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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. T Rex


    http://djbrecord.free.fr/michaeljackson023.jpg http://www.independentcritics.com/images/training%20day%20SPLASH.jpg King Kong aint Got SHIT ON ME!
  2. bump... Also adding another laptop uptop.
  3. You can do better! or maybe... this one?
  4. Again, that is the way our society works... if you want to make a dollar out of an idea... go for it. That IS the way our country runs. People feel they have to make a dollar on an idea, even if it is a retarded, fucked up piece of shit idea, they believe they can make money off it. I do want to thank you for exercising your right to protest, your right to the first amendment and 2nd amendment. I think its pretty awesome that we can actually live in a society that we can voice our opinions like we do. Why did the drivers hate driving biodiesel trucks? The smell, cause diesel isn't that great anyway or the fact that they dont have horrible chapped hands after working on the engines? Willie (sp?) has is own line of biodiesel btw. Besides one, and only one, downfall I've seen with biodiesel is that you don't get as good of gas mileage.
  5. I bet that dude shit his pants when those lights came on.
  6. Turbo-Negro?!?!?! WTF mate?! BAN!!!!! jk man, jk... I bet you where wicked scared .
  7. *Areosol* cans released CFC's (Chloroflourocarbons) into the air depleting the Ozone layer, they have nothing to do with increased levels of carbon dioxide. Thats the beauty of this country, we can have people fighting for what they believe in. I applaud their efforts, whether that be for working to educate people on the dangers of excess carbon dioxide or using their GIVEN right as americans to do this. I figured you Repub's would apperciate efforts like these to uphold OUR rights. Hell, go get yer gun and shoot some rounds while yer at it. So go get your petitions, get your Bus that gets 2 miles to the gallon, do whatever the hell you want (within your given rights of course), and I too will say "Good job to you sir, you are sticking up for a cause you believe in." But for you people that like to downsize or degrade people for sticking up for a cause they personally believe in, fuck off and get off your own ass and do something about what you feel strongly in.
  8. For the Motha Fuckin Win.....
  9. T Rex

