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Everything posted by supldys

  1. I like stern too, I just like O&A a lot better
  2. opie and anthony is definitely better than stern. I already hated "the rock" because now we don't have a station that plays new rock in columbus, just another classic rock station. If it was good classic rock I wouldn't mind, but all they play is nirvana and guns and roses ALL DAY. Now they put on shitty bob and tom...99.7 is no longer on my presets
  3. doesnt olympic bar just mean 2" ends instead of the little 1 inchers?
  4. Lewis black and pablo francisco
  5. http://content.ytmnd.com/content/6/5/f/65f4a1ec5a001a02396ac2d1baa8e31a.jpg
  6. http://www.daytondailynews.com/o/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/ohiopolitics/entries/2008/12/18/caffeinated_booze_drinks_being.html The only one I like is Sparks, but damn, thats a little harsh. Whats next? Banning of energy drinks because some idiot kids drink 4-5 a day because their parents don't care. Or prohibition, because...well why not try it again? I like my alcohol and I like my energy drinks, keep your hands out of em
  7. I read they're getting rid of the "coffee" shops and other things that you go to amsterdam for because its legal...kinda. The reason? Crime, who woulda thunk it.
  8. I guarantee some rep from RI switched a vote so that his polar bear exhibit would get on a spending bill somewhere. Earmarks are around to convince people to go mavericky. "You vote with us on this one, and our committee will make sure your community gets something later" And nobody in congress actually complains because they want that earmark to be for their district, to get them re-elected. If the RI zoo gets their polar bear exhibit, the 10 people that live there will be so excited they'll re-elect him for sure. SO I bet thismainstreet plan is the culmination of all the earmarks of the people they had to get to switch votes to get the bailout passed, it probably took a lot.
  9. Maybe dinosaurs weren't in the bible, because they couldn't write. I mean I don't think when God spoke to moses he was like "Here's the 10 commandments,and oh yeah, make sure to tell them about dinosaurs."
  10. I said poor kid too, until the ShopRite manager said the dad has tried to get swastika's on the cake before too, so its not really just a name to him.
  11. because its easy to live a good life when everything is handed to you. The test is whether you can still live a good life having to work for everything. Sometimes God lends a hand, and sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes people deserve help, and sometimes they dont
  12. For being so anti-religion anti-christian, you sure do bring it up a lot. Werent you the one that complained about Christians always trying to push their faith down your throat?
  13. Whered you get yours from? and was it tough to put in? I used to mod ps1's all day long for friends, but those were only $40 or $50, Wiis are a little more and I'd hate to have a voided warranty and break it at the same itme
  14. I tried to back up one of my games, apparently you have to have a certain DVD drive to read your wii discs, some kind of LG. Just a heads up
  15. I have to totally disagree with you on this. I didn't read any other post in this thread so I have no context but why should the bartender be guilty of anything? They can offer to call cabs,but ultimately can they stop the drinker from going to his car? I dont think they can take the persons keys (especially if its the 300lb guy), so they can call the cops but how long does that take? Saying the bartender is guilty of selling a drink in a bar is saying a geek at best buy is guilty of selling a computer to a pedophile. Or a gun shop owner is guilty of selling a gun to a guy who goes out and shoots someone. Yes they all have their requirements to check (ID,Credit,Background, whatever) but it is always the customers responsibility to use the item correctly and within the law. Now this all changes if the bartender sells the guy 10 beers and hands him his keys and says your ok to drive, get out of my bar. But I dont think thats what you're talking about.
  16. That was my exact point, how can you say we play nobody when they play the exact same teams as us. And the reason USC games go high up is because Tressel has something Carroll and Meyer don't have, class. Yeah they may be nice guys, but I've seen them go for it on 4th and 2 in the 4th quarter with 2 mintues left and a 48pt lead. Tressel doesn't do that, we had 4 TDs on Troy, we won, lets just end the game.
  17. She thought she found the man of her life at a bar? I wouldn't say she deserved it, but...
  18. not sure if you know this or not, but USC plays in the pac-10. And there is no conference championship in the pac10 because they all play eachother. If washington and washington state aren't nobodies, then well...I dont know...you need to stop watching espn. I won't even bring up the citadels, troys, and UL-monroes that the SEC uses to pad their schedules every year. Everyone schedules nobodies, its called the BCS and wins matter
  19. I always thought baggy pants went back to slavery days so that they couldn't run. Dont mean it in a racist way, but a historically not-me racist way.
  20. Thats what walls are for, you just get behind it. And I doubt thered be glass from a rally car, I doubt anything except the bumper came off that car
  21. I think it'll be a good matchup, hopefully the bucks are already practicing because it is still a long ass time until that game OSU 31...24 Texas
  22. "I won't even watch the game if the gators are left out" what an asshat. worst commentators ever At least this game was pretty even. I'm getting sick of 1v3 or 3v5 or whatever games that are supposed to be amazing, and it ends up being total blowouts
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