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Everything posted by Browning

  1. if I ask she'll know what's coming and she's not a ring wearer atm. they can resize +2 -2 iirc
  2. size 6 is average right? She's a small girl but I know that has nothing to do with it lol
  3. yea I'm just anxious and scared really lol. I don't even plan to do it right away, just sometime in the near future. chrismas seems corny, but first of the new year rings a bell in my head.The one I posted is sterling silver. It's just for proposal. I am 100% certain she'd like the one I posted than the first one you did. Thank you
  4. Eww no. I think I'd rather give the house paint a try before going plastidip lol
  5. judging by lack of posts since posting the ring it's a horrible idea?
  6. I'm aware of that. I have my faults like any one else. I try a little every day to make myself worthy of her
  7. here's the one I found that I think might work. Not a typical engagement ring I suppose but it could function as a ring for her other hand should she want something else. http://i.imgur.com/Kxskp.jpg stupid?
  8. I've never been the greatest employee and she's stable as fuck even though she doesn't make a lot. When she got pregnant she wanted me to stay home with our son and to be honest it's only thing I have felt I'm great at. I'm a terrific father. I make a little online but it's just what I said, a little.
  9. ring I found says is $350, but it's marked down at the moment. Says the diamond is .25 carat. I just don't want to do it without one. It's a nice ring, but I don't know if it's right for the job. Like I said, even if she wants something else later, which is fine with me. I have the proposal part already thought up and it's perfect.
  10. I found one that could be used for the proposal but it's cheaper than that. It could also be served as another purpose should she want to purchase her own or something for the actual marriage. I just don't want to do it with nothing, or as she once brought up, a ring pop lol. Ring I found is a real diamond, but it's pretty small and has two birthstones that are my son and I. Probably sounds stupid but I'm trying and if she loves me for who I am it shouldn't matter, right?
  11. Having ideas, but being a stay home dad doesn't give me much cash although I can save up. She's said a long time ago she wants to pick her own out and even mentioned buying it, but I feel that's not acceptable. Any other low income guys on here lol
  12. from my understanding the xclamps just didn't hold tight enough, and the bolts hold it down with enough pressure for it to work. If needed, you could always turn the xbox on with the dvd and fan removed and let it overheat. I was able to get mine working twice doing this using the xclamps. However once it got good and warm the xclamps loosened up and it stopped working. I haven't had any issues since adding screws.
  13. the xclamps are the problem. I just fixed one last week just like done in the following video, except I didn't do the heat gun thing Been running great. Lowes didn't have everything but an older mom and pop hardware store did.
  14. fix the red ring. It's cake.
  15. Did you actually use bondo brand? If so, don't next time. Try some evercoat
  16. Still haven't figured this out. Coil looks fine and it's been running great, except the last couple days it has a random miss usually only when getting up to speed around town. No shutting off though.
  17. I'm just west of Zanesville and can only refer the transmission shop I have used in the past. It's actually in Somerset though, which is 15 minutes or so from zanesville. Severance's Transmission Solutions. https://plus.google.com/101216365056031070329/about?gl=us&hl=en
  18. I have seen different parts list for the screws and washers so not sure which to get. Also, I'd rather not drill anything if it's not needed. Thing was on all day yesterday and was fine. Shut it off and back on, RROD. Repeat the process and it's fine, until you shut it off.
  19. removed old paste, added new, overheated it then let cool. Been working for 30 minutes so far. Still need to grab a controller or two and an hdd. Also to find out if it's actually modded or not
  20. I have the motherboard out now but not sure where to go from here. Heatsink has a wiggle to it, is that normal?
  21. Pulled a code from it and got 0110 Ram error, this is caused by a cold or bridged solder joint on one of the Ram chips.
  22. Ok guy called and said he found a power brick so I have it now. This one has a chrome dvd rom cover if that means anything? It's got the 16.6 power supply so I found out online it's an old one. It's also supposed to be modded to play burnt games but who knows if true. Now I just need to figure out what needs done to get it going. Showed me a youtube video where a guy done something with ejecting the tray, then keeping it from shutting and it allowed it to work for a short time. Said he was able to do this successfully twice. Tried replicating it tonight but couldn't get it. How much for the 20gb shipped to 43764?
  23. Just bought a RROD xbox for $5 and need the power brick. Found a few on ebay, didn't know if that's the cheapest place or not? Also, did the old ones have internal hard drives? I know next to nothing about them and only bought it to tinker with lol
  24. http://www.zdnet.com/what-are-the-cheapest-and-easiest-upgrade-paths-to-windows-8-7000005702/
  25. it's fucking cheap to upgrade
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