    Diablo 2

    I remeber the first diablo... we use to dup shit all the time... hahaha. That was when gaming was fun . jk
  10. "He gave me fucking nickels in change!"
  11. I got married at the Darby House. My family and hers talk about what an amazing place and party it was. Im not sure the total bill, but I bet we spent about 10k (with an open bar, GREAT food, ceramony, GOLF!, and lots of other things included). The Darby House is an excellent place, Samantha is GREAT, if you don't have a person helping you already. It was beautiful and we LOVED the atmosphere there. Now, If I had to do it all over again. I would consider getting married on a cruise, its about the same price and you dont have to worry about a honeymoon. If you do get the Darby House, which I do recommend, have Trent from Encore Entertainment for DJ'ing. He is awesome and they like him there too. If you have any specific questions pm me.
  12. lmao to that and your avatar sir..
  13. woo woo!... gratz big fella .
  14. QFTMFW or whatever... OMGhi2U!!!@#@! Keke FunLa
  15. Yup, Dr. Rick, we, and by we I mean myself, Eric, and Eli teamed up with the ACLU, are coming to getz yuer gunz.... Even the Rifles cause we all know those are involved in like elevinty billion crimes a year .
  16. This is not the right area (of town) to post this in, but there are a lot of people on here so maybe someone knows. Im looking to do a few things to our new house in Cuyahoga Falls. 1) It needs a new roof. I am currently working with the sellers on a deal where they pay for it, however, I don't know any reputable companies up there. Anyone know of any up there? Or maybe someone down here that doesn't mind travelling a 2 hours for some cash? 2) I want to install French Doors off the dining room to lead to the back yard. Currently there is a small window, some electric, and HVAC ducting. My plan is to do most of the work DIY. This house was built in 1929 so its ALL Plaster and Lathe. My idea was, before any contractor came to install the door, I would take that entire inside wall down (IE. Take all the Plaster and Lathe out) reroute all the HVAC ducts and electric. So all the contractor would have to do is cut out the space for the door, install the door, weather proof the door, then trim it out on the outside. Does anyone have any idea how much it would cost to have a contractor come out and do some of that work? Im thinking, if Im lucky, in the $700 range. Unfortunatly, I will probably have to have Structural Engineer come out and tell me what size header I will need over the door . Which means more money. 3. I want to tear out the wall inbetween the kitchen and the dining room to maximize space. I am almost 100% positive that this is a load bearing wall supporting the weight of the wall above it . How much does it normally costts to take out load bearing walls? I know it will take a bigger header, per the structrual engineer, but Im more concerned about labor etc. Again I would reroute and electrical and HVAC myself. Thanks for reading, sorry for the long post!
  17. wow, it really puts a whole new perspective on things....
  18. mmm... tell that to some Republicans *cough* 2nd amendment *cough* 1. The kid is a douche. 2. There is no reason the school should have been involved in the first place. 3. The principal was wrong to bring the school into the picture. 4. First Amendment FTMFW. 5. ACLU FTMFW (Sure they take up some crazy cases but when your rights are violated who else can you call?) There is a reason that the First Amendment is Freedom of Speech. It is one of the most important amendments we have. It is what seperates the United States from 90% of the world. As my beautiful wife and Voltaire say "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it until death."
  19. Not all automobiles are about gasonline... Maybe you meant to say internal combustion engines?
  20. Also, see if you can get ahold of sprint and see if that phone number listed on the phone has been called...
  21. Im pretty sure the rest of the world did NOT condon the burning and slaughtering of Jews. You are right, however, Hitler had Germans convienced that the Jews where the source of their problems. We aren't talking about genocide, we are talking about the future of a planet in which we reside. In America, slavery was a common practice. The rest of the world didn't condone this policey and if they did the only 'slaves' they had where usually spoils of war. More than anything we need to understand that both of these scenarios are long gone. I really do think that global warming is something that is here to stay. Even if this is just some 'causeoid' at least it does something and provides a better future for your young ones.
  22. Fact: Polar ice caps are melting. Fact: If said ice caps melt it will raise sea level. Fact: Levels of CO2 are rising (someone brought up that it was hotter back when the dinosaurs where around, thats because of the high levels of CO2! OMFG!) Fact: CO2 emissions, From burning oil, are a MAJOR contributor to the rising levels of CO2. Fact: The world does change poles. Fact: Humans REALLY don't know that much about the weather/climate changes of earth. (Could this be a cyclical thing? Humans haven't been keeping records long enough or well enough to really understand it) Take away Global warming for a moment. With with the amount of pollutants floating, swimming and shoveled over. Would you honestly want to breath that in? Would you want to take a dive in that river? Would you want to build your house over that landfill?
  23. An overwhelming majority of people also thought that killing jews in Germany was a bad idea. An overwhelming majority of people also felt that slavery was a bad idea. That was tough....
  24. You sir have no idea how the 'childrens children' statement has created the world around us and made our lives healthier. My father said to me once that their parents generations motto was "The solution to pollution is dillution." Meaning they throw all their shit in the rivers, lakes, streams and the ocean. Its amazing how much better Lake Erie looks now then it did in the 60's or how about the Ohio river? I might even consider taking a swim in there now. So that statement hasn't done anything? BS my friend, BS. Lead based paint? Good thing someone got ride of that, I doubt you would still be around (We know how much you like putting things in your mouth). Asbestos? Good thing some of our family members died of cancer for us to know that this substance is pretty dangerous (Make sure your school didn't have any wrapped around the pipes!) We'll go way back here, someone somewhere along the way decided, our children need trees. We can't keep clear cutting EVERY single region because sooner or later we are going to run out. Wouldn't our children love to have a tire swing under that nice big oak tree? So they came up with an idea similar to crop rotation and selective cutting. We must look to our nations children and say "We need to change ______" because they are the future much like you where. I guess I can't believe you wouldn't think that someone was thinking of you once when they decided "Hey this is bad and we need to do something about it."
  25. I'll hit you up once I get some cash. I wasn't thinking about buying anything for a month or two... this seems like a pretty bomb deal though.
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