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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I hope UC wins, just for the ego blow to the SEC. (My hunch is UF will handle the game)
  2. Because other teams play to hurt the opponent, and do. The issue is we keep it to close the vest, i like a little room for error, I mean we have Pryor under center after all Kelly was freaking out on Masoli after the first TD telling them to hurry up, hes a killer, Jim is a Lawyer who likes to drag it out. Killers* win in football *(example Ray Lewis)
  3. Purdue almost beat Oregon, lost in the last minute, granted OSU did loose to purdue as well, that seemed to be a fluke Pryor sucked more then usual game. The game will come down to coaching, and Oregons aggression with play calling will kill them or will make Chip Kelly look like the hero. Jim Tressel will have to go for it on fourth down and short, we will have to score points, or it will be USC all over again. The defense can not contain all game long, and OSU can not win with possession only, points are crucial to the victory, OSU will need 24 points or more to win. Side note, I do believe that it will be a tight game where Jim Tressel will play conservative and loose in a final minutes again. You have to play to hurt the opponent not contain them. Let it be known , I am already calling for Tressel to hand over the playing calling on the offense and have been since Troy Smith was there, so NO band wagon jumper here Ben
  4. I drove a C6Z from Texas to Ohio and got 28 mpg as well, with some mild work, cam and bolt ons. They do well because they are efficient air pumps, so long as you stay out of the gas
  5. Josh, does he own his own busniess or work for someone else, and or does he retail or sell carpet? I am in the market at carpeting my new home. Side track
  6. Wolfe metals by cooper stadium , they can laser cut any pattern you give them.
  7. All at what cost, you think your insurance is expensive now, add in 20 more years of breast screening... Again we have to be rational, and yes you can save some lives with very early screening, but you can just as easily save as many lives with more drunk driving enforcement. You have to think about this with the mindset of statistics, and the best information available.
  8. At least Carr believed in defense... I don't understand your logic of SEC type player, as far as im concerned OSU Michigan PSU all recruit the same top class players as the SEC... Maybe they scheme them differently, heck 3 years ago Michigan beat Florida's spread in the bowl game... There is far more differences with Coop and Tress, one, 5 big ten championships, two higher win percentage, National title, ect... 7-1 versus Michigan. Gonna be annihilation tomorrow , muck fichigan
  9. It merely just a statistical answer, and should be chosen based on the doctor patient relationship, case by case. Trust me no one likes the insurance company's including me. And this only gives them more ammunition to block care, in a time when our government is trying to reform the insurance system...Good ole Nancy strikes again! I agree that pre screening can be effective at saving lives, but the argument currently happening in American medicine is to what extent is it effective, and again unfortunately the data seems to suggest we spend a lot more time chasing our tails then finding breast cancer. To me its similar to the war in Afghanistan, yes we are making positive ground but at what expense, and I don't have that answer. It is a shame is has to ferment to this theory, but what is the 1 life worth saved, due to all the expense used. I know if my mother is the one life, then to me its at all costs, but you also have to assume a larger picture, which is the current argument in the medical world. Also typically in self examinations the lumps are around 1cm or larger which indicatives the cells have long been growing, typically for well over a year, so self examination really is not going to prevent anything, per say, the damage or growth has already accumulated to dangerous levels by the point of touch. Bill it is not the insurance company job to save lives, that is the doctors. Sadly you are right though, they play with the power of life far to often.
  10. The argument is that self breast examinations create to many false positives, and incure expenses that are not necessary, thats the breif version, and unfortunatly the data does suggest this. Infact in 40-50 women only 1-1300 mamogrames are cancerous, but of those 1300 there is a signifgent number of false posistives, which are again incurring expensive costs, and as Barack would say, waste in the health care system. I am not advacating this methodolgy mearly stating my reasearch as my mother is currently in the process of getting biopsy results soon, and I choose that education and knowledge will be our best weapon. Sad for the spielmans, she was a wonderful women.
  11. Jesus couldnt have made this clearer. Williams 2012
  12. We have 6 different corbeaus in our show room to test sit in
  13. Muck Fishigan - Dick Rod will loose again, and not take Scum to another bowl game, Tate the great Forscye will get picked twice and look like the freshmen he is. Should have stuck with Carr their UofM
  14. "Perhaps" Interesting considering the surge in turbo systems for this chassis. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/11/16/not-done-yet-lutz-says-perhaps-to-twin-turbo-camaro/ Regards
  15. 7 second cars on truck manifolds Ohio boys car (orange one)
  16. You can get it cheaper Eaton will sell the tvs2300 to anyone !
  17. You have to have completions longer then ten yards, aka throw the ball down the field. I dont care if he is 25/25 with 100 yards receiving, id rather 14/25 with 300 yards... ALL DAY
  18. Verus Tim doing what... Passing lol, they both cant throw the ball.
  19. Brady Quinn... No completions over 9 yards...
  20. He already has a better career passing then Pryor...
  21. Jamie congratulations on the cover story, car still looks and performs like the king, awesome! Titan doesn't seem to have any answer That blue C5 was nasty, pretty sure its a glide car with a blower! Regards
  22. Dang Dan, hope your dad makes it full recovery.
  23. NOICE, get it done steve so we can dyno that!
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