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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Yup Kemp Roofing, my friend Greg Sheen does, did 4 at our families house on buckeye lake.
  2. Clay, Close friend of mine owns his own company - Kemp Roofing, they have been in business for 35+ years. Greg Sheen is the owner (second generation), and my close friend for the last 12 years. He has done - my roof, my parents roof, my grandparents roof, my neighbors roof, and about 15 other closer networked friends roofs. Not one of them has ever had anything other to say then "he is great". Pricing is fair, and gives you the buyer options for the job. Shoot him a call - (614) 848-8440 He should work up a "CR" discount for you.
  3. Brandon

    Weed trimmer

    I got a 4 stroke troy bilt I use at the house, the torque on the 4 strokes are awesome. If I has to buy another weed eater, I would get stihl going forward, their units are awesome.
  4. Looks good pham! Dream Car!
  5. Interesting, with the price tag on the new golf sport wagons it would seem a very good option.
  6. Right, overall reliability / known issues with the TDi?
  7. So I am curious, there is also the new golf wagon - why TDI pros and cons - including servicing why not just the 1.8T ? pros and cons - I have worked on a many 1.8t, and they are not to bad, I have relatively little experience with the Tdi which makes me more apprehensive, however I like the economy and such. These seem like among the best bang for the buck wagons on the market, and I am a German fan...seems a decent car to haul my squirts and bikes around in.
  8. What makes the TDi sportwagon so enthralling? I am curious, I am in the market for a wagon...kids...Yet I like wagons and I want something fun. I too have been shopping the avants and know all about them, I know a little on the TDI side, and I am all about not paying for the audi premium is necessary.
  9. Whats a kick stand, real bikes dont have those! He will be ready for Alum Creek Phase 0 and Phase 1 in no time!
  10. No he is just part of the "I am a progressive and we have to be offended and appalled at anything" crowd; we stand for nothing but opposition.
  11. Actually the Jamaicans (insert any country even Iran which is fucking mind blowing) would be like "Oh com on mon, hows bout some commitment to aid for use, 100 billion, or no shit we can give mon" "Okay, we will give you 100 billion, now take care of ISIS" " Mon ya kno mon, we will work da hard to stop da ISIS, but ya mon, check back, 100 billion may not be e-nuff mon, we need even better commitment" Then we just keep donating more tax dollars...
  12. Keep working out the variables, see what the doctors say. Stop eating so much junk to! Now on the stretching, skip it all together. It serves NO benefit in muscle strains and tears, and in fact does more damage (pre micro tears) then benefit. Do some light active work outs that activate the muscles you will be using in running, some calve raises, walking lunges, knee ups, side lunge, very light jog for 10 minutes then go at a harder pace ect.
  13. Every oil change (7-8k) in my wifes CRV - they get nasty fast.
  14. I have always worked with Dan Neagley at Breakaway Cycling in Delaware. He never charges me list price, always is friendly easy to work with, I like the low key small town cycling shop much more so. They deal Trek Bike and a few other brands, lots of youth bikes in stock because of the demographic around Delaware now. I believe with a referral from me you can minimally get and additional 10% off. Biking is great!
  15. Brandon


    The technical side is not that bad to be honest you would be surprised. Think starting "small" and improve it. Most these pods start as one man gigs and grow from there. There are a couple drag racing pod casts out there, don't let that stop you if you're interested, think on improving it.
  16. Brandon


    Yes, I have been "casting" with myself and trying to get the audio/editing/tone/content down; albeit at and armature yet seemingly professional level. I need to practice some interviews to get that down a bit then just try it. Additionally I am trying to find a good build for a cast, think how this american life formats their pod, or wtf, or freakonomics ect. It seems business oriented pods are fairly common and many have been done, although there are some many different avenues I think the could still yet be room for more. There are a lot of start up pods, market pods, mutual fund pods, so on and so for... In the car world, that is s different beast. There really is not as much content, and maybe that is because car guys as a demographic are not pod guys, which is more so what I am afraid of in trying to make a cast worth while in this segment. I am not trying to make income, really just fulfill a passive interest and share information. I think having a pod cast of automotive technical information would be bewildering and entertaining...eg interview factory engineers, who designed this that or the other and why, or interview aftermarket lynch pins like HP tuners founder, how did they start it, how it works, and putting it in context people understand and adding banter. Everyone wants to know how cars work if they have any passion for them imo, so why not have a channel not just on opinion of a car and how it preforms, but meet the behind the scenes guys so to speak...maybe just and idea.
  17. Brandon


