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Everything posted by supldys

  1. The south, but with really high midland. Probably form working are advance auto all those years
  2. I remember last week leaving the OU game saying, wow they played pretty bad for a team with amazing talent. And then bam, John Cooper comes rushing out of the stadium with an all-access pass around his neck...and I though to myself "yeah, kinda like when he coached, hope he wasn't calling any plays today" Then i read this http://www.starbeacon.com/localsports/local_story_256031815.html John Cooper and Earle Bruce went with the team to LA. Now earle bruce actually won games, but Cooper...theres a reason he's not coaching the team anymore. I think the bucks should get a restraining order on him, something's fishy
  3. I dont think anyone's said it, but 5.25" floppy's. I used to play seven cities of gold all the time. We use to have like foot long disks too, the drive was seriously bigger than the monitor...and held like 128kb Comic books, man I had a shitload of comic books And dragon warrior, best game ever I remember being popeye for halloween in kindergarten, and actually being allowed to take a pipe to school and nobody saying a fucking thing. God I miss the little stuff that people flip the fuck out about now. Like trans fats and lead paint...
  4. ...That aren't inflated all to hell In 20 minutes all the floor seats sold out and the cheapest I can find are going for $170ea. So anyody got something less than that? need 2
  5. You know I'd rather have a coach that chokes in big games then in little games. The bucks have one regular season loss in two years, and has gone to the NC game both of them, and now we have one close game to OU and everyone talks shit. USC was supposed to have a title run the past two years and choke to the powerhouses of UCLA, stanford, oregon st? When we lose to minnesota, then you can say carroll outcoaches Tressel I dont know why Tressel would say beanie is definitely out, not playing in this game completely ruins his run at the heisman and does really hurt our offense. At least put him there in pads and make USC think he might come in. This game is definitely going to be a defensive battle
  6. geez no love for the silver hawks? or the go-bots? anyone remember beakman's world? He kicked Bill nye's ass. I remember going to the old 2-screen theater off henderson rd where sears is now and playing some arcade game like Conan or something.
  7. just to add, I wouldn't mind selling this quick, so i'll consider any offers
  8. supldys

    Free Dog

    If none of these other guys take him, my saint could always use a friend
  9. Giving this another shot to sell after getting my last credit card statement and now definitely dont want to try and finish it (wedding and honeymoon, aah) 1990 geo storm race car best time: 10.04 best mph: 140 http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=534611 http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=534612 http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=534614 Its a rolling chassis but with a lot of extras. $750 for it, but that does not include any of the aftermarket go-fast parts. Those are extra. However it does include the chassis, roll cage, seat w/ harness, modified auto tranny and o-ringed bottom end (Both of which were in during those best times), mildly ported head installed, rear on/off switch, lexan windows, traction bars, exhaust manifold for T4 turbo, fuel cell, aluminum dash, and tons of spare parts that are in my garage. I'm sure theres some other things i'm missing so just call (614-588-5892) or PM if interested and you can come check it out. Must have your own trailer Jono
  10. so is there a creationism edition?
  11. I hit 25 last feb, its not so bad And vanilla ice still kicks ass, i met him at mcfaddens a couple months ago
  12. I saw a B OBAMA the other day...wouldn't a $5 bumper sticker be enough?
  13. The TU-93 bear is the loudest aircraft in the world, the propellers actually break the sound barrier as they spin. I still think its funny that the cabin still has wood in it
  14. No,georgia was part of the soviet union, it was not part of Russia. Unlss you go back to the time ofthe Russian Empire, but that makes Georgia as much a part of Russia as spain belonging to the romans. As for the S. Ossetians wanting to be free, thats fine, but what happened when the confederacy wanted to be free? The union army came in and said you're going to have to fight for it. The confederacy didn't turn around and run to Russia for help. Georgia has a right to maintain their own borders, and they shouldn't have to fight a foreign nation to do it. If the S Ossestians really wanted to be russians, they could just move to russia with the free passports Russia was handing out.
  15. well one, cartoonists should stick to cartoons. two, the cold war never ended and we apparently made the mistake of helping our enemy when they were at their lowest, it just got them back into it faster instead of making them like us anymore. This article compares a lot of things that were completely different than what is happening in Georgia, and they don't make sense.
  16. On the gulf side I really only know tampa down to naples. I've been to panama city beach, but from Georgia I'm sure thats a pretty far drive.
  17. You know that violates the ucmj right...
  18. Great song, I haven't heard a metallica song yet I didnt like, can't wait until Sept 12th and Nov 9th
  19. who cares about getting through the line faster, everyone will get reemed in the A for anything you need to buy after you get through. I swear the liquid rules are just a scam to get you to pay $3 for a botte of water.
  20. I didnt see it above, but what kind of laptop did you get? Word from a quality control manager in china is a lot of laptops are being built lately with viruses because the images they used came from an infected computer. But because its china, and for some reason people keep buying stuff built there, it doesn't get fixed because they don't care.
  21. NATO yes, UN no. Russia = security council, and so nothing will ever happen there, especially if China sticks by them
  22. Its really nothing like the gulf war. Kuwait did not threaten Iraq in any fashion, and we left as soon as Iraq was out of kuwait. Even though I agree saddam should have been put on an international court at that time, not a decade later. but saashkasvali (sp?) isnt a freakin nut job like Saddam was. True georgia did use force, but are you not allowed to control the land within your borders? When the confederacy seperated and declared themselves independent, should the union really have stepped back and done nothing? therefore georgia has the right to step in and put order in S Ossetia. Now the problem lies in Russia's response, they claim it was aggression against the ethnic russians. Nobody would have a problem with them sending in peaccekeepers to stop the violence and pull the georgian president to the table for talks. BUT they continued to push into the state, despite agreeing to a cease-fire. Say we gave the entire city of toronto US passports, just for the hell of it, then when canada tried to enforce their laws on those people we stepped in and took over canada. Plain and simple reason, medvedev is a nobody, and he's really short. He's trying to show his strength so that his country will follow him like they followed putin. If we let them take over georgia, ukraine is next.
  23. US Coast Guard = Dept. of Homeland security...right, they don't do anything I just hope if we do go to war, they wait until I get some bombs under my belly first. If you ask me we've been in a new cold war for awhile now, or it never really ended despite the collapse. Georgia has been trying to get protection from Russia for years, thats why they helped us in Iraq, they knew this was going to happen. (Search georgian UAV shot down on youtube) The problem is georgia is not part of NATO, mostly because of the problems in Ossetia, so they're not guaranteed any protection. Well the UN would send help if Russia really does perform an act of naked aggression. However Russia is on the security council, that means no authorized "peacekeeping" without NATO, and no sanctions. Russia will pretty much do what they want for awhile
  24. True, but most of that is taxes, and because their taxes are so high they get a bit more from it. So by paying $10 a gal they get free health care and shit, bt I think thats a terrible way to do it
  25. being a die hard iron man fan...I'd kill to have that suit
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