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Everything posted by excell

  1. That's all I get? How informational, where's the emotion? The excitement? Fuck you Paul!
  2. I wanna go skiing either Friday the 5th or Saturday the 6th. In terms of people and snow restocking, what day and shift should I do? If I go Friday it would be the PM/Extreme or possibly midnight. Saturday could be anytime; early, late, whatever. Anyone interested in coming along and seeing if I remember how after 6 years and 100lbs lighter? I used to rent at St. Moritz on Riverside, should I just rent at MRM? I'd also have room in the truck for two people if you wanted to meet up.
  4. It's been around in various forms since Win95. In some x64 cases it can cause instability, appears to be stable on most Win7 x64.
  5. ++++ Indeed. It's fucking snow, not even a lot of snow. 12", now there's a decent amount of snow.
  6. Good looking car! Configuration and performance sound good too, though wish it was a native RWD platform with this option rather than the Epsilon II, but it's a giant leap forward in the right direction.
  7. Because, you know, a horse has a lot to do with a snake.
  8. Oh, hi, you upgradeded a Cobra!
  9. I'm a member downtown. Having been a member at other gyms, the Y can be a little... special. More like the locker room/facilities at a great high school or college than a modern day "gym", which is fine for me because I could give a fuck about extra frills and flat screen TV's. I want to work out. There are TV's. Good enough. They usually have a lot of great fitness classes included in the membership fee or more advanced (like swimming lessons) for a small fee. We like it, we're supporting a good cause.
  10. You're fine, clay. If he were a gigantic business with lots of money, there could be a case there but if he was he would have already bought it. As long as you don't disparage his site or brand, should be a-okay.
  11. Yea, Cincinnati is kinda loser town right now...
  12. We watched this last night and it was worth every minute. Thanks Eli. The takeaway here is that all sugar should be consumed in moderation, which includes looking at basically everything you buy. HFCS, "sugar" (sucrose), and especially "fructose" which I've seen added in place of sugar and/or HFCS - especially in "diet" yogurt - are being added to almost everything we eat. It's not just limited to cutting out soda or fruit juice; in an effort to remove the fat from our food, it was replaced with carbs which taste bad, so sugar is added to offset the taste of carbs. Now you have every condiment, most packaged foods, heck even meat loaded with or treated with a sugar product. That's what he's saying - it's not a question of HFCS versus sugar, it's a question of EVERYTHING WE EAT being loaded with almost ANY KIND of sugar. We're simply eating too much sugar. Add in a few other digestion-specific scientific issues, such as the negative effects on how sugar is metabolized in the presence of carbs, a lack of fiber which is natures natural check against negative digestion of sugar, and we're exacerbating the problem.
  13. I take it back, we should be watching TCU (or Texas...) versus Florida. Cincinnati should be lucky to play Boise.
  14. Really? I didn't know they did that, pretty cool. Thanks.
  15. Awesome Ken, glad I could provide a useful recommendation. I agree that Doug's sales style is a little brash when discussing his competition, but I think in security systems you kinda have to be because the average homeowner isn't as educated as we are. Nevertheless, it's not exactly classy to lambaste your competitors - his product should and does speak for itself. :nod:
  16. Excellent! Thanks Eli. We'll watch this later today.
  17. Yep, would be sweet. Queue red '82 GT, pounding pavement. White '94 GT rolls in from the left, busting ass on the '82. Racing in from the right is the blue '89 LX convertible, holding ground with the other two. Roaring in fast from behind, the black '11 5.0, music uptempo as it passes all three to take the lead, all four now blistering across screen - end with Ford oval.
  18. Bringing back the "5.0" is enough nearly by itself to make me want one. Good marketing and development by Ford. Had my red '88, perhaps I'll have a red '12.
  19. Yep, in the end it is just stuff. The inability to have comfort in our homes is tragic, and I *hate* that I chose to have a security system installed - but if it's enough to deter a criminal or worse give me a few seconds lead time against them it's worth it. One of those risk mitigation efforts I may never realize or understand the true value of, at least I hope I don't.
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