grab my phone today, go to send a text message (via ChompSMS), ALL of my texts are gone...maybe a years worth...probably 95% or more of the shit i dont care that its was a lot of BS texts bac and forth...but theres some texts to/from numbers of friends that i hadn't saved yet, some pictures ive received of my nephews in strings of texts from my sister/mom/ i was thinking it was an issue with the app, and go into the stock messaging app, and everything is gone there too.
anyone have any ideas how i could possibly restore what ive got, or at least access it to save what i need to from whats gone? i've searched google for like an hour and can't find what im looking for. i saw a quick post that stated once the internal memory gets low texts are the first thing to go, but it seems odd that after having this phone for ~20 months (13 or so that its been rooted), never deleted any texts, this would JUST now happen.