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Everything posted by Browning

  1. right down the road from me. For those interested it's pretty decent living out here, especially in a country setting. Given the size of the land, house and garage that's a great price.
  2. I've owned vehicles that I didn't register for years and no issues
  3. kick into dick mode and trim the shit out of that tree where it overhangs on your property
  4. I don't have any close neighbors like that but if I did I think I'd like having a privacy fence between us. considering that she only put it on one side would make one think that the cause is something you guys are doing. I don't know you and I don't want you to take offense but maybe she is one of the types of people who don't like seeing certain stuff every day. For instance in your pics you look to have a bunch of stuff laying beside the garage that some would definitely consider an eye sore. Hell, maybe she's just a bitch and doesn't like looking at the busted up driveway?
  5. probably one of those people who don't like seeing shit laying besides some one's garage
  6. because only a child would say something like http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1546802&postcount=6
  7. this thread will weed out the children from the men. Unless she's wanting you to be daddy it shouldn't be a problem. Pros: Kids can be awesome Kids bring out the kid in yourself Cons: If/when you and the mom break up, it'll suck if you're attached to the kid Dealing with the kids father
  8. might just be me but can't see your pic Vince
  9. after a few minutes of burning you won't be able to tell http://www.columbusracing.com/banners/troll.png
  10. you guys can't have a burn barrel at all up there?
  11. start this thread in a few more years and Stacey Dash will take the cake(only 46 now) http://cdn04.cdn.crunktastical.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/102027649.jpg lol@demi moore
  12. that's my vote too. Easily wins
  13. Just paint the whole truck. Leaving the hood untouched will look horrible. those designs in that thread look horrible too imo
  14. probably be a lot more hassle free just going through the dealership. Hell, maybe she should buy two
  15. thread title change. Keep it classy
  16. what are you guys using for tomato cages/stakes? Those cherry tomatoes can reach 7' or so
  17. I am probably too late to the party but I just ordered some seeds last night from burpee. http://i.imgur.com/GIl1c.jpg Been years since I did anything with a garden so It's going to be a ton of trial and error. Still need to get the land tilled and get some stakes/cages.
  18. they all can't find everything. Just like there are some that pick up things that avast can't find. Avast is bloated now and just all around not that great anymore.
  19. whatever you do avoid avast. It sucks. It was good ~5 or so years ago. Only decent antivirus' are MSE and Avira
  20. first I would try to boot into safemode then run malwarebytes and combofix
  21. copied from another site. guessing since it won't boot all the way you won't be able to grab all your data 1. Copy all your files and documents to an external storage device. 2. Shut down the computer. 3. Turn the PC back on and hit the F8 key repeatedly until the Advanced Boot Option Screen appears. 4. Click "Repair Your Computer" if you are not already on it and then press ENTER 5. choose your country and click OK 6. On the "System Recovery Options Screen" click "Restore Application" which is the last option. 7. Follow the on-screen instructions 8. When prompted, click on "Full Factory Recovery" 9. "Next" 10. Click "Yes" 11. you will notice for a while it seems like nothing is happening, give it some time. 12. After some minutes, recovery will complete and you click "Finish"
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