the weights are for traction. the chains will definitely help though.
  13. It is a L3400 with a 7 foot blade. I haven't got it stuck in the snow yet.
  14. off topic, Chili cookoff tomorrow and Mystery Theater next week.
  15. I've got my mower ready to go too. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/junkaddress000/Tractor.jpg
  16. I'm hoping that they come down in price. I wouldn't mind upgrading to a full frame sensor.
  17. I am eagerly waiting to see some low-light photos from a D4
  18. I've read 3 of these today. Another was a 17 year old girl and her 14 year old brother who shot an intruder with a 12 gauge-buckshot. The 3rd was an elderly man who shot another elderly man.
  19. As far as the hunting (or even self defense) part, the down side to the M6 is single shot where the Henry has an 8 round mag. Then again a .410 shot shell can put a hurt on an animal.
  20. Thanks. Found an article on it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springfield_Armory_M6_Scout
  21. Anyone seen this 22lr? http://www.henryrepeating.com/rifle-survival-ar7.cfm
  22. I'm hoping that they do that when they life cycle them next year.
  23. Yeah we go through all of that and then in a few days, our network monitoring team sends us a reimage ticket. With some viruses that we have been getting, there is still something that isn't detected and it is generating malware like network activity.
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