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Everything posted by supldys

  1. Why the hell not? I was born in pittsburgh, all my family lives there so I've been a pittsburgh fan all my life. But I've lived in columbus most of my life and go to OSU, so I've always been a Buckeye fan. Its not like they play eachother, its not like Im saying i like the bengals or browns and like the steelers, now thats impossible. Ugh, I hate the F-ing bengals. I hate when everybody rags on the buckeyes, and fans call them stupid, but as soon as they start liking the buckeyes, they're fair-weather band-wagon assholes. And I do say "we" and "us", I go to OSU and have given them plenty of tuition to consider myself part of the the "team"
  2. This is what I hope to be flying one day, but luckily I wont have to pay for it http://www.newlaunches.com/entry_images/0508/08/b2-bomber.jpg Austin, I haven't heard anything about the javelin replacing the T-38s, especially since we're still trying to pay for F-22s, F-35s, the new tankers, and bought a bunch of new T-6s a couple years ago. Where'd you hear that from?
  3. I've been saying the same thing. Made in America doesn't mean shit anymore, everyone just wants to be middlemen and not do any real work. I remember when people wouldn't buy "Made in East Asia" garbage unless they wanted something really cheap they could just throw away. Now even premium companies are making everything there just to save a buck...So I've stopped buying it. (Or tried at least) And oil is just going to keep going up. Unless we start drilling here, and keeping it here. Cut ourselves off completely from foreign oil, let the other countries deal with the impending OPEC crisis
  4. Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls....Biggie Smalls
  5. hey happy birthday chris, make it a good one
  6. They didn't even arrest him, just gave him a written warning...should have just shot him
  7. Just saw one on 71S the morning by polaris, orange of course, but still looked really good so I snapped a quick pic on my phone. haha of course the guy driving had a matching orange shirt...loser
  8. I only had bad experiences with AD farrow, I did some work myself and the parts guys were really helpful but anytime I took the bike in for service theyd charge me too much and not even fix it, Id never recommend farrows to anyone
  9. If its the same dealer I'm thinking of, i went there and then didn't have any Buell stuff, only harley. Just off of the plain city exit. I mean it might have changed but they werent even thinking of carrying Buell when I was in there
  10. I had an XB9R for awhile, freakin loved that bike. and yes it definitely needed a 6th gear. I sold it about 2 years ago though, once I get a steady pay check I might pick another one up
  11. русский Russkie oh and a little english, ha
  12. I take my saint out to Big Walnut all the time. Its on the east side,livingston ave, but its a huge park with a place for them to swim too. Theres usually a lot of people there, and I've never had a bad experience.
  13. congrats kenny. I'm on the 5 year plan, well more like 7 if you count the few years I took off, so I got one more year
  14. South Park explains is pretty well, check out their episode about it
  15. just looks like a big dead crushed centipede
  16. pew pew? I'm sure gonna miss bang bang http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/abl/images/abl_AC_unstow_NO_F16_375x300.jpg http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/PhotozOnline/ABL_IRSS_Two.jpg
  17. Ive got a wireless+4port, but the wireless stopped working, $5 if you want to try and get it working again. Jono
  18. I said all he has to do is open his eyes and the shopkeep will see those creepy messed up things and just throw some sunglasses at him. I dont think thats a fail
  19. Theres more games coming out this summer than I have money for. But this and ncaa 09 I HAVE to get. Ayone play the multiplayer yet? just wondering what its like
  20. Its all coming together http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23959035/?GT1=43001 "I invite you to dinner tonight...at taco bell"
  21. I'm getting married this summer I dont know which base im going to yet for UPT, I do the dreamsheet in 2 weeks, but I probably wont find out until late summer. I hear vance has one of the best towns near the base, good for family's. Whiting field is mostly navy, so they leave us air force guys alone most of the time which is nice. Moody is no longer a UPTbase which is a bummer. Laughlin, dont really know much about it. and columbus, which I hear is in the middle of nowhere mississippi with nasty humidity (which I dont think my st. bernard will love too much) Howd you like it?
  22. No way no how. haha I haven't heard the stoned goat in a long time. Yeah the B1's are incredible, much better then the old cramped buff's
  23. Yup, the T-6 Texan, everybody calls it a little sportscar because its so small but can do like 400mph. I want to go fighter/bobmer and eventually go the B1/B2 track. But we'll see, I would really love fighters but I gotta convince the wife. haha and Im not a hermit, I'm just still driving in my sister's little weak mazda because im broke.
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