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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. I feel pretty safe in my job security because for some reason people still can't behave. They still rob,rape steal, kill, and when times get worse like now things get busier for me. Yea, I think my job is safe. However, its getting to be a real bitch now that things are getting worse and people are on edge all the time. I hope everyone on here has a MERRY CHRISTMAS and does'nt speed through my neighborhoods.
  2. I hope and pray for swift justice for that victim. They should die the same way that he did. EYE FOR AN EYE in this case.
  3. Well, its finally fixed called the old man for some insight and he told me to cover the one side of the sink bowel and to fill the garbage disposal with hot water and then turn on the garbage disposal and it will act like a hose and force water down the drain. Well what do you know the old man was right again. It cleared the clog and the water is draining nicely. However I did pull about two fist fulls of turkey out of the drain before I did this. If this did not work I was going to call a professional for help. Thanks for all the input from everyone I'm able to have a little less stress today before I goto work.
  4. I love my .308 sass it a blast to shoot. The AK's great for plinking not accurate but fun to shoot, the AR great to shoot getting expensive though, my UZI is still cheap and fun but not accurate. The .22 and .17 are fun, cheap and accurate to shoot.
  5. I have the trap off and I'm into the wall about 2-3 feet now the only problem is that I got everything cleaned out but I'm at the end of the pipe. I hit the end and now the pipe is going down and I think there is more that made it down into the pipe. If she wasn't really sick I would be really pissed off about this but now I'm just laughing about it. Thanks for all the input I will try to put it to good use, either that or I will just F'it all up and then call a professional to fix it. LOL
  6. Alright so on my way to work last night wife calls crying stating that she just clogged up the kitchen sink. Im thinking no problem she's done it before fixed it in five minutes. Yea not this time. Wife put left over turkey into the garbage disposal and didnt wait long enough before shoving more in. The crazy girl just shoved it all in. The problem I have is that the clog is about 2-3 feet inside the wall. I was up for several hours this morning after work trying to unclog it. I have an old pumbing snake and was using that but I was wondering if anyone knows of anything else that might work. Oh yea the clog is so thick that the water that I left in the sink since 6:30 am it's still there when I just got at 11:30am to goto work. Any thoughts or I idea's would be helpful. Thanks.
  7. You cant turn your back on a liberal they'll fuck you every time.
  8. Hell ya this is bullshit look at the site but sounded good anyway. Hell we would look just like the middle east with guards at the doors.
  9. I have two S&W 4506 one I used to carry for work, shoots nice but weighs a ton. Now I carry the S&W M&P 40 love it, much lighter and carries more ammo. I also carry S&W CS9, lightweight and compact for a nine shoots awsome wife used it for her CCW class.
  10. LOL, that should make my job easier maybe they will help cut down on the thefts.
  11. Yea, your probably right, it might in columbus juv court better for him than mayors court, easier to get continuence and they are easier to deal with. I would throw yourself at the mercy of the court and plead for anything other than the RO. I don't know how your driving record is but there is a good chance that you may lose your license for a while, it doesn't take much when your underage. I agree with Dragknee66 go for anything that will save your license and hopefully wont kill you in the fine area. Hal awsome vid in your sig
  12. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, however I can tell you this you will not get this dropped completely. Sounds like you pissed somone off! First thing is go in and ask for a continuence, you need time to seek council, second if this is held in hillard's mayors court I would have your attorney move this to Columbus courts (better chances downtown than in mayors court they don't have homefield advantage). Second let your attorney do his job thats what you pay him for and your gonna pay believe me. I would put the car up for a while till this blows over you don't want that cop to find some other reason to write you. Good luck
  13. Hey now not all of us are bad! I hope everything works out and you get your car fixed. I would put some bars over the window in your garage to deter the little bastards next time.
  14. My hats off to you Hotcarl you saved his lilfe and anyone else that would have been next to him on the road that night. Never let a drunk person drive!!! Call 645-4545 CPD non emergency number faster than the 1-800-GRAB-DUI. If so maybe next time I can come get him I have some nice steel bracelets thats one size fits all!!!
  15. I have been trying to warn all of you that eventually the shit was going to hit the fan. The paper said that there had been numerous complaints about people drag racing up 71. It was only a matter of time before popo got lucky and caught someone.
  16. If you purchase a firearm on the internet they can only ship it to a person who has an FFL. The FFL dealer then does all the paper work and background check on you. For AR's you can buy everything you need to build one less the reciever that you will need an FFl dealer for. Any place will sell you a gun as long as you pass the back ground check and have an FFL dealer that they can ship the gun to for the transfer.
  17. I saw 3 dead guys last year that died while riding. So far just one accident this year dont kno if the guy made it, if he did he's gonna be messed up. Slow down and wear your helmet. Be Safe riding!!
  18. I work way to much time to spend more time with my wife and kids. That was a great video that puts ones life into great perspective.
  19. The law is a funny thing unfortunately for you, you have allowed your friend to move in with you. With this act even if it was just for a week he has established residency with you. It does not matter if he has a house key or gets his mail there. It all starts with everything, if he has brought clothes, hangs pictures on his bedroom wall anything that makes it looks like its his place then he's established residency. Now the whole mail thing just seals the deal because it takes about a week to get your mail forwarded an address changed. This established residency law was originally designed for women so that their significant other could not just throw them out on the street any time they decided they were done with them. I see this all the time and deal with this on a weekly basis. Does he have any family here in town that could take him in? You said he was borrowing his brothers truck. I would that his family would take him in and his son. I give the poor bastard some kudo's its hard raising a 2 yr old, I have 3 kids I could not imagine trying to raise them by myself. Sounds like he should try to seek some assistance from the city or the state till he gets back on his feet. Good luck and keep us posted.
  20. Sawbinder

    Would You Cheat?

    Hell No, I love my wife and kids to much.. Besides the down side would be child support on three plus spousal support would be through the roof!!
  21. First let me say I smell a law suit!! Second What the hell was that officer thinking? I could tell right away just by looking at his arms and hands that there was something wrong with him. His legs looked very skinny to through his pants. She obviosly wasn't paying attention to detail. Third now because of another incident created by a bad apple, cops get a bad rap. I wish people would think before they act it might save them and the rest of us some grief. Nothing like tarnishing the badge.
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