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Everything posted by kshymkiw83
You are entitled to believe it. He is innocent until proven guilty though. What is lacking is 1-2 minutes worth of crucial information, that no one has. It is a lose-lose scenario for everyone involved.
The past that he has Tutored Minorities, free of charge on his own time? His black neighbor who has been his friend for 6 years. If you want to play that game, Martin brought on the suspicion to himself, by running. While he has every right to run, he has to be aware how that will be perceived by someone else. As I stated previously. I would have simply walked up to the person if they asked to speak to me, and told them what I was doing there.
It would, if Zimmerman approached him in a Violent Manner, and physically threatened him. Which from all accounts, it sounds like he didn't. It sounds like Zimmerman walked away like he was told to do. Which if Zimmerman is retreating, Martin can't possibly fear for his life.
All of those require multiple encounters. You can't simply intimidate/harass/stalk based on a single encounter. He wasn't bein a Vigilante, he was being Vigilant. Being watchful vs carrying out punishment on someone are two completely different things.
Perfect. Being a "vigilante" isn't against the law. Protecting your neighborhood by patrolling it, isn't against the law. Confronting someone about what they are doing in said neighborhood, isn't against the law. Zimmerman broke no laws, was doing nothing illegal, and had the right to defend himself, if in fact he was attacked by Martin, which witnesses are corroborating he was. What this boils down to is the One Minute that no one saw. Which is "Who threw the first punch". Until that is known, both sides of the argument are null. If Zimmerma threw the first punch, he can't honestly fear for his life. If Martin threw the first punch, Zimmerman did nothing wrong. In Theory this is how it is reported, that One Minute lapse went down:
Okay, he did. Now say, the cops say "stop chasing him" and you do and turn around and walk away. Now say said person comes up from behind you and pucnhes you in the face, then slams your head into the sidewalk....what would you do?
I gave the link to the Orland Sentinel Paper, in which it was published. Again: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-03-26/news/os-trayvon-martin-zimmerman-account-20120326_1_miami-schools-punch-unarmed-black-teenager From the article as well:
If you saw someone you suspected of breaking into homes in your neighborhood, and when you asked if yo ucould talk to them, and they took off and ran, what would you think?
From what I heard, and read in the Orlando Sentinel, which has corroborated with 2 or more Independent witnesses, Zimmerman had turned his back to Martin, Martin then came up from behind him and instigated physical contact with him. Broke his nose, and started slamming his head on the cement. That would mean Zimmerman would be fearful for his life, and use deadly force, which is allowed. He doesn't legally have to try to retreat. You should read the new notes: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-03-26/news/os-trayvon-martin-zimmerman-account-20120326_1_miami-schools-punch-unarmed-black-teenager **EDIT** You are right I would be on the defensive. If said guy who was following me asked me to come over and talk to him, I would go talk to him. If he pulled a gun on me or started attacking me physically, then I would either pull my weapon, or confront him in a physical manner. Zimmerman had every right to follow this kid, etc...
Actually it does. Florida has a Stand Your Ground law: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0700-0799/0776/Sections/0776.013.html Section 3: So as long as he has the right to be there, he has the right to stand his ground, which he did. If my head was being slammed into the concrete repeatedly, I would say that could cause great bodily harm. And also: http://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2011/Chapter0776/All Once again, he was not doing anything illegal, following someone in public is not illegal. If he was attacked, and feared for his life....he can use deadly force. End of story.
Because his story is being coroborated by 2 or more independent witnesses.
Uganda PM Amama Mbabazi, responds to the Kony 2012 video: Essentially says This isn't the current conditions of Uganda, and says Kony isn't in Uganda anymore. Also he sent Tweets out to the dumb celebs who were so over concerned: http://ll-media.tmz.com/2012/03/17/0317-uganda-twitter.jpg
Nome will make anyone go crazy. Isolated place, no roads to the outside world. *edit* Props on finding some flakes of gold. Takes a lot of work to find gold, and often the payout is very small. Sluicing would be a good way to go, but it will end up costing you some money to run. I hope you find something worth while. Maybe you can find a couple of nuggets/pickers. You see a lot of Gold Nugget jewelry up here in AK.
What do you think prospecting is? IT is a random field somewhere, that you may or may not find gold on. I can get you in the moutains, on a stream/creek etc... If you want to make money, you have to spend money. If you buy a piece of land where drilling has been done and the soil tested, you are going to be paying tens of thousands of dollars for the rights to use that land. That is actually a business up here, people buy land, drill it, and if they find gold they sell the rights to let someone mine it, for an absurd amount, 20-40% of your gold. The offer stands, if you want a piece of land, that you could use to look for gold, or even use as a getaway, let me know.
Not kidding. I can buy you land on the cheap, and let you dig all you want on it. I will only ask for 20% of your takings.
Fly up to Alaska, and I can show you where to go. We can get you a 10 acre plot of land, and you can dig on it all you want.
You think they are bad, try hitting a moose. car traveling at a high rate of speed, met 2,000 lb Moose
Forgot to tell you to hit up Slymans http://www.slymans.com/ If you are into deli sandwhiches.
He said take down an Elk, not take down an Elk from 2 miles. I forgot about 300 WinMag, another good round. .338 WinMag won't fly as far as a Lupua, but a lot of the guy up here use it to 'one shot' larger Moose.
.308 is another fun round to shot. You can get into a .308 for pretty cheap, and you will be able to take Elk down fairly easily.
Depends on the aircraft. Small planes Cesna Size aren't bad at all. Larger planes get annoying. I live 300 feet from an airfield, and the small planes don't bother me one bit. The Helicopters can get annoying when they land, but small single engine planes, doesn't bother me.
Looking at your map, I don't think there is much in that circle that is very nice. Maybe closer down towards 233 and 119. That area they call Sunny Acres. You are also distancing yourself from your family in Dayton, by moving the the SE Side of the city.
Not trying to be a dick, but what happens if he takes a new job? You just pack up and move again? What I found when looking around Columbus, you can't have your cake and eat it too. If Groveport was your area you wanted to be within 10 minutes to, I would look north of Cicrlville. You will find homes with acreage, which generally means no HOA. You will also be away from some of the shit that is Groveport. Places that come to mind, South Bloomfield, Ashville, Lithopolis. Personally I would make an extra bit of drive, and move Southeast of Lancaster. You can find some really good deals on Land/Houses out there. Your drive may be 30 minutes or so, but that isn't bad at all. For perspective, when we moved up here to Alaska, we could have lived in Anchorage, and been real close, but we didn't want to live in the city. I commute 35 miles a day, which takes about 40 minutes to drive.
Yes it is, and it is working for me right now. http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/kygunco.com