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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. Try working 6PM to 6AM Friday - Sunday.... but someone has to make sure you all have power.
  2. buy a man made diamond for 1/4 the price no one will ever be able to tell the difference. I wish that's what I did.... I got my wife a 2.05 ct solitaire and a 1.5 ct wedding band. I get a lot of things I want now.
  3. Fuck that place!!!! I got my wedding band from them nothing but a hassle. I was told they would have it in two weeks when we ordered it. It almost took 2 months. When I got it the size was wrong. I had to have it sent back to get a new one before my wedding and was on pins and needles the whole time until they finally got it in the week of my wedding. DONT USE THEM!!
  4. What I'm trying to say is AEP is a for profit company and if you want to use their "product" you have to pay their rates. If you dont want to use their "product", you'll need to find some way around it like making your own power. Having electricity available to you at your discretion at all times isnt really a right its more of a privilege of living where we do. I compare this arguement to protesters that protest AEP's pollution but then go home and use their electricity.
  5. there's a simple fix for this increase in price....don't use electricity or make your own. Also, this is part of a bigger problem if you don't want your prices to go up tell the EPA to stop trying to crack down on our generation plants. They are killing our generation supply. Which will ultimately raise your prices because we have to go out and either make up for it using the more expensive gas turbines or buy it to meet YOUR demand.
  6. car has 64,000 Miles on it and the issues are completely unrelated to my knowledge, I know when the fans slow down the engine does not die/miss.
  7. I hate to say it but its going to happen either way. The American citizens who are opposed to it dont have the power to prevent it from happening. It's just too much money and too many jobs involved for the elected officals to stop it. Now I know a lot of people in the Warren/NE Ohio area who will probably profit pretty well off this and no ones complaining in that area.
  8. ok - the interior heating and cooling fans blow air and then it stops blowing air it almost sounds like it struggling to turn the blower fans. The fan then comes back on to the speed we have it set at. This is completely random there's no other problems with the instrument panel and it happens in all temperatures. It happens when the A/C is on on the hottest days and happens when the heat is on on the coldest days. It doesn't matter the speed setting we have it on either. as for the car stuttering she will be sitting at a stop light and the car will briefly idle down to where it sounds like its going to shut off then comes back to a normal idle. Also when we are driving i have noticed a slight jerk every once in awhile. I haven't pin pointed a specific speed but its just a slight jerk as if you let up on the gas and then floored it really quick. There are no check engine lights on, the car hasn't been making and out of the normal noises. The dealer said they cant find anything wrong with it and I've searched the net for what could be causing this and that has got me no where. I'm starting to think the problem with the climate control could be the climate control module, but that's $350 from the dealer and I don't want to replace it if it could be something else.
  9. My wife has an 07' sebring that has been having some problems lately. If anyone has had experience with these let me know here is the problems: - the heating and air conditioning will blow then stop then blow again and keep doing this no matter the speed or temperature. - some times when driving the car seems to hesitate and then go but it never completely shuts off... thanks for all those that help this car has been a headache that will be nice to get rid od some day in the future.
  10. I'd get a police report view the tapes you never know the kid could have been dumb enough to take it out of his pockets and throw it down or something. I'd also notify the management at premier.
  11. I'm just wondering how this thread can be real. If this dude is serious this world is fucked...
  12. I think you're walking a thin line here and I would say be very careful with how you handle this. The last thing you need would be him suing you for more money etc. I would go to the office with all your paperwork outlining your position of them not to do anything. I would hope you got everything in writing to support your claims.
  13. I dont think it should constitute being charged with anything but I can imagine how this lady feels if someone just picked it up and walked away with it without trying to make a reasonable effort to report it was found. I lost a watch once downtown (long story) but no one ever tried to contact me or post anything about it. I called everywhere and it really bummed me out since it was engraved and a college grad gift.
  14. my comment was not funny please go about your business...
  15. Cant say I didnt tell you so.... I said this on 11/19
  16. I was going to say if theres no other dammage just but a aftermarket mirror from someplace and save the claim on the insurance.
  17. Target will be offering them at $139 on black friday
  18. I'm hearing it will be announced at half time of the Duke - OSU Game. This is coming from an insider who said there was rumblings of something big going on at OSU before the tattoo debacle. We shall see....
  19. you should read the necronomicon.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necronomicon
  20. I'd tell the kid he owes me a new backboard. See where it goes from there...
  21. Lincoln Park isn't a bad neighborhood, I've been out around there quite a bit. If you want a good time time I'd say head to Wrigley-ville. Also there's a ton of fun bars near the corner of Clark and Diversey. I would not go further north than Montrose or farther west than Lincoln. Hope this helps.
  22. thats going to be pretty hard to do I'd suggest making it easier and making a macro run on command like alt+W runs macro checking data sources...
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