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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Honolulu? I miss the islands, Kauai and Maui though were my favorites.
  2. Curb appeal lolzzz. Is that kinda like hey wearing jeans with designs on the back pockets...
  3. I agree. This is the most frustrating idea that comes to mind when this team plays down to its opponents.
  4. My farther in law (a Nuclear engineer at Batelle) always loves to take on conversations against wind and solar and he to speaks about the "renewable" form of nuclear energy. Pressure vessels are fascinating.
  5. Nail on the head. We are treading water with wind and solar IMO - Nuclear is the only real cost effective energy solution, the others are nice but they really can not compare at this point from a cost perspective and generating electric.
  6. SO have prices come down on the TDI wagons...Heard I am in the market to help out global warming!
  7. Guy I ride mountain bikes with owns Hatfield Automotive up on 36/37 (just about 1 mile west of the 71 interchange. His name is Jason Hatfield, they fix, sell, do everything Motorhomes campers ect. Good shop if your looking for a place to go.
  8. yeah...I saw where those pipes were at, and having worked on 100 of those cars, it made me wonder...Its tight tight where those are going.
  9. hows the ground clearance on those pipes?
  10. how many mm is the october? I may be too lazy to google...
  11. That is my feeling, sold off a lot at the peak...thinking this greek move was going to play out and drop the market quite a ways...Lets watch the prices fall and sneak back in at "discounted" rates.
  12. Great speeds! Ill see you around at Westerville if it ever stops raining... And sounds advice, slower isn't always easier, with in reason.
  13. meh century rides are easy, key is just hydrate if it is hot and keep food in your belly, if you feel hungry, eat. They have flattened (less elevation gain) this ride out some over the years due to some peoples difficulty in making it the 100 miles...Really though it is not bad, about 30% harder then a marathon in my opinion. Your legs can take it, however TRAINING in advance like Marc is planning is a huge benefit and will help your post ride cellular damage aka PAIN. I dont ride Pelotonia because yes, the amounts to raise are steep and it is becoming a whose who of a donation ride... I may volunteer support and ride 100 miles any way being a volunteer support rider. There are lots of great charity ride, ride to recovery on memorial day in New Albany is awesome, 80 bucks, but you meet and greet with all the veterans, food, stop support, police guides, just a great ride good cause. The funny thing about these rides is they are never a "Race" until you start riding and you look at your speedo and you find your self going faster then you thought!
  14. Ah yes the JV basketball color commentator... The things he did. Iso...Iso...Iso...Iso...turnover...Iso...Iso...layup... Listen I played basketball for a 20 years, the NBA is a star league, its not a coaches league, its barely a team league. Golden State was going to win with Love and Irving regardless IMO (their record this season proves this logic). That shooting slump for the splash brother in game 1-2 was a fluke, obviously...Kyrie can hit some shots and be a real difference, but Bron Bron just wants the Iso way to much, so predictable, so predictable in fact GS just let him do it after game 1, knowing how to beat him was easy. I watched the cavs with Kyrie, and frankly didnt see a "huge" difference with him in the playoffs, it was just like watching two egos fight over who would run the iso play each time down the court. You want to know what they should have done; Pounded the post OVER AND OVER AND OVER...they tried game one some, their size advantage needed exploited, however they had no faith after the "small" hurdle in game 4, and no real ability to stop the shooters from GS there after, heck even Bron wasn't playing great defense (but he was tired...wah). And frankly I would be happy to run the court with Bron any day of the week and watch him sucking wind...(no; in no world can I play ball with him in fact 1v1 i doubt i could even score, but purely endurance, easy got him covered NP) His endurance is not "super human" watch what he does off the ball, its marginal at best, some would say lazy, how else does Andre win the MVP? Am I being overly critical sure, does he deserve it, yes. If you want to act the best, claim you're the best in the world, act the King, then I would have to save you need the best result. That did not happen.
  15. Tim Duncan > Lebron James. Start your crying now. (Yes Lebron is good, but frankly he isn't better then Kobe "Was" there for "was" Black Mamba > Lebron James) His stats were the best in the finals, bench no bench, blah blah blah; stats didn't translate into wins...people get to wrapped up in them... I secretly was hoping he could pull it off, but the Cleveland curse "got'm"
  16. 4 finals loss's...for the "best player in the world" boohoo. He is good, great actually,. Funny enough he actually handed Iguana the MVP... Sorry Neverland, I mean Cleveland.
  17. Brandon


    I have about 5-6 here at the house you're welcome to any of them - None are quite "half" though and would require a little modification.
  18. sorry neverland I mean Cleveland.
  19. Rumors are floating he is MIA and there is some "money trouble"
  20. My dog Liv, the Irish Setter. We actually have two setters, but she was the original!
  21. I will let Greg know, going to the gym with him shortly!
  22. Sam and I did the above jobs - He owns Demeter Construction Here is their FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Demeter-Construction/192656650764098?fref=ts
  23. haha, I have pictures from my house. He works!
  24. Yeah I just helped same do that "cedar planked patio" - in fact I think I have helped him with most of the stamped patios. Its pretty cool, low maintenance, and we are getting a lot more creative and confident in some of the designs and patterns. My front walk we did Shoot him a call!
  25. WHOA.... You can do this all in quickbooks on your own, maybe just pay a book keeper to do a setup (300-500) and then you can do the rest on your own. I setup my own QB's , and only pay my account once a year to file taxes, that costs me 350 a year...
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