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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. So rivers that flow south are just freaks of nature? Of the top ten largest rivers in the world only the Nile flows from south to north.
  2. ...Round but not a sphere? Im confused... isnt a sphere a 3D round object?
  3. Please tell me you forgot to log out and this is just a joke...
  4. I will give you a bit of background on what happened to me: I get pulled over in WV in '99 for not having my car inspected (have to have that in WV, my car failed because it had a cracked front bumper cover!), anyway, I lived in Ohio at the time so I explained this to the officer. No problem he says, just register your car in ohio and this will all go away. Fast forward to '05 (mind you from 99 to 05 I have replaced my license at least once from losing it and turned 21 so I had to get a new one anyway), Im driving to WV to visit friends, get pulled over in St. Clairesville and told my license is suspended. Car is impounded and I get thrown in jail until my brother-in-law comes to bail me out. I never recieved a notice or anything until I got put in jail. Yes, my registration and DL were current. Anyway, a month later the court returns my license and I only get cited for driving w/o a license. Thank god my father-in-law is a lawyer and told me to carry that paperwork with me for a few months, just in case. Not 3 weeks after I get my license back I get pulled over, again the officer tells me that my license is no good. I show him my paperwork he tells me that I probably forgot to pay my reinstatement fee. "Awesome I responded." This time I was lucky to be in columbus and my mother-in-law picked me up. Again, I receive a driving w/o a license pay my fees in Ohio and go to pay my reinstatement fee. Well, I cant do that either because my license is still suspended in WV! Glad someone FINALLY told me. So I pay all these BS fee's to reinstate my license in WV and then finally pay Ohio. Break up of Fees: 600 for Bail 185 for driving w/o a license and court costs (1st) 250 for driving w/o a license and court costs (2nd Franklin County) 350 for driving w/o an inspection sticker in WV 100 for reinstatement in WV 25 for reinstatement in OH Would have been much much much more but I had a great lawyer.
  5. This happened to me. Long story and around 1500 dollars in fines later finally got my license back. I am lucky though my father-in-law works in the DA's office. Its crazy tough to get your license back after this shit. Once all is said and done make sure you pay the fine to have your license reinstated in the state it was orginally suspended in AND the state of Ohio.
  6. T Rex

    Kia Optima..

    Thats it... I read that the other day. :/ http://www.vandevere.com/ Its wierd though... it says on the title buy a kia optima or rondo... people suck.
  7. By maxing out do you mean 15k? or just however much your company matches? I dont make enough to put 15k away each year. I do put 9% of my income in my 401k with a 6% match from my company. *Some* IRA's are post-tax dollars and you pay taxes on income earned now. I believe he did say this was a Roth which is post-tax. You probably know this already though. I would max out your Roth IRA (5k) every year, if possible, and make sure you can keep at least 6% in your 401k (since that is what your company will match up to). I cant find any information to sway me to think a 403b is better than a Roth or 401k...
  8. So a car dealership up here is offering a Buy One Kia Optima or Rondo get one free... I have zero experience with a Kia and have only heard about how cheap their cars are. Anyone think this may be a good deal? Decent Car? etc?
  9. Damn this thread took a crazy turn while I was at work .
  10. Thanks for you help Hal! I will definatly change my workout to this... My only problem is that I do not have access to a gym on Saturday. I'll figure something out. Side note: Hal have I ever met you from the Donatos days? or when I lived in cbus?
  11. Kent States Gym... We have a lot of machines there. Benches for free-weights with 45lb bars and dumbbells. I wouldn't say they are nice free-weights . The machine we have for free weights is nice, but you lose the core workout you would normally get from free weights since it keeps the bar steady for you.
  12. Im looking for a decent arms (my biceps look tiny), I dont want huge pecs but definatly more cut than what they are, broader shoulders, and a six-pack. I still want to maintain flexiblity and agility. My cardio consists of Jump Rope/Rowing/Running/Biking/Eliptical and sometimes stair-master.
  13. So then maybe its my workout... which I just changed up, I was doing 3 sets of 12 now Im doing 6 sets of 6 with about 30-40 more lbs. Tues: Pull-ups and dips (take off 20lbs of body weight) Curls (Machine) 130lbs Super-pullover 160lbs Peck-Flys 120lbs French Curl (I think it the name) 40lbs (behind the head curl with a free weight) We have this machine that is like a spotter and I use it to do reverse curls and half dead lifts at 80lbs Cardio for 30min. Thurs Super Bicycle (as many as I can handle) Pull-ups and dips (take off 20lbs of body weight) Super-pullover 160lbs Power Crunch 1000!!! (25lbs of weight) can usually do that around 20 x 6 Inclined situps w/ 25lb weight 15 x 6 Plank try to hold it for longer than 50 seconds Cardio for a 30 min. Sat. As many push-ups and sit-up variations as I can do.
  14. I have changed my diet 100%. I have lost 15lbs in the last 4 months from 5'10" 180 to 165... I dont have much else to lose and I dont want to gain anything back. Im not trying to cop out here, but I lilterally only have time to work out tues, thurs and saturdays. I work at least 48 hours a week and I have 4 classes this semster. Unforunatly my time is tight. My bad about ephedra, I was under the impession that it was illegal. I never said that it was bad for you. I just said people didnt take it like they should have (ie: drink plenty of water, maybe took to many pills) and were injured in some way. I was hoping you would chime in before I made an even bigger ass of myself...
  15. My bad... I didnt realize you could buy ephedra online either. What is Ping?! Google search only came back w/ the golf clubs .
  16. You cant buy ephedra at places like GNC and Vitamin World... It is illegal, some mom and pop places still might have some stock of it left though. If I recall ephedra cause a lot of damage to people who didnt take it like it as directed. Im not defending this product because I dont know that much about it but I do know that there was a lot of abuse with that specific product.
  17. Im only going to cycle it until the end of my pills... at 4 a day thats about 24 days... after that will be strictly protein. Maybe I jumped the gun with this a bit but I feel like I have hit a plateau and Im hoping this will get me over it.
  18. Im like you Kevin, Im probably under weight... I just cant seem to get cut like I want. I have definatly seen improvements in the way I look, I just want a bit more. I usually work on my arms Tuesday and cardio for a half our afterwards then abs Thursday with a half our of cardio after as well. Usually start around 12:15 and head to the showers around 1:45.
  19. Ive been trying to work out more in the past few months. Tues/Thurs are the days I push myself hard and just do situps and push-ups Saturday. Anyway, I just purchased this Atro-Phex stuff at Vitamin World today. Ive only taken 2 caps so far and Ive probably pissed my weight already . This is marketed as a weight loss pill, which Im not really crazy about but I figured Id try it just to see. I bought it for losing water weight and my brother said he has taken it for almost a month now with good results. Ive never used any supplements besides the occasional protien shake, that I could never finish. What supplements do you use, if any?
  20. I shouldnt have opened my big mouth...
  21. ...Hope you didnt get in trouble... again
  22. I cant beleive I actually remembered that post . That post was one of the funniest things Ive ever read on here though.
  23. I have to be able to shart on her loofa...
  24. http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/9793/tilt2k6kellylebrock015um.jpg Kelly Lebrock
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