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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. Taking supplements wont help you if you don't put in the work. There's no such thing as a magic pill to get you more stamina, it will come from increased training cardio/lighter weights more reps with less rest periods between sets. Again though I cant stress enough, you have to figure out whats right for you and go with that. Ive tried C4, N.O. Explode, some muscletech crap and its never helped with cardio. I just consider that stuff like an energy drink to get you over the hump or a quick cup of coffee in the morning. Right now I'm training for the arnold pump and run and my workout consists of one day power lifting and another working on stamina. For example: Sunday: 5x5's chest exercises and 8x3's biceps Monday: 8x3's Lower body Tuesday: 5x5's shoulders back triceps Wednesday: Off Thursday: 15x3 Chest Biceps Friday: 15x3 Shoulders Back Triceps Saturday: Missed stuff/rest I start out each workout with 20min cardio on bike or elliptical. This might sound like a lot and I would try to jump right into a workout like this if your a beginner, baby steps is the way to go.
  2. there was a recent study on the impact of the casino on local business granted its only be open a short time its hurt businesses around there more than help. Do I go to the casino to eat at restaurants around it? Do I go to the dumpy restaurants around it on lunch when I could have some decent entertainment and good food? No to both, good job Columbus another fine decision.
  3. IMO: Eat at the casino food is top notch, get drunk and gamble, take $20 cab downtown, get further drunk down, get hotel downtown (the hyatt regency is awesome and cheap).
  4. crossfit = $155.00/Mo. for a workout you can do in your garage... no thanks; To each his own though. I personally think you need to do what works for you. Ask any professional athlete, bodybuilder, etc. everyone is different so your workout should be modeled around you. Sure you'll make mistakes along the way but you'll get there.
  5. The guy right behind him is Dan Bailey he was the anchor for my 4x100 team in college at OU.
  6. True, but I'm the guy IGS comes to for the price its going to cost them for the power. Happens at least once a month.
  7. If you get your MBA online from a University like Ashland or Franklin it says MBA not "Online MBA". There's no way to tell the difference and its the same course work through an accredited university. I'd really do some research in the programs before calling an online program low-end. Most universities have online MBA programs now that are viewed as on par with normal in class courses.
  8. Best advice is do a in-depth analysis of what you've paid historically and choose the best rate available. Keep in mind rates will be going up soon if you look at trends. Also if you buy from someone like IGS they are just buying the generation from AEP and marking it up, I'd stick with someone with generation not a marketer.
  9. I'm doing my MBA through Ashland Online and I've had a few friends do their with Franklin online. Its been pretty flexible and from all the recruiters I've talked with an MBA is an MBA unless your in the top 5 or on the other end University of Phoenix.
  10. ) I went to that place (Mr. Tree Farm on Reynoldsburg Rd. a few years now but after paying $130 last year I wont be going back. Heres a list from the dispatch. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/home_and_garden/2009/11/22/TREE22_.ART_ART_11-22-09_H9_E3FNL2E.html
  11. Man too bad you aren't looking for downtown, my wife is starting a daycare out of our house. We've got the llc all set up and everything. Shes got a bachelors in early childhood education and has worked as a nanny for numerous families in Bexley. Shes got a curriculum and organic baby foods.
  12. There wont be another Bush elected to the white house. I'll be interesting to see whos in the race in 2016.
  13. I signed up for the Arnold Pump and Run. My routine has really changed now, Im trying to cut weight and be able to bench my weight 30 times. I've been able to bench 180 - 20 times need to get that up to 30times.
  14. Romney is coming Nov. 5th to Landmark Aviation 4130 E. 5th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43219. He'll have Marshall Tucker Band.
  15. Unfortunately I have a feeling I'll be rocking a "Don't blame me I voted Romney Ryan" sticker on my truck. I really hope that doesnt happen.
  16. I get it all the time where it feels like its hard to breathe. I went to a chiropractor about it and that did nothing besides give me temporary relief. I just live with it now and try to crack my back whenever needed.
  17. Everyone wants to make a quick buck and not put in the hard work for it. I remember when I was a kid I used to mow yards all around my neighborhood for $5-10 each and I'm only 28! People these days are so lazy that it leads people to searching out illegals since they are more dependable. This sums it up: The Notorious BIG said it best: "Either you're slingin' crack-rock, or you've got a wicked jump-shot." Nobody wants to work for it anymore. There's no honor in taking that after school job at Mickey Dee's, honor's in the dollar. - Boiler Room
  18. By supporting start up companies, or investing and turning around troubled companies? It seems you may be a little off base in your analysis. In Romney's 15yr stint at Bain besides turning around businesses and reselling them to the public or to other private parties he doubled investors money every year. So I guess in your opinion you can call me an idiot for voting for a successful business man who hasn't been a career politician. Ive seen a few people claiming Mitt is an idiot with no factual basis to back their opinion. The way I see it is it makes someone unintelligent to call someone else an idiot without explaining why or relying on some attack ad for their opinion. It would sound more intelligent to say something like "I dont agree with how Mitt amassed his wealth or Mitt is out of touch with my values".
  19. Please explain the criteria that makes someone who has successfully built a net worth of $250 Million an idiot.
  20. Candidates you side with... 95% Ron Paul on domestic policy, immigration, economic, healthcare, social, and science issues more info 92% Mitt Romney on immigration, economic, healthcare, and social issues more info 86% Gary Johnson on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, and science issues more info 76% Virgil Goodeon domestic policy, economic, social, and healthcare issues more info 52% Barack Obama on economic, environmental, science, and foreign policy issues more info 30% Jill Steinon environmental and foreign policy issues more info 12% Rocky Andersonno major issues more info
  21. the mosquitomagnet works wonders as said above. According to some recent studies type O blood gets more bites. I have O- and get decimated by mosquitoes. I highly recommend Off Deeps Woods Sportsmen Dry the higher the Deet the better (although your skin tingles and it probably causes cancer). If you know you'll have people over or be outside you should fog your yard in the morning that always seems to help (http://www.acehardwareoutlet.com/productdetails.aspx?sku=998955823).
  22. ^ agreed, if it looks like a duck and it sounds like a duck, it must be a duck.
  23. Adios Dems thanks for making easier to win this election.
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