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Everything posted by RangerTurbo

  1. I made it to 13 and had to quit, that big effing ball was pissing me off.
  2. This is all assuming that if everyone in the room, or even half of them, were armed, that no one would pull their gun and fire back before you could take out more than one or two people. You're not going to one-shot-one-kill every person in there before someone else pops you. You see what you did there, right? If you see no need to carry, why are you so worried about if the criminals carry? You see no need, right? Besides, if Honest people CC'd, and it was known that a vast majority did. How's this make the bad guy more dangrous to you? If the guy is going to try to pop 1 person, regardless if they are armed or not, then it's not the criminal that gets more dangerous for you, but you that make the situation more dangerous because you "felt no need" to carry.
  3. Thorne, can I play? You'll have to be able to do 600mph though to be able to keep up on that day.
  4. EDITED: I see what you mean now. Disregard the rest. I was confusing maxHP and maxTQ with what takes place at 5252. But, If there are two different Yscales, it's going to affect where the physical location of the "cross" point on the graph will be. Now, knowing that, the Xscale will shift, and scale itself to show 5252 directly below the cross point, no? You say that at 5252rpm, the car makes 600HP/600TQ. That doesn't seem logical. That would mean every car every dynoed would be 600/600, or 500/500, or 601/601 when it crossed at 5252rpm. That simply isn't what happens though. I'm just trying to understand the graph is all.
  5. Perfectly acceptable. I'd + rep you Jones, but you still drive an overpriced Passat, and I drive a gay Ranger. LOL.
  6. I thought, especially in America's falling economy, that Bugatti was taking a hit on the cost of the Veyron. Why would they be inclined to take a hit in the wallet to finance a second Veyron if the first purchaser was to lose their first? Unless of course 'a lot' doesn't mean necessarily Bugatti.
  7. Nate, I still love you man, but please indulge me here for a couple thoughts. More paperwork. Please explain how more paper work will stop or slow down crime involving guns? Criminals, by definition don't follow laws. They will still illegally obtain guns to commit crimes with. I also know of a 'few' full auto rifles that weren't bought. It's actually quite simple to obtain them, if you can channel the right sources. Do I own them? Fuck no, I'm not that stupid. ClassIII weapons and crime. You are correlating cutting crime with cutting production of regular long guns and hand guns because that "seemed" to have worked for ClassIII weapons. Here's the thing though. Cutting or eliminating the production of ClassIII or even modern day "assualt" weapons will do nothing. Before the 1994 AWB, I can't recall any time where "assault" weapons were used to commit mass crime/murders. During the AWB, crime didn't go down because of the ban, crime nationally was on a downward trend already. After the AWB sunset, crime didn't sky rocket, in fact, it stayed steady and dipped a couple times still. The only high profile crime to use Assault weapons AFAIK was the L.A. Bank shoot out, where the only two deaths, were those of the bank robbers. Which these weapons were acquired during the AWB, ironic really. Now I ask, since stats, facts, and history show those type of guns to not be the problem, then why is some access limited or virtually impossible for the people without "money"? All the high profile crimes in the past 10 years have been done with easily obtainable hand guns, rifles, and shot guns. This is where that "more paperwork" gets us. Im not saying you are advocating the banning of any weapon. However, your solution hasn't ever, nor will it in the future, solve anything. And the main reason is, the people who pass this "paperwork" usually don't know what the hell they are talking about anyhow. I've NEVER seen a civilian use a .50 BMG to take down an airplane. Or tanker cars, or gas stations. I could go on and on, but the simple fact is, it's not so simple to impose what you suggest. Criminals will always obtain what is illegal. That's their definition in society.
  8. Wouldn't the X scale "move" in relation to the Y scales then? Shouldn't the X scale 5252 move along with where HP/TQ cross, no matter how the Y scales are scaled? That's what I meant by X scale shouldn't be affected, as that point should move in relation to where it crosses, no matter what the Yscales.
