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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. When I turn my hat around, I feel like a truck.
  2. The other option, for just crusing around town (and something you could take out) is carpet underlayment. Slap some of that over the rear of the car whenever you are crusing and take it when you go to the track. Or just toss a bunch of pillows in your trunk when crusing... that would probably work the best. (added bonus when crusing with girls in the vette, yes I meant that to be plural...) Ive found things that absorb the sound wave (ie padding) do a much better job at getting rid of the drone. The dynamat stuff doesn't nec. absorb as it deflects. That peel'n'stick stuff does work, it is cheaper, but as Dave said its used on roof's. Its a tar based product that smells like it. I would never put that stuff in my car.
  3. http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/pee2.JPG thats me way way long time ago, worked at Donatos then... I think that pic was part of the mac'n'cheese thread. http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/fish.JPG Still an older pic, but the most recent I have hosted.
  4. Haha... Thats the first thing that came to my mind too.
  5. Can you make mine -1? ... I'll be your best friend!
  6. how do you get your transunion credit score anyway?
  7. Meh... Datsun 510... sr 4 life y0...
  8. Yeah, After I posted that I did a few searches on google about it... doesnt seem to work to well .
  9. Song isnt that great... but the video is pretty damn funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muP9eH2p2PI (maybe move to vid section... sorry!)
  10. So then why wouldn't the government want to 'create' its own money based off the gold standard again? I understand it would be a huge undertaking but wouldnt that almost completly elminate infliation and the federal defict? Its no like other Presidents have had a budget that is balanced with a surplus. I think McCain is purposing a balanced defict by 2015 or something?
  11. T Rex

    Bmw Gina

    Wouldn't be painted at all I bet, The fabric would be dyed before application. If you wanted to change the color of your car, it would take 2 hours This is a totally do-able idea. Wouldn't even need to have all the fancy moving parts. I love it.
  12. I need some eduacation here... Ive only brushed the surface on learning this subject... We pay (in income tax) the federal reserve to print money... correct? It is written in the constiution that the USA can print its own money, free of charge from the federal reserve? Only two Presidents have ever tried to do so (Lincoln and JFK)? Both of whom have been killed while in office! I know this doesn't have much to do with the decline in the dollar value, but I understand the need for such a thing as the Fed (even though they are not a government entity), however, I dont understand why we are being taxed for something we can produce (ha) for free. Am I correct at all?
  13. years ago... Pit Row http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/group.JPG order is myself, aaron (beerguy for the old schoolers), I cant remember his name! He was a good driver. Had a few 2nd Gen RX-7s, He was the one that organized that event, carlukok, recklessop. Just my POS http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/teamsbr.JPG I had a bunch more but they are all gone now... sadly the ones I have are most of my car. Carls RX-7 got a lot of attention that day, he was shooting 5 foot fireballs out the ass and it was pulling ass even on the way home at Bob Evans! (I had pictures of that too damnit!)
  14. I hope this is all one big joke... I know Id swing off Mike's nuts.
  15. http://www.examiner.com/x-243-Progressive-Politics-Examiner~y2008m6d9-Kucinich-Introduces-Articles-of-Impeachment My first triple! I think im going to cry...
  16. I figured as much, I certainly wasn't trying to be a dick. I remember you saying something about always arguing w/ Dr. Rick... sounds like me . The worst part about all this stuff (Iraq, Iran and Afgan.) is that the USA put the people that are/were ruling these countries in power. (I would love to blame this on republicans but they cant take 100% of it.) All this makes baby jesus cry.
  17. Sigh.... Whats wrong with being isolationists again? Do we really need to go out and police the world? As Iraq has shown us, this only gives terroists and others that dont really care for the "Freedom" we so haphazardly toss about the globe, a front to fight and kill our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and loved ones. Ya for killing things! Now im just waiting for the turn the whole place into glass comment from someone .
  18. Did anyone honestly believe them when they said Iraq had WMD? or that Iraq had links to terroist cells? I know I didnt.
  19. I think some big guy in a leather jacket and sunglasses is knocking on my door...
  20. Seems like just another band-aid to me. I do like that he blames Democrats in congress for our debt and making Iraq wealthy... We are in the position we are in because our system of Checks and Balances is totally corrupt and it takes a billion years for any type of decent legislation to be passed. Socialism ftmfw.
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