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Everything posted by Browning

  1. wouldn't I have to worry about the stems breaking?
  2. I've been looking at a lot stores for them but seems the ones I find aren't very tall 4'-5'. Been leaning towards a conduit trellis but I also thought about trying the tall ones between two sheds I have. They are about 7' apart from one another, would provide a nice 12' length of planting and get quite a bit of sun in between. My idea was to hang string/rope from the edge of one for the plant to climb up and once they're as tall as the edge string them across to the other shed diagonally and up. Doing it diagonally to minimize shading. No idea if this would work though lol
  3. what are your plans for containing the tall tomato plants like the supersweet 100's? Pruning? Extra tall trellis/stakes/cages? first timer here and the height of some of the tomatoes I'm going to grow kinda scares me in terms of how I'm going to support their height.
  4. in order to fit the 500 width the images had to be made pretty small http://i.imgur.com/FetCB.jpg
  5. went with a different approach http://i.imgur.com/MICkL.jpg
  6. what are the size requirements?
  7. I am growing Tomatoes: Supersweet 100 Cherry Punch Supertasty Abe Lincoln Early Girl Cucumbers: Homemade Pickles Salad Slicers Zucchini: Fordhook Zuchinni Watermelon: Snack Pack Strawberry: Pineberry White D Chandler Variety(walmart, doubt it grows) Corn: Northern Xtra Sweet Honey & Cream Silver Choice everything ordered online from Burpee except the one kind of strawberry, abe lincoln and the early girl
  8. Haven't even heard of half of those lol
  9. what all types of tomatoes are you growing if you don';t mind typing it all out?
  10. Thanks. Seen a lot of people on forums using it and wondered what all it was good for.
  11. besides keeping weeds at bay, what are the benefits of that cloth? Or is it plastic?
  12. rain has been hurting me badly. Rained right after we started tilling. then the tiller messed up so I'm stuck with a swampy mess but I'll work it as best I can. Some of the leaves on a few of the watermelons are cracking, and look like something is eating off of them. I'm guessing ants. http://i.imgur.com/hn5Go.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Hg0i0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Dwt9z.jpg Same with the pineberry http://i.imgur.com/5UPLG.jpg Few of the blackberry plants. These are rough and I pruned them a little bit. since then they've been flowering http://i.imgur.com/NGjTn.jpg These zucchini and cucumbers need out badly http://i.imgur.com/Vr2ov.jpg Two cherry punch plants http://i.imgur.com/eYcYA.jpg Two more http://i.imgur.com/6IjSa.jpg My poor corn, and you can see the horrible till job. The rain sure as hell didn't help. Fuck it, once the weather clears it'll be okay I think http://i.imgur.com/kSBh1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/oQUHw.jpg More tomatoes that need to go out http://i.imgur.com/TzAzv.jpg Thought I took pics of every thing else too but I guess I didn't
  13. yea they're kind of stuck there now but I guess some guy they know said he'd take both pumps out and put one in(tanks already removed) for $50 which seemed a little high to me
  14. I dunno now I'm told the screws are breaking and stripping lol
  15. step father went over to attempt it but the lines on the pump from the used tank are different. Not sure why they'd want to use the junkyard pump anyways and after I told them this they mentioned they can't get the pump out cause you have to have a special tool for the kia pumps to remove it and no one has one.
  16. 99 or 2000 Kia Sportage, 4 door 4x4. Bottom of tank has a hole and has been rigged before with some sort of putty. Noticed a few weeks ago that the tank was wet but now it's a drip. Guessing having some one remove it and weld it, or whatever they do to repair them would be cheaper than having some one install a new tank? Any of you have experience with this and can recommend some one and/or give a round about price estimate?
  17. call the manufacturer and they'll probably tell you what you need to replace.
  18. that's actual rather cheap and going with a place like that you'd most likely find one you love. Would also be more likely to turn out far better than anything recommended so far.
  19. http://99designs.com/
  20. odds are you probably just need a new diaphram
  21. just off the phone and a local place has the kit for $13.60 and can get it in 3 days. Think I'll go this route.
  22. 98 neon and it doesn't have any of the anchors that can be found in newer vehicles. I've been reading up on hooking this new car seat up for my son and I came across a few posts that stated chrysler will retrofit these anchors for free. Any truth to this? I highly doubt it would be free and even if not I'm wondering what it might cost to have it done? Too late t call any where so figured I'd give it a shot and ask her as I'm pretty sure a lot of you work at dealerships. http://www.car-seat.org/showpost.php?p=559368&postcount=2 I would need the two on the bottom and one at top. Also found a post that said the two on bottom were free and they charged like $25 for the top but if you'd rather do it all yourself they'd supply a free kit for it.
  23. No don't think so. I actually lived in somerset from 96-2010 and then here in new lex since.
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