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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. My roller hockey team will be signing up for the next session soon. Our current Goalie will not be able to play. If there is anyone that is interested please contact me via pm or instant messenger. It will cost 0 for a goalie to play and will be on weds. 10 games plus playoffs make up the schedual. Some games will be on Sunday but not to many. Expierence is needed plus you will have to supply your own pads and skates. Its alot of fun to play so i hope one of you can do it. Just im me at blinkkilla182 or pm me!
  2. apparently a few guys want to go on a date with you chris j/p. hope you find a good one
  3. added a new part......clarrett is being shown for the bitch he is.......words cant get him out of this
  4. Maurice Clarrett HUMBLE? is it possible? First article was fri Clarrett is really slow....prob will go undrafted this is just from ESPN [ 26. February 2005, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Dark Horse ]
  5. the battery is def the biggest thing. For only 10G i would pay liek 20 bucks
  6. HA Tenzig had to post a pic so people could understand. But very funny non the less
  7. jsut wow......first time i saw that i seirously thought it was photochopped
  8. ohhh i am so selling my mustang to get that sweet cavy.......ohh i can just see the chicks running to my car now......
  9. no my friend has a 50in dlp and it plays just fine
  10. cNeutron


    if anyone needs a copy circuit city at easton has a few.
  11. lol, the IP ban did a lot of good, huh Doug? and I prefer this ass clown award better. http://static.stileproject.com/rnd/img/goatse3.jpg This dude cant face the facts that he needs to leave. What a child that he is still hanging around here when no one wants him here. Who makes another screen name like a little girl that is trying to create drama. Go back to whatever gay lifestyle you come from and get the fuck out of here.
  12. chill out i was only making a joke hence the "haha" so sorry if it offended you in any way
  13. and your a moderator with 3500 posts haha you need to do the same
  14. i used to live in wilmington last year and it rocked and i am moving back soon. But greensboro sucks, all the fucking marines thinks they are gods gift to humanity. Not disrespect to any marines on here just alot of the ones i experienced there.
  15. i will help you move ant......congrats again
  16. we look out for one another haha
  17. Your comebacks are legendary! Whats really funny about all of this is that I probably make more then you at CC then you do at whatever white trash job you have. So fuck off no one wants you here on the board.
  18. why is this dude not banned yet?
  19. You are beyond hope.....you are the type of person to die before you will admit you are wrong. For that i am sorry your rents should have taught you better. Im done with this issue I know im right and that is all that matters. It is you that needs to realize you arent on the inside. We see reports all the time on the progress and decline of our company. So where ever you work might keep you in the dark about everything, CC does business differently with the people who want to know.
  20. You do the same thing to me? DO you read what you type. You say i dont know something when i am telling you that i do. You are the retard that trys to make people think that you know more then you actually do. NO one looks retarted but you yourself.
  21. Veritas will probably want some of that
  22. SO let me get this straight you know more about MY company the company that I work at, than I do. You are sadly mistaken, just admit all your comments and opinions have been derived from the columbus dispatch or your hotmail email account. You talked shit about our job and our work place do you expect us to just take it? You are the child that is uninformed about a subject that you know NOTHING about. Go flame somewhere else
  23. Thank you Doug i just got at work and was about to show the same thing. D3caps reads the Columbus Dispatch and thinks that he can make a educated opinion of the finiacial situations of CC. HE doesnt see the info that doesnt make it to the paper but he likes to think he does. Shows how much he knew about this subject.
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