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Everything posted by evan9381

  1. i got my buddy one for xmas that, in coca-cola script reads "I Enjoy Vagina". he wears it in public. lol
  2. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s320x320/432352_10100119906383777_33606383_39468598_1849103284_n.jpg
  3. evan9381

    awe yeah

    I cant remember if it was fentanyl or dilaudid i had when they put me under for surgery on my wrist...all i remember is that i was high as fuck. And it was great.
  4. Me and dwayne usually hit the gym thurs, but i can see if i can talk him into one...im off @ 6.
  5. No fucks are given...if it does happen, in 15 years the tehnology will be way more advanced than that and will be more permanent i wont worry about it.
  6. Ouch. Sorry mang...only # ive ever talked to him on...my bad. :no::no::no:
  7. Sent...but if it turns out to be some tranny hooker, i dont know where it came from
  8. http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/74297352 34mi route Mike (SRTmike08) and i rode today. New bike is AMAZING compared to my old bike...was able to keep it in the large ring all day, even riding UP one of the nastier hills around hoover dam. Was an awesome day to get out. Hopefully i can get some more seat time in this week after work.
  9. Me and mike (srt08mike) saw you in it on county line today while we were out riding. looked sick
  10. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/418375_3266480394833_1651997618_2794461_1337800594_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/419395_3264891315107_1651997618_2793714_761437144_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/422679_3178771842174_1651997618_2755518_1052016866_n.jpg
  11. it was red...i dont remember it being dark red though...i was trying to navigate through that clusterfuck of construction by iron pony when it went by...just caught a quick look at it.
  12. i had a smith take my M&P down to 4.25#. LOVE it.
  13. Looks about right. Thanks
  14. I'd almost be willing to bet my left nut I just saw 1 of these driving down westerville road... saw it coming at me, wondered wtf it was, ferrari badge on the front sharp angles over the front wheels, and a panamera/m coupe -ish read end via my rearview mirror...didnt look like any ferrari i had ever seen...pulled this thread remembering posts of a new one...if it wasnt one, idk wtf it was...rear end was spot on to those pictures ... anyone have any ideas of anything else that may have been? I know the chances are quite low since this car was just announced, but damn it was very very very similar .
  15. Wonder if i can get a 11ga 1 1/4" square pipe and slip a 1" whatever size wall i want into it...1.25" is outside diameter, .120" wall would make it 1.01" inside diameter...hmmm.
  16. If that was my car, id tell them get their fat asses off my $70k car before they fuck up the trunk lid and paint job. And raise the boost. Lol
  17. Yep...north side of morse rd near idk what since im drunk...tamarack maybe? past cleveland coming from easton, before karl...theres a dollar store in the shopping center too
  18. evan9381

    awe yeah

    i'd rather have percocets than lortab/vicodin. vicodin is Hydroco/APAP, percocet is Oxyco/APAP
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjj__UJLKJc - "we make the power that makes the bud" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJCiZ7J4Al4 - cancer equipment (longer version) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySwp12Rp8Jk - airplane commercial (longer version) the last 2 are usually condensed to about a minute when i see them on tv
  20. exactly...GE is more of a "behind the scenes" company...it seems like theyre trying REAL hard to link what they do to make a commercial. brian, i'll see what i can dig up. lol
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