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Everything posted by supldys

  1. The results of this years pilot board finally came out on Thursday, and I was one of the lucky ones. A lot goes into getting picked, like your grades, physical fitness test, commander's ranking, ranking at field training, etc. But I came out on top. So in a year when I finally finish school I'm heading out to the United States Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training. To fly one of these bad boys: http://www.militaryfactory.com/aircraft/imgs/t6two.jpg
  2. Well i remember hearing about it in high school on the 14th...that ws like 2000ish Oh well, two days is fine with me
  3. How do you not play anymore, I can't stop playing this freakin game
  4. supldys

    Indoor paint ball

    what was that place that you used to have it but just ended up hosting raves every other night instead? was over at graceland I think, a long time ago
  5. I haven't been to the dentist in awhile, like 5 years, I hate dentists. The last two times I've gone all it has caused me is pain for weeks, and recurring pain ever since. I know I need to go, especially since I shattered a wisdom tooth...but I still wont go. But I think that tumor you talked about may convince to finally give them a call
  6. are these 1st or 2nd gen?
  7. supldys

    The Real Obama

    Its at least nicer than the email I got that claimed he was a radical muslim and was going to destroy our government from the inside. But I wasn't going to vote for him anyways
  8. supldys

    Found Dog

    Thats why I would rather find someone to take her if the owner dosen't claim her. But I have been putting her info everywhere and haven't gotten a thing from any potential owners. If I don't hear anything tomorrow I'll be looking for a good home for those who are interested. She's a really cool dog, but my St Bernard is already plenty of dog for my house
  9. supldys

    Found Dog

    Already posted on craigslist, and the pets911 and petfbi websites. No chip, tried two different scanners. it doesn't look like she's ever worn a collar, nails look a little on the long side but pretty normal.
  10. supldys

    Found Dog

    Found this dog running around carriage place near the sawmill road rec center yesterday. Just putting this up to see if it is anyones, or if you know who's it is. Small black and brown, female, beagle mix. No collar. http://www.petfbi.org/database/images/downloads/pic7244.jpg
  11. and they wonder why the housing market sucks. people don't buy crap...at least I hope not
  12. i couldn't find any definites, so last weekend I just bought one. Of course my deciding factor was the 5 free movies, but thats over now. If they are coming out with a new it probably won't come out until the summer or even next christmas
  13. supldys

    cod4 for ps3

    just picked it up last night. RegularStormy add me ,lets get some good games going
  14. My new PS3 has the wifi built in, hellz yeah
  15. haha i just want to know what that guy in the white van is doing on the wrong side of the road
  16. I dont know if anyone mentioned it, but the Barnstormer at OSU airport. It was closed down for awhile but just came back this past summer. Little place owned by a grandma (I think grandpa died )
  17. supldys

    Hike-In Camping?

    I usually go to Zaleski down near athens, the full loop is like 25 miles I believe. I did it two years ago in January (Freakin cold) but was fun. But you can divide it up into smaller loops which I do more often, especially when I have the girl or the dog
  18. It is only one state. I checked some national polls and giuliani is still on top, and Paul still has about 4%. Was Paul even campaigning in Iowa?
  19. Again Army is way behind the Air Force, even in ROTC videos. The fresno state detachment did this way before
  20. That was probably my favorite part. It was a terrible movie and horribly stupid, but yet I laughed constantly and still say all the one-liners. so i guess it was actually pretty good
  21. You're all making baby jesus cry.
  22. Yup just came out this week, just watched it. really good movie, I did't like the ending though
  23. Yes, Crank is amazing. I dragged my girlfriend out at midnight to see it opening day,and there were maybe 5 other people in the theater. But it was worth it. Ever since transporter I've liked every movie Jason Statham is in.
  24. Anybody else think its crap we're practicing in a saints "facility" or outside at Tulane when its not below freezing out. Yet LSU is practicing in the superdome, on the field where the championship is played?
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