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Everything posted by evan9381

  1. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/09/11100828-prosecutor-no-grand-jury-for-trayvon-martin-case?lite
  2. Got it all done with the sawzall. Thanks tim! Ill be by a bit later with it. Ill buzz you before i head over.
  3. Lowes wants to charge a full day rate even though i only need it for a couple hours. Ive just got a couple smaller tree/shrub things im tired of looking at. Pretty sure i have some 1:50 gas oil mix if it takes it, otherwise i can pick up a can and mix some up and bring the rest back as payment or throw you a few bucks. Im up near easton so this side of town would be ideal, but beggars cant be choosers so ill work with what i can get.
  4. anyone know how small a #1 easy out is? http://www.lowes.com/pd_232606-1083-358241_0__?productId=1065081&Ntt=screw+extractor&pl=1&currentURL=%2Fpl__0__s%3FNtt%3Dscrew%2Bextractor&facetInfo= i've got a tiny screw on my bike i managed to strip the allen key hole on, and while it doesnt need to come out right now, i need to replace the bolt so if it does need to come out, i can do it on the side of the road with my tool i carry with me. the whole head of the bolt is only about 4mm, the allen key bit is between 1-2mm (not sure exactly, its so small its not labeled on my key). or if anyone has an easy out that may be smaller towards the easton side of town i could borrow for a bit, it'd be much appreciated. much further it'll probably be easier for me to pick one up somewhere, if i can find one small enough. thanks in advance.
  5. sounds like my plan to stay kid free will be to ride my bike in briefs, then come home and sit in a hot tub...damn this is going to be rough. Lol. Now i just need you to provide the list of shitty foods.
  6. Arent tickets like $6? I went a couple years ago, id go again
  7. Now wheres the pics of her NOT in a bee costume?
  8. Correction: This post has been edited to reflect that MIT has not updated its research from the original 1972 study.
  9. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/531844_3417504290336_1651997618_54027523_1311343704_n.jpg
  10. Like theyre gonna up and move out overnight? Lol
  11. Did you check skreend on high? i had 1 tshirt made a couple years at xmas...dont remember turn around time.
  12. But damn...the chick cop is smokin. More than that geriatric bitch posted earlier today. I dont see the issue if theres no rules banning him from dating/fucking her.
  13. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/mah-nigga.jpg
  14. So, i thought no way would this ever be on TV...i was WRONG. Just saw it during this new betty white show (which is fairly funny)
  15. I never went. I mailed it in, got response, got check. maybe you only have to go if you dont have documentation of esimated value, or its way off? Idk.
  16. I wouldnt call her ugly, but i also sure wouldnt call her hot. She does look old everywhere but the face. And due to new rules... http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/evan938/IMAG2749.jpg :fa:
  17. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73462&highlight=mailed
  18. report, yes. score, no. annualcreditreport.com scores will cost you like $7-8 each. i normally just pay the $25 or so every year-ish just to have the scores. im probably about due...i think april was my last one.
  19. i bet the ladies love you. :dumb:
  20. I got my check from the assessor directly. Im sure if they sent it to my bank, theyd either cut me a check for the overage or give me an option to apply it towards my mortgage.
  21. So, theyre all hygenists, which means they have at least a decent education. who wants a hot girl thats smart? :lolguy:
  22. Yep. My assessment went from the previous year (you pay 09 taxes in 10)so when my assessment went from 09 i got a check for the difference. It wss like $800 IIRC Theres a whole thread on it here, just search my name and assessment, you should be able to find it. Had more details i cant recall quite as much now.
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