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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I am probably a little in over my head this year. Doing two gardens in two different locations. Majority of that stuff are things my 4 year old niece wanted to grow lol. I forgot about sunflowers. Have a pack sprouted, still have a couple more to start
  2. dwarf northblue blueberry http://i.imgur.com/Swl6dZZ.jpg Himrod and concord grape http://i.imgur.com/onoIq8S.jpg 21 whopper strawberry plants, couple pole beans and not sure what else off the top of my head http://i.imgur.com/Dr8qbDU.jpg Not pictured, 30 northern xtra sweet corn, half dozen pineberry plants, dozen or so tomato plants, broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers, cantaloupe, blue girl tea rose, double delight rose, 3 hansen's cherry bushes, cayenne peppers, cali sweet peppers, etc, etc. I have 3 72 cell flats filled and still need a couple more for flowers, pmpkins, watermelon, more corn and a few more veggies.
  3. first I've heard of it. I've used firefox for years. Just couldn't get use to others
  4. Been watching around here for farmers to start on the fields but nothing yet. I thought about waiting for a few dry days and tilling a small spot for plants that can handle some cold and then doing the rest later
  5. Like I said I am impatient. Broccoli, lettuce and things like that could go in now. I called the utilities number today to have the yard at my moms marked out so I can get it tilled, at home I have no worries about anything in the ground.
  6. no action out here in the sticks yet either. You and I both. I've actually been checking into them here lately, so maybe next year
  7. deets on the vinegar sprays? I have a little of everything planted inside right now, even 30 corn so far. Most dislike starting corn indoors but I like the jumpstart
  8. I was debating to do it next time the ground dries up a little. I have some things that could already go in the ground. I am impatient and started stuff indoors early lol Also, what do you guys do for weed prevention? Been looking up on placing newspaper or something down then putting mulch or straw over it.
  9. I know it's more weather based but roughly, when do you till up your land?
  10. just pull the IAC and clean it, see what happens
  11. not sure what qualifies as sharp on these. It cuts just assumed it would rotate faster
  12. Took it apart, cleaned it out. Wasn't as bad as I assumed it would be but the needles were gummed up and rough. Got it back together, made some adjustments and it fired up but the rpm's kept raising up and down. Adjusted it to smooth it out and tried the tines out. All works well but seems like it should dig a little faster. Not sure if it needs adjusted a little more or not. I just messed with the adjustment under the float bowl which I think is for high rpm's.
  13. I'll check it out, thanks Best course of action will be tear it down and clean it thoroughly, maybe even rebuild it since it's cheap to do
  14. never heard of it I'll take my chances. Found a rebuild kit for $9 shipped on ebay for the carb and some gaskets cheap on another site. Decided to reroute the exhaust so it's not blowing back at me but not sure if I'll wait til later in the year to do it or right away
  15. belt looks like it still has some use to it. Greasing the chain was going to be my next question. There's a removable plat to access the chain as you can see in the pic/ Would grease that used for ball joints and such be fine?
  16. I did this with one off an mtd mower but used kerosene instead. Worked great. I tore it completely apart though so that probably helped
  17. this is another option but this motor sounds great when I had it running on starter fluid. So if I can line out the carb it'll be a great $20 tiller lol
  18. I found some new ones online from $80-100 and I guess some are updated and do away with the adjustments and are supposed to be pretty much tinker free. Figured it's worth getting this one cleaned out and seeing how it does before getting a new one.
  19. Picked up this 1976 roto hoe tiller for $20 a couple days ago. Guy wanted $40 but couldn't get it started so he told me give him $20 if I still wanted it. Got it home and it fired on starting fluid and sounds good. Problem is the carb is very gummed up. He just ran fuel out of it instead of using stabil. Besides tearing down and cleaning the carb out with carb/choke cleaner, and changing oil is there anything else I should do? If I can't get it all cleaned out I'll be ordering a carb kit for it. http://i.imgur.com/QCXh0in.jpg
  20. might have better luck in perry up around the licking line
  21. can't go wrong with a 1st gen 5 speed s10
  22. depending on what it is and how much I may be interested
  23. Tiny classified ads. It's complex
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