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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. Sawbinder

    CPD tasers

    I know from personal experience you have to be tasered and trained before you can carry one on the street. I took my 50,000 volt ride an it hurt like hell. But I wiil take the taser any day over mace. Mace is the gift that keeps on giving like herpes. Its awsome. Mace is also on a lower level use of force for cpd than the taser.
  2. I was waiting for someone take out about 10-20 people but only got one or two at a time but it was still priceless. People think that Americans drive crazy have no idea until they see this. LOL
  3. Im not shocked humans are some sick fucks.
  4. Look at the first picture of Paris checking out her tits. I thinks shes thinking the samething I am late night snack, MMMMM good.
  5. I will be working that night. You all have fun and drive carefully.
  6. What he was doing was caled passive resistance. He was refusing to move, just being dead weight. That in it self is enough to warrant the use of the taser. Mace is an exellent tool but they are in an enclosed space and everybody would have been affected. The taser only hurts like hell for 5 seconds then in a few seconds he would have been fine and able to walk. We tazed a guy last night outside of columbus gold and he got 2 rides and by the second ride he submitted and cooperated fully. The officers should have just picked him up and carried him out to end the commotion, then added resisting to the list of charges.. Whats with the whole Iranian-American thing anyway. Who gives a crap what decent he is he's a dumbass and thats should be the end of it. My 2 cents!!
  7. UMMM Hate crime? Reverse discrimination?
  8. So disrespectful stupid fuckers!!!!
  9. People never cease to amaze me we get sicker an sicker by the day. The sick thing about that is that there is a market for that shit some people really get off on it. Funny but sick and made me laugh.
  10. Make him pay for the rest of his life. He owes you a car, accept no substitute.
  11. He wont show to court if he is illegal. IF you say he is illegal was he cited for no ops? Who took the accident report? Look into it an fight the ticket you just might win.
  12. I love catching morons like you 91 formula!!!!!! People like you are are the reason why people like me stay in business. Just let the tailgater go by might help with your stress problem and may lower your blood pressure. Bythe way try looking up your court case on the Franlin County Municiple Court Website it would have told you when your next court date was. Helps avoid those nasty little warrants that people tend to get, that I like so much. Oh and by the way that stupid fucking picture of the special olympics kid doing his best and you haveing it up to make fun of him for it is not becoming of you. Have you ever met a kid with downsyndrome? I have my baby sister. Dont ever run into me I will show you no mercy.
  13. I got a good chuckle out of that one.
  14. Ok Fergie is hot, definitly an attitude change from the black eyed peas days.
  15. Jihad smurf to the rescue. LOL
  16. That fat fuck used duck tape to hold his towel up yet another use for duck tape number 1,000,001.. lol
  17. Thats a lot of cash right there for what it doesn't go fast.
  18. LOL He got tossed out though and still lived lucky bastard.
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