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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. Yep just what the benz guy said report it lost or stolen since don't know what happened to it. Could end up on some asshole's car thats wanted then the next stop for po po will be your house.
  2. Find out who his boss is and talk to him if that does not work find that guys boss. Eventually you will get high enough to find someone who will help you if that does not work call the media like 6 on your side nothing like bad publicity on the news to get some action started. Keep calling them and bugging them make them pay. Call him everyday at the same time to make him dread that same time every day. My two cents.
  3. I hope the thieves of Columbus do not find and loot your sick setup. That looks awsome keep it under lock and key.
  4. Sawbinder

    What do you do?

    I like working patrol more fun, but I still do venture on the freeway to run laser to mess with drivers!!!
  5. Nice costumes. I love the close up with the baby ptyeradactlyle (sp) trying to get a bite. LOL
  6. Sawbinder

    What do you do?

    I dispense justice to the needy. I work in the campus area.
  7. I've arrested more people than anyone on this board and do so on a weekly basis. Its not a good week if someone does not goto jail. Made 3 trips to county on one night. My best arrest was a 55 year old dirt bag I caught with child pornography. Found out he was charged with 65 felonies out of it.
  8. That was great, My kid thought it was hilarious.
  9. The reason Ohio doesnt have a helmet law is because we are an insurance state (I.E. shit load of insurance companies headquartered in columbus). Its cheaper for the insurance company to pay off premium after you wreck and are dead then it is to pay for years and years of rehabilitation and hospital bills. Its pure and simple economics. You live after motorcycle wreck it costs tomuch to take care of you, you dying is much cheaper. The whole seatbelt thing to me personally its up to you if you want to wear it. I'll still write ya for it because its the law but if your dead thats your problem not mine I don't have to do the paperwork, you saved me time. I got my 3 OVI arrests this weekend, 1 robber and 1 thief.
  10. If a cop wants to pull over there is nothing you can do about it. He will find a reason. The loud muffler is a good pinch, but not one that is usually written unless your an asshole about it. Most likely the officer was just fishing. I don't care about loud mufflers but I do hate the cars that blow a lot of smoke. Best policy is to be cool about and be polite no matter how much of a jerk the officer is being because you are not going to win against him. I like the swerving within lanes the best and it is a writable offense.
  11. Yea Im CPD. pm Me with your questions and I'll see if I can help
  12. Sawbinder


    My brother in law could have used that saw about 7 years ago he cut off his middle finger with his table saw.. He had a dado blade on and it just ground down the finger to the middle knuckle. He just gives people the bird with half a finger now.
  13. I cruise the streets of columbus from downtown, victorian village, campus, clintonville, to dublin four days a week ten hours a day thats enough cruising for me. However the scenery is really nice up and down High St. in the evenings.
  14. Congrats, enjoy the next nine months because after the baby gets here youu'll never get a chance slow down again. Congrats again.
  15. The game is wicked I play a couple times a week. What server do you usually play on?Nice screen shots.
  16. Dont do it man, dont do it..LOL You hit the nail on the head shawn crazy ass sobs.
  17. Sawbinder


    Run over by an ass.. LOL
  18. I thought I had a favorite one all picked out then they just kept getting better as they went. Nice find I needed a good laugh. Thanks
  19. Did you got the two year sticker? If so thats why it cost so much.. Saves you from having to do it all over again next year though. Just takes a bite out of the wallet.
  20. I have the original brick PS2 and the newer thin PS2. The old one would not save one the kids game so ibought a new one. Just talked to sony he said try a new memory card the max memory is shit, waste of 25 bucks.
  21. If you want stop by tonight and give me any info you have I will be home all night.
  22. Hey Mike pm me and I'll see if I can't help you get the info you need, I kind of have an inside edge!
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