  9. The Y scales aren't going to make a difference of where the 5252 on the X scale falls. I think that was Thornes point. The HP and TQ lines, regardless of their scale, don't cross on the X scale (RPM) at the correct spot.
  10. Nate, that's just the thing. If they were illegally having these weapons, nothing could have been done to stop that then to begin with. No law, no ordinance, no sign, nothing. All of those places were ironically "gun free" zones. Yet they did nothing for the victims other then secure their inability to defend themselves. I think that I approached your angle? It's hard to tell what you really meant, this thread has looked at many different angles of guns, violence using guns etc. The last part of your second thought. I absolutely agree.
  11. How many articles have you seen lately (scope of lately can equal years) of places getting shot up and people dieing because they were unarmed or not willing to defend themselves? The recent Tennessee Church shooting? The church shootings in Colorado within the past year. The Utah Mall shooting? The multiple High school and or College shootings? Not one of these incidents (baring the Mall shooting which was stopped by a CCW person) did any of the victims introduce a gun to provoke the shootings. If you are waiting for a gun wielder to shoot at you before you take them as a threat, you have already lost your battle inside to save yourself. Reactive is no substitute for proactive in these cases.
  12. Depending on type of job, I'd say forgo the cover letter too. But, if its a career starter, then a cover letter is highly recommended. I've worked for two places who wouldn't look at resume without a cover letter.
  13. http://images.mustangmonthly.com/techarticles/mump_0708_03_z+paxton_supercharger_install+NOVI_1500.jpg There you go super_gtp, that's the back side of the SC. You can see how the front compressor resembles a turbo.
  14. Well, at least you recognize that the person uses the gun. And yes you are right, the more or less intended historical use of the gun is to be used as a killing weapon. No doubt about that, but to say every gun is used for the same sole purpose, is a wide stroke of the paint brush.
  15. This logic is skewed, and I'll follow up with another quite silly gun use exaggeration. "the quickest way to get shot, is to pull a gun" is way out there on a limb of real life situations that have a very rare occurance of possibly happening. If A) You pull your gun, because someone else has a gun pulled, at least you are attempting to save your life or give yourself a chance. There is no guarantee that the other guy with the gun will not kill you if you comply and or don't draw down. In fact, this method has lead to many high profile and mass murderings, of late and the past. B) You have your gun pulled first, and still get shot, you suck at this game and should live in a bubble. The whole point is if you are in the situation to legally draw first, then logic and application would state that you fire first, eliminating the threat. My second favorite over dramatization: "If you pull your gun, the bad guy will just take if from you!" Think about how silly that sounds. If it's that easy, then I'll just take it right back. The same lame logic loop applies both ways, to both situations.
  16. The question wasn't meant for a "does it matter" answer, I genuinely wanted to know if anyone had an actual figure. But no, it wouldn't matter really.
  17. Nate, you really surprise me on your view of self defense and life preservation.
  18. I have two hand guns. One is my carry piece. The other is for recreation. Both of them get equal range time. Both could be used for 3 gun matches, target practice, demonstration etc etc. These are relevant as you asked what else they can be used for other than "another purpose for a standard handgun." If you are asking in the context of self defense, then yes, they are used for self defense, and that is only as a last ditch effort. There are roughly 250 million registered cars in America. There are roughly 200 million guns in America (and that is generally accepted as a VERY conservative number). Now, if you're looking at the probability, I'd still take a guess that there are less deaths vs. guns handled as there are to deaths vs. cars driven. Again though, whether its a car, or a gun, it is the person operating such device to be held responsible, not the object at the mercy of said person.
  19. Every gun? I don't think so. There are far more uses for gun's than being used as a weapon. It does not matter what the gun is "made for" (as you put it), it can NOT, nor will it EVER, kill anyone or anything without the input from someone. The gun is inanimate, it can not fire itself, it can not point itself, it has no emotion, no dictation, no self control, and certainly no intent. Only the user does.
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