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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. That is why you don't try to pry a 155 shell with an ak. That was insane.
  2. Don't ya just love the media they will slant the story which ever way gets them the best ratings!
  3. I work Evening Mid Watch hours 6:30 pm to 4:30 am.
  4. Sawbinder

    New Here

    Welcome mike glad you could finally make it to the board.
  5. I totally agree with what you said above, however all I said was that since it involves a child maybe we should not post it. Shitting in mouth is sick but whatever, photos of a crime scene are sick and its a reality one I've seen to many times but that does not matter. Raping a corpse didn't see that one but definitly illegal and sick. Like I said it's just my 2 cents worth.
  6. I've been thinking about this thread all night at work and the thing I found most disturbing is that it is a child and somone posted it. I have three of my own and after looking at this it made me sick to think about this. I've seen autopsies (spelling), dead bodies, I've watched people take there last breath while I'm telling them to hold on, but nothing is worse to me then seeing a child dead or mutilated. All of the other sick shit on here has never bothered me but I'm sad to say this does not belong here and should be taken down out of respect. Anything else thats sick go ahead and post but leave the ones with the dead children out. My 2 cents: SAW
  7. That was sick makes me want to keep my kids inside all the time where I can keep an eye on them. I pray for the victims family!!!
  8. The suspect had already robbed 4 other banks in three weeks and it was only a matter of time before he shot someone. The suspect was getting more and more bold with every robbery that much is evident. The officers were well behind the suspect and a chopper was following. When you look at his driving he did not swerve or lose it he crossed the center median and drove directly at the victim in the white supra. The suspect knew his he was done for this time and chose to end it all but took an innocent with him in his last act of desperation. I wish he would have just killed himself instead of being a selfish prick. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims family.
  9. You could try and fight it and they might throw out the tint ticket however that is a non-moving violation. You would probably get max fine on the speeding ticket but might get lucky and have the tint ticket thrown out. Good luck and slow down it'll save ya some $
  10. Sawbinder


    Cops will look for any reason to pull someone over those bastards!! Yes it is illegal it must be displayed on the front of the vehicle. I usually look for more than one violation on a person to pull them over. I usually get much better cooperation from people when I let them know that I have seen multiple moving violations or equipment violations. I treat them with respect and expect the same in return, which may also help them getting out of the ticket with me.
  11. I dispense justice to the needy.
  12. Ok now I've read the post and as a CPD officer I can only offer one piece of advice to any and all of you but most of all to Martin "DON"T DO STUPID SHIT IN FRONT OF COPS" This whole thing about not breaking 3000rpm WTF you were obviosly driving like a tool and were noticed by the cop. If you don't do stupid things in front of the po po they won't follow you. PS- I can follow you anywhere I want for as long as I want and eventually you will make a mistake and I can find something to pull you over for if I want you. But I tend to look for drunk drivers more than just minor traffic violations. needless to say I'm still looking at everyone.
  13. That was awsome she just had to be greedy..
  14. I dont know you at all, however I am a cop and I would definitly file a police report and list them as the suspects. If the damage is over $500 then its a felony which to me looks like that it is. This for one will start a paper trail which could be beneficial to you in the long run. As for your the suspects being your father and sister man that sucks Im sorry to hear that. I see this sort of shit all the time parents and kids just destroying each others shit to get back at one another. If you are able to afford moving out I recommend it. One it will give you some piece of mind and two it will be your place and noone can mess with your shit again at least not your family. Do what you gotta do but be smart about it. Good Luck!!
  15. That would have left a mark!! Lucky bastard.
  16. How bout some pictures of this thing?
  17. Enjoy your sleep now because soon you will be in sleep depravation.. Congrats man!
  18. That was hilarious, that guy could not stop laughing he was killing me..
  19. Both of them were funny as hell.
  20. I got special on saturday no riding for me. Gasp like I said the bike is older I wont get a free tune up will have to pay for it. Just looking for something close and I know triple threats friend owns a store. Maybe he can hook me up.
  21. Thanks fo the info took them away just now.
  22. Where is a gear Higher? I just pulled my bike out its an old trek carbon and need to have it tuned before I ride. I haave MTW off from work. Can usually ride if I dont have court or special duty.
  23. Sawbinder


    Hey Mike have you heard any more about Mr. Nacho that hit you? I would also like to let you know that everyone of them I run into that is a no ops and drunk goes straight to ID then to jail.
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