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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. Kony 2012 LOLz.... Follow your leader hipsters http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/envoy/kony-2012-filmmaker-arrested-san-diego-205649394.html
  2. for the real stuff make some apple mash out of about 3 cords of apple, add yeast and ferment in a air tight 5 gallon bucket for about 7 days then distill. You can find a lot of resources on brewing moonshine. My personal favorite is..... http://www.hillbillystills.com/Default.asp
  3. ^^ Too much reading...
  4. All I see in this thread is a bunch of fucking pussy Americans all a product of the feminization of man, whinning about some third world country that has no effect on you here in Ohio. My Grandparents would have looked at this video and said why do I care? This is the problem with the youth of today, all worried about other countries when they fail to see the probelms in our own country.
  5. Good for you! You must have made a really big impact in stopping this from happening... With that being said this has been going on for decades, you nor any overly expensive documentary isnt going to stop this from happening. My $30's for a T-Shirt and wrist band doesnt do anything besides help increase profit for the comapny putting this hipster movement on. Get behind a real cause...
  6. If you want something done take your money over there and fix the problem if you care so much. Just don't use my tax dollars to fund your feel good campaign when we have plenty of "feel good" causes to get behind in the US. Just go through downtown Cleveland, Linden North, or take a stroll around Parsons Ave. near Childrens.
  7. Not my country not my problem... Please tell me how this directly effects me enough to really want to get involved. I mean would these people come to my aid if I was dying in the gutter somewhere? We already have enough problems in America than to spend more money fighting another third world countries battles, besides we arent the world police.
  8. For reasons undisclosed I'm looking for a new insurance company/agent. My wife and I want to consolidate policies, get life and renters insurance. Can anyone suggest some companies?
  9. The parents need to get on the same page or that kid is going to play them against each other. With that being said she should have to serve the punishment at his house under his supervision. As for the wife threatening divorce - obviously she doesn't understand in the true meaning of a marriage and shouldn't have been married in the first place.
  10. I had a guy give me the I'm out of gas story I gave him $5 to help him out. A couple hours later I see him walking in a park asking others for money. From that day forward I ignore panhandlers.
  11. If anyone is looking for a Pre-workout bodybuilding.com has Muscletech Neurocore on sale buy one get one free. 90 servings for $31.99 or 200 servings for $59.99 http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/mt/neurocore.html
  12. YES!!!!! too bad the prisoner gets away next week. If it wasnt for dales vagina they would have been fine.
  13. Will they just fucking kill Dale already that guy is such a bitch.
  14. Going Sunday to meet Jerome Mayberry.....
  15. my vote is Huntington just always had great service there.
  16. so I run out today to grab some whey protein. I stopped at Grandview Nutrition and I just wanted some cheap Gold Standard. They wanted $38.00 for a 2lber, GNC has it on sale for $25. Needless to say I went to GNC. I walk into GNC b-line straight to what I want grab it and go straight to the register. The guy there will not stop trying to upsell me on everything in the damn store. I finally just tell him look just ring me up I dont need other shit. I'm ordering online for my shit from now on. I know I know cool story bro, but I'm so tired of that shit. If you say you know what you want leave the person alone.
  17. I've been working out with 405 on the deads, squats I've been going deep with 225. I bet if i just went to chair height i could get 275-285.
  18. ^ I'd try for a part time to get discounts. That would ease my wallet pain.
  19. the problem I see with creatine is once you stop taking it (if you do) you lose all the water weight so I wouldn't really say its a 100% viable supplement. I mean it sure helps the workout and making you look bigger but when it comes to pure muscle I just don't see it.
  20. I'm 5'9" 175lbs. I've shied away from legs a lot since college since I messed my knees up hurdling, but now I'm trying to get them back to the strength they once were. For now my goals are: ~300lb squat, ~600lb leg press, 600lb Dead, and that's all I'm really concerned with.
  21. Halo hasn't bloated me and I'd say its definitely helped recovery. Its on sale for $35 right now at GNC if you feel like trying it.
  22. sheesh How's your liver? Between the Pre-and the Shred your caffeine intake and everything else your livers got to be working triple time.
  23. I've been taking C4 that stuff is a great pre, after workout I take Muscletech's Anabolic Halo which has creatine and everything else you would want in a post workout supplement. I like both but I must admit they are pretty pricey.
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