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Everything posted by evan9381

  1. Suddenly I don't feel ashamed of my garage. 😂
  2. evan9381


    I think part of it too is remember when Trump said paychecks were going to be bigger around the start of 2018? they just changed what was being withheld. it probably didn't change your tax rates much. so if they were withholding $100 every two weeks more than they should have, and you were getting a $2600 refund in January, well now they're only withholding $60 more than they should and you're getting $1550. They pitched it as "you'll see more money on your checks!". unfortunate fact is, many (me included) see an extra $20-30 and it doesn't look like much, so it gets spent. it didn't go into my savings account. higher withholding is really an easy way for people that lack the discipline to save $20-30/wk to have that money set aside and get it all back at the start of the year.
  3. evan9381


    not trying to be a smart ass, but are you aware that the bracket your in is not the tax on your entire income? only income above that mark is taxed at that rate. So let's say you and your wife's total gross income is 200k. you don't pay 24% on 200k ($48,000) you pay 10% on the first $19050 ($1905.00) you pay 12% on the $19051-77400 ($7001.88) you pay 22% on the $77401-165000 (19271.78) you pay 24% on $165001-200k (8399.76) total tax of $36,578.42 or about 18.3%. BUT... That amount is going to be even less with deductions/itemization that effectively reduces your taxable income. if you have 30k in deductions (for conversation's sake), your taxable income is now $170k...those charts above through 22% are the same, but then you only pay 24% on the 5k above 165k, reducing your taxes by $7200. in that instance your tax rate would be about 14.7%
  4. evan9381


    I filed my taxes last weekend (1/20/19) and they were direct deposited into my account yesterday, 1/30/19
  5. Managed to clean out enough space in my garage Friday evening to fit one of our cars in there. Saturday rolled around and I was pissed I spent the energy doing it...then on our way home from dinner at Polaris around 9:45 last night, I was pretty happy I did it. Snow was easy to shovel this morning, and then I was able to move the gf's car to the clear side and finish up the other side. Would not have wanted to deal with clearing snow off my car just to be able to move it to shovel.
  6. evan9381

    Home Security

    Too lazy to read. Just got Blink XT after 2nd time someone got into my car on the rare instance I forgot to lock the doors. Runs on 2 lithium AAs supposed to last over a year or you can run a power cable. Free cloud storage through Amazon. Couple weeks in and so far pretty good. 1080p video, good night quality.
  7. I need to get a Polaris door. I had some installed in my house a couple years ago, and would like to replace the entry door to my garage. I'd like to stick with Polaris because I've been happy with what I have, and I can get it painted the same color as my front door that's 5' away. Last I heard, the guy that did my doors and windows either died, or is close to it, and isn't working anymore, so that option is out. I went by the store the other day after finally getting off work before they close at 4pm, only to find out that they won't sell to the public. If someone deals with them and can order me a pre-hung door (pretty sure it comes with threshold and brick molding), I'll throw you some cash or beer, whatever. I can get the dimensions but I'm 99% sure it's a basic 32x80, need it painted on the exterior side. Just a plain flat entry door. No glass, no decorative panels, etc. Thanks in advance!
  8. They have advertisements up for a Galaxy S6, which means this was done probably 4+ years ago. Think how much further tech has come since then.
  9. evan9381

    Slomo Eric

    Anyone know how I can get in touch with him? Looks like he hasn't been active here for a few years
  10. Where do you reccomend for car washes to avoid those swirls and shit?
  11. Pics of the mixer. Is it the model that the top/head tilts up?
  12. Is Yousef not around anymore or something? Last time I had him do a car for me was in 2012 when I got my current car done. I think it was $200 for a 4 door car, 35% tint.
  13. Subscribing, as I want to do one too. I'd only do a concrete slab, personally. Gravel or piers always seem cheap and possible for critters to get under there.
  14. Biggest rivalry in all of sport, and as of right now, #2 and #6 ranked teams...it's going to be an awesome game.
  15. Hard pass. I've had offers for that much per ticket.
  16. Thanks guys. If you don't like the price, just move on. Some of you should take note that one of the rules here clearly states "Do not post off topic replies, this can be done through PM. Posts that are not relevant, including criticizing an asking price, will be deleted."
  17. Seats have a great view, but I get what you're saying. Tickets to the biggest rivalry in all of sports never go cheap. http://imgur.com/gallery/xTlYCom
  18. 13c, row 1, seats 3/4. We split season tickets with a friend and all of us want to go, so we're selling these to pay for the tickets we got where we're all together. $675/each.
  19. Is that for both top and bottom pieces? I may be interested. I've been needing something for a while.
  20. Yeah, I want one to do single rooms, so sealing them off and keeping pets/people out shouldn't be an issue.
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