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Everything posted by LJ

  1. When you run an apartment complex that has people come in and start trouble, dump broken down cars on you, and store old junkers on your lots taking up space, THEN you can talk. Until then, SHUSH
  2. Please, someone help me get this thing fixed
  3. If it was a private lot you could tag them and tow them in the same day. I do it all the time at work
  4. He was in the Dispatch one sunday too.
  5. Still getting bent over. When I was working with them, they said they were going to have to send someone out to look at my computer and modem, and it would be free of charge. Oh ya, the problem turned out to be that the modem was remotely put into stand by (ie. their control center) and it took a level 3 tech 45 min to figure this out.
  6. They shouldn't be charging you, I was on the phone with Road Runner for 3 hours the other day trying to get mine fixed, and it was all free. It should be free, because it is their service and their equipment. Someone is fucking you
  7. LJ

    Bullmastiff puppies

    My sister's rescue organization had a full grown one last time I checked http://www.purebredrescueorganization.com/AvailableDogs.html Little ways down, his name is Diesel. If you want, just PM me and I can help make sure you get approved
  8. You live in New Albany huh? We should meet up and go for a cruise sometime.
  9. I would respond to that, but I have to go clean muh tooth and milk the cows!!
  10. In my 2001 Blazer. I get a knocking and I have a feeling it is the timing. Who can help me check the timing for say.... a 12 pack
  11. definatly different and interesting
  12. http://rollinlow.net/vagisil.gif
  13. I was beside you on Bethel and Sawmill road yesterday at about 7:00 pm. We were in my gf's black isuzu rodeo
  14. New Albany's sucked ass. Come on Wexner, get your ass in gear and get us some good fireworks!!
  15. Like OMGS you're so cool!!
  16. LJ

    Pocket Bikes

    the ones that look like little crotch rockets? Autozone in Westervill ehas them.
  17. Lease option is a good deal. If you put the word out to some bigger coprorations, you can get the place rented pretty fast. We used to have over 75 houses in Marnier's Cove and Highland Lakes here in Westerville that went like hot cakes. We leased to a lot of Wendy's exec's. People moving around in jobs is your best bet to get the house leased out, esp with the buy option. If ya need any advice let me know, my dad has been doing this stuff for over 30 years.
  18. Beware. V8's have been the target of choice for car theives in the past 3 days. One of our tenants had his old peice of shit stolen today. We were wondering why somoene would steal a 1970 POS, then he told us it had a 383 in it. When I was talking to a cop that showed up to take his report, he told me that in the past 3 days in the area lots of Caprices and Camaro's had been stolen, all of which have a V8 in them. So if you live in the Northland area, and have a car with a V8, be on the lookout.
  19. Moore doesn't give the whole story. THat is what is wrong with his movies. He has an opinion about something (most likely very skewed one way or another) and finds things that make his opinion look right, while leaving out EVERYTHING else. Shame on anyone that looks at this film as more than just an "entertainment movie" Moore's film's are wrongly labeled at documentaries.
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