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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. Yup I am horrible with remembering song names and spelling, sorry.
  2. I cant believe I forgot the best one EVER: Green JellO - Cereal Killer Soundtrack ANTHING off that album is fucking GOLD. Check out The Misadventures of Shitman!
  3. I could have sworn the name of the song was Kopasetic... oh well... K's Choice - Not an Addict... I use to love that song too... Lit - My Own worst enemey (Best Bowling Balls ever) MXPX - Punk Rawk Show Orgy - Blue Monday The Pixies - Where is My Mind The Pixies - Hey Pornos for Pyros - We'll Make Great Pets Radiohead - Anything off OK Computer The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony Third Eye Blind - Slow Motion (Seriously check that song out, you will be suprised) Nada Surf - Popular Brian Setzer - Jump Jive and Wail Cherry Poppin Daddy's - I can't remember the name of the song..... I'll think of some more later... although I don't think Im really coming up with songs you are looking for
  4. Local H - Kopasetic (SP?) I know it starts with a K though. Monster Manget - Space Lord Space Hog - Spacehog? I can't remember the name of the song... Nine Inch Nails - Anthing off "Downward Spiral" Chumbawaba... hahahahahahahahahahaha The Pretender - 1000 miles haha! NOFX - Anthing off "So long and thanks for the shoes" (Not really anything from radio stations though) Im sure I can think of some more.... I use to love those dumb songs...
  5. "...VT 5.4 based twin turbo set-up. We are looking to become not only the holder of the fastest N/A Mod Motor..." Does that mean they are going to take the Turbos off or am I just dumb and not reading this right?
  6. Just say here, and by here we mean "Here I am, rock you like a hurricane." You do as the Scorpions have before you!
  7. http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/pee2.JPG That was a few years ago... I was pissing, smoking, drinking, and taking a picture all at the same time. I thought I was pretty bad ass but that picture of Sam and his tan lines... damn j00 s3x4r s4m
  8. T Rex

    Lawsuit question

    I think thats all he is trying to do. He never said anything about trying to get rich.
  9. Aaron filmed, I was there, I raced an escort that night. I talked to him briefly, but he never said what happened. Another one of our mutual friends told me. I miss that guy, we went to HS together for a few years.
  10. T Rex

    Good Article...

    Link is working again... sorry about that.
  11. T Rex

    Good Article...

    Damnit, Toledoblade.com is down... I'll see if I can't dig it up.
  12. Changing the subject a bit, or maybe going back to the orginal subject: Does/Has anyone every used another company for their gas besides Columbia Gas? I get phone calls all the time about a "lower" fixed rate for a certain amount of time from another company however I just flat out don't believe some of these companies. Fuck Gasoline companies, Biodiesel FTMFW.
  13. T Rex

    Good Article...

    http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070106/COLUMNIST14/70106057 I liked this article. Im sure Brian can tell us about all the restrictions they have about engaging the enemy.
  14. What about the time the cops pulled another 20 of us over right after Scott in his accord and I ran. Scott and I where almost at the end of our run and Sam beat us down to the end cause the cops where coming. "That shit was orchestrated man." They let us all go w/ warnings, thank god. I can't remember what the cop said to Ricky (I think) and Supra Mark that they recorded and posted. That was a scary/fun night.
  15. :marc2: Don't forget about the 84% either
  16. T Rex

    In This Thread

    likes his parts smelling like fresh Japanese women.... or something...
  17. T Rex

    In This Thread

    Thinks the guy above him is an asshole.
  18. T Rex

    In This Thread

    Makes people cry!
  19. Man, I've been around for awhile but I dont remember The Doc. I remember Sam and Brett (Renner) leaving myself and Cavalier Aaron in front of CompUSA after doing like 30 minutes of burnouts . I remember yelling at Jeff Yetzer cause he kept calling people out with his car that wasn't done yet, with him screaming "2 weeks." He pm'd me and challenged me with his Maxima but it still would destroy my car. I remember *most* of the boards ho's. The Debi thread was good.... My only claim to fame was the mac'n'cheese thread. Sorry Im done thinking about the past now.
  20. You too, and can you please take your kids out of your sig? Everytime my wife sees them she nags me for a baby...
  21. T Rex

    Kevin R!!!

    Damnit Triplethreat... can you please take your kids out of your sig... everytime my wife sees them she is just like "I want a baby, blah blah blah." DAMNIT MAN!!! And I believe its http://www.trackaddicts.net
  22. http://shogun.shafted.com.au/temp/bunny-noob.gif
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