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Everything posted by evan9381

  1. how much are you looking to spend?
  2. meh, someone just ripped off this one from back in june...but the pictures are funnier than the rage face comic... http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/260209_10150270822379919_606724918_8961728_2012907_n.jpg
  3. evan9381


    Nm...he already got one
  4. evan9381


    i know my dad was looking not long ago, ill check w/ him
  5. That meme looks EXACTLY like a friend of mine...i wonder if its actually him...i posted on fb to see if he knows about the picture...would be funny if it is
  6. I was watching it thinking it reminded me of the slingshot videos, then i saw the ending. Doh.
  7. +1...damn work and i left my earphones at my desk.
  8. Wierd this name came up...a friend from school dated a guy with this same name, and i dfove by his old house the other day and wondered whatever happened to the guy...and 2 days later someone with the same name (hell, might be him for all i know) comes up...creepy. lol
  9. I would have hit 1500 last year had i not broken my wrist and been out for a solid month...and that was with a shitty work schedule where i couldnt ride during the week...this year i'll hit my goals...flying to florida on 2/23 and renting a bike for 5 days get 2-300 miles in to start this year off
  10. romney is worth a couple hundred million dollars and drives a 2005 mustang? that guy is more of a fucking retard that i already thought :lolguy:
  11. the republicans absolutely piss me off on this issue. i dont want to get started on it because i would like to get to sleep at a reasonable hour tonight. http://tosh.comedycentral.com/video-clips/until-abortion-ends
  12. fun fact, the younger guy at rosettis (i think thats him in the videoin the blue/black jacket) tips REALLY well. i work at donatos once a week for extra cash for lunch at my real job, and i drove through there one day with a couple subs and he gave me $5 tip. didnt even get out of my car. lol that sucks though. i lived in the house closest to the front doors of goshen lane as a kid, and we used to ride our bikes to hostess for candy and rosettis for pop. its been there since i can remember (21+ years)
  13. http://www.eatmedaily.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/south-park-billy-mays-chipotlaway.jpg
  14. Shoulda had sam jackhammer their half so it looked like shit
  15. My goal is to bench 225 by 3/16...was @ 195 12/16 and told my buddy i wanted to get up to 225 in 3mos. Was in monday and got 215 so im close Cycling - minimum 1500 miles, really wanna hit 2k+ this year.
  16. http://musicwithmissleslie.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/clapping-hands.jpg
  17. yeah...with the pricing he gave me though, a few of the projects ive planned around when he was free. Lol
  18. Fuck telling them you have a camera...let the cops show up, then press charges against the guy.
  19. Chad GTPnLS1 does commercial electric, is VERY reasonably priced, and does great work
  20. the sweet potato roll is great. there was also a bbq eel (IIRC) that was great, and i always love some salmon/avocado/cream cheese...now im hungry for sushi, and of course im on 1/2 hour lunches this week and my place is just far enough from work i cant make it in time. ugh
  21. oooh...i may indulge...last time i went was way before i kicked my ex out, so its probably been 1.5+ years. i miss it. got my nephews bday party at 2, i may be able to make it.
  22. fuck. i know 60-100 miles on road is no easy feat. you guys must be beasts to do it on trail. whos got a spare bike i can come out and try it out with you guys?
  23. M&p...and IIRC, youre not a small guy, so a fullsize gun probably wouldnt be as tough to conceal as on someone 6' 180#
  24. What im curious about is if you guys get bored riding the same trails...im sure theres a few places to go locally, but does it get boring at the same places every time? Im sure its more challenging than road, but the fact that my options for a route are endless keeps it interesting. Maybe ill see if someone has a spare bike and i can get out and try it this year.
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