    For awhile now I have been into podcasts. They are in my opinion, the ultimate form of "talk" radio with out a bunch of crap I don't want. I have about a dozen channels I listen to regularly and then a few others from time to time (benefits for working from home right now). So what channels do some of you listen to? example, my channels; WTF, Smart Passive Money, Madmoney, Joe Rogan, Arsecast, Freakonomics, Smart Money, and a few others. I tend to find business oriented channels, and a few opinion casts. Additionally while I have been listening for some time, I also have the bug to create my own Podcast once a week. I have many ideas, but not sure which direction I want to go yet. When looking for a new Podcast, what content are you all after? Being car guys, do any of you listen to car "themed" casts? If so what ones, I have a few ideas in this segment I think would be pretty interesting. If you're not into podcasts, try it, lots of great content.
  18. What are the criteria you need to meet to "pass" your test? Obviously if running is a key test then you need to practice "some" running. Key here is some, it does not have to be all running. I assume this means you said no? Tell me what you need to hit. I can get you a plan to accomplish your goals, we will strap a HR monitor to you and rev that puppy out, and get your body used to longer more difficult efforts, that is the key; and not to eat with Hua! You can suffer through some slight muscle pains in the short run if necessary to pass a test. And just as and fyi, the pains you are describing do not sounds like cramps or dehydration to me...but try it. Drink 50mg of caffeine prior to your next run as well, it will help you feel energized, fuck drink a mtn dew, it wont hurt you for a 30 minute effort, it will help more then hurt, and any moron to tell you it will hurt your performance in a 2 mile run is dumb, in a longer effort it can, but in short intervals, its has benefits, and 30 minutes is a short interval. The carbonation has no short term draw back, the simple sugars are good, and the caffeine is also a performance enhancer! (yes there are FAR better pre workout drinks, however in a pinch, do the dew)
  19. It is not incredibly wrong (plenty of science out there to support the counter argument to those quip quotes), it is more so incredibly jaded from my perspective, but not wrong. Disclaimer : yes not all runners get arthritis or have issues, but I would venture to say a very high percentage do, very high, especially those who do it a lot. So again there are better alternatives to achieve long term fitness, ala cycling. Besides going faster on a bike is much more enjoyable then pounding along at 5 mph. They are showing more so Osteoarthritis is directly correlated to genetics rather then use from my readings. Additionally it is not just the knee which suffers from abuse, its the whole body; again genetics. The amount of forces on the body from running are incredible, and ones body is only designed to take so much of those forces with out having negative outcomes. Poor form; this is another one that gets me in the runners world. Humans have a natural gate unique to their genetic make up, please tell me how much "form" changes that. I suppose their maybe a small amount of manipulation one could achieve to help make running for them "easier, faster, less painful" but its minor at best. I guess my beef is personal, and being a convert from running for 24 years (soccer basketball track 5k 10k blah blah blah ect) to now being and avid cyclist and how I feel physically. Talking with many P.T's and orthos "most" seem to think like myself as they see first hand cases. There are few things in the endurance world harder then cycling, and I can tell you running is not one of them; cross country skiing is one of those things. Cycling is a much more efficient use of wattage and your cardiovascular system, the calorie burn is much higher for riding as well, so Rhett you will loose more weight faster.
  20. Brandon


    Marc - I don't think the ones I am familiar with are Theresa's (although she maybe good to talk to about open spaces). One is owned by the landscape supply place, DJ would know the name right away. The second is out by "Cheshire choppers"... I suppose I am to lazy to google for you heh.
  21. SO here is the thing. Running is dumb/dumb/dumb...Why destroy your body running? Other then it is the "cheapest easiest" way to make living after 50 awful...Sorry runners but it is just stupid, and you know it. See the above post is another easy example... Get back on your bike, save your knees, shins, ankles,body in general. Get the same vo2 output work, accomplishing the same or if not better calorie consumption, the ability to ride for longer then a 20 minute crap run which really doesn't do much for endurance work. Honestly bike riding is by far your best bet if you take it seriously and you wont have any shin pain. I am happy to go over nutrition with you if you would like, but only if you stop destroying your body running haha. Running is SO hard on your joints compared to other endurance alternatives, it is just plain goofey sadistic torture to your self in the short and long term.
  22. Brandon


    Marc There is boat storage that Alex uses on 36/37 just north of me, and or there is another place on south 3bs and k rd , both are popular for alum creek boaters, and fit your criteria. Price wise I have no clue.
  23. Painless makes a kit, it is expensive though. PSI harness (eBay) Caspers electronics Speartech The painless harness is the most expensive, but pretty slick. Speartech are nice, and can be custom ordered. PSI are basic and effective for the price.
  24. Brandon

    TILE Workers

    Call Romeo - 614-786-1899 He goes just by Romeo. Let him know Brandon Wright recommended you. I have played soccer with him for about 7-8 years, he did all of our kitchen tile work and lower bathroom. He remodels bathrooms and kitchens exclusively. Great guy, right from Italy (although he has been here for quite sometime now and lives in Westerville). His pricing is fair and he is about as honest and cordial as it comes in the skilled trades. Good luck
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