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Everything posted by excell

  1. I agree, killers do win football. But you have to balance killer with lawyer. Unfortunately Tressel is a little more lawyer than I think it takes to really win on a national level - but he's the perfect Big 10 coach. Like it or not that is what matters the most to the most; the school, boosters, and yes many fans.
  2. Absolutely correct, except the entire thing was worded more like a crybaby pity party and it's really too bad it was deleted after Ben was re-promoted as a mod so he couldn't read it. Absolutely incorrect, you demanded to be removed as a mod well before I punished you for bringing a year old and locked thread to the top for no good reason. I didn't treat you any differently than I would have treated any member.
  3. You show me one ounce of proof where I ever favored one sponsor over another, or hell even got involved in sponsorship e-battles. If you're trying to bitch about admins and sponsorship preference all you're doing is unjustly throwing shit on Anthony who was simply trying to keep peace, check your facts. Anyone who knows me understands very clearly where I stand on sponsorship issues and why I'm so staunchly level in the treatment of sponsors. You don't, so keep lying your ass off. I've been hands-off in the management of this place for years. My capacity is to host it and provide support to Anthony. I'm also not going to deny my conduct from 10 years ago when I was 17 and your key phrase "anyone on here before the last few years" because I'll be the first to admit I mellowed out as I've matured and gotten older. So sue me for being an immature teenager. What the fuck is your excuse? You strut the fuck around here and abuse the power Anthony has given you, and I've had to tell you several times to chill the fuck out in the moderator section AND had to ask Anthony to speak with you about your conduct. So who's the fucking hypocrite? I and CR doesn't owe you shit for your service, and I'm not going to have anyone walk around here on eggshells because we might piss off the mighty volunteer Ben who thinks we owe him something. There are far more people who have done more and care more for CR than you ever have, and your volunteer assistance is NOT a golden ticket to being a fuckstick to anyone you pass nor is treating you with kid gloves fair to any other volunteer who offers their time and service for the good of CR. If you don't fucking like it, then get the fuck out. Because I sure as fuck could care less about your "service" when I have to deal with the people you upset.
  4. I could see that. Tress: "Those guys are playing to murder you, we're playing to end our season. Don't get killed out there." Mr. Conservative himself?
  5. I didn't call you a troll because you disagreed with me, you fucking troll. I called you a troll because you trolled your fucking troll ass into a reasonable thread and offered nothing of value except a weak-ass trollish jab at OSU. That's why you're a troll. I could give a shit about our opinion disparities as you and I rarely agree on anything. I don't go calling you a troll every time we disagree, you troll. But in this thread you're the definition of troll. I also could give a fuck to bet on anything, except maybe I'll bet that if I pissed you off enough you'd disappear back to Ohio Riders and whine to Casper again until Anthony gives in and sucks your cock to come back here.
  6. It's funny, I was looking at a prospective bowl list this morning and who's missing... hmmm... OHHH it's Michigan for a second year in a row! Now would you look at that. Troll.
  7. Agreed. I don't think they've faced a defense quite like ours, Boise state is close to us for interceptions. I think if our defense shows up we'll have a great shot. :nod:
  8. Oh and I almost forgot, since Oregon thumped USC a win over Oregon could be a referendum on our loss to USC.
  9. I think it'll be a great game, two programs that appear relatively matched though by offensive stats Oregon is better and they had much higher quality losses to Boise St. and to on-fire Stanford (who creamed USC). Excited!
  10. I have an Aetna high deductible (1800) with HSA. In my experience they've covered everything 100% after the $1800. Had a hospital visit three years ago, $9000 and I paid $1300 (had $500 already). Didn't pay another dime.
  11. My vote is video drivers as well. Bad RAM could be a possibility, but bad RAM wouldn't just show itself after a SP - too coincidental. I agree with pulling down BartPE and removing the video driver. As far as anyone turning off SP3 or any other Windows updates, you're fucking yourself out of absolutely critical and necessary updates that help protect you. I've overseen thousands of SP3 upgrades and not one had an issue. Vinny's issue SUCKS, but it's certainly not the rule - it's an exception. Besides, most of you already have SP3 and don't even realize it. It was pushed out over a year ago. Stop being panicky.
  12. Mmmm do want. Must find way to get. Andersons, far away.
  13. Henderson has nothing to regret, he was the right guy at the right time to help GM with a huge weight and bankruptcy. Now he's not the right person anymore - they need a details/focus guy like Mulally was/is for Ford. I always laugh when I think of a comment Wagoner made at the start of the crisis about when Mulally took over at Ford, something to the tune of "he called me for weeks asking for advice" and how a non car-guy in the CEO role is a disaster - who's laughing now Wagoner?
  14. For what it's worth, the more complex a law, the more it can be argued. And Brian you still should be ashamed of yourself for hanging anything on that girl. If it was your mother/sister/whatever you'd be all fucking over this.
  15. How about her life which was already completely destroyed through pain and suffering incredibly unimaginable. Listen, I'm not a fan of a lot of the wording and intent of the bill, but this statement about Monica is disgusting.
  16. What kind of issues? Lots of other TB folks have done mail order tunes with no EBCM work and no ill effects.
  17. Apparently, my texting was broke because I didn't get it. But I'm not hip to just calling anyone out of the blue, does he ever read here?
  18. I know this is a rudimentary question, but it's just not taking on my Trailblazer. Check out the thread I made on HPT: http://www.hptuners.com/forum/showthread.php?p=196465 Anyone know what the heck I'm doing wrong?
  19. Absolutely. Good beer selection too.
  20. 71 to/from Northeast Ohio sucks on holidays. Correction, used to suck until I figured out 10 minute routes around the dreaded 3-2 merges that back up for 10 miles. Now, not so bad.
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