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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. "I'll go first I'm the drunkest" Those are famous last words..
  2. I don't even know where to beging with this one. In just the last 8 months I've had the unfortunate job of standing by and watching a medic unit pronounce another motorcyclist DEAD. I was on scene at the Henderson Rd. fatal motorcycle accident and it was a gruesome site. I dont know his name or who he was only that according to a witness who he flew by that he was well into the triple digits in speed when he crashed. The bike was brand new with 30 day tags just picked up within the last week. The bike was obliterated. More details will come later as the investigation is still ongoing. I dont know what to say other than PLEASE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN AND WEAR A HELMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired of seeing dead motorcycle riders especially young ones that cause the accidents!! That is my rant...
  3. I wrote some asshat a ticket and took a dirtbag to jail, mostly an uneventfull night.
  4. He's having to much fun.
  5. Shawn it looks nice. Now I want my SAW back.
  6. Just a friendly reminder to please buckle up from your local po po. My baby brother's best friend and roommate was killed in a car accident on I71 yesterday. They were coming back from a chili peppers concert from the night before. The driver lost control and spun out and was hit by a semi Sean was ejected and killed. Both front seat driver and passenger were wearing theres and are going to be ok physically. Sean was a great guy he will be sorely missed by all!!!!!! So PLEASE remember to buckle up I know they are uncomfortable but they have saved my life. SAW
  7. Let the city do it. Then if anything is wrong with it, its on them. Ijust had them install a new one in my new house and they did not charge me anything. Call them and ask them what they charge.
  8. Looks like the new baby is an instant millionaire, but her family will probably be fighting over it now.
  9. Mine is getting the chastity belt now.
  10. That was awsome. They get what they deserve.
  11. I forgot the cop will probably get a ticket for failure to control. I got one when I wrecked my cruiser. It will probably come from the chief or who ever is in control of fleet safety. It has to be from an officer that is higher ranked though.
  12. There are good cops and bad cops! It sucks when one cop does something wrong because the rest of us get lumped into that were assholes catagory. I feel for ya about the cop lying in court but just because You had a bad experience with one doesnt mean all are bad. Oh and I do ticket speeders but I dont write till 15 over, I think thats very fair in my opinion.
  13. Get out the checkbook or just sign the radio station over to her kids they own it now. It's really sad all for a game.
  14. Bitch better douche. Thats one smelly ass hole.
  15. I made it the whole way through. Definitly some sick individuals out there.
  16. Try Vances very knowledgeable and prices are good. Not to mention they usually have 6 months same as cash, kind of helpfull if you are buying an expensive gun such as the desert eagle. If you wait till right before deer season vances does 1 year same as cash. I prefer to buy then but I usually buy 2-3 guns at a time. Kind of saves on the wallet and no interest. Buy the gun that feels the best for you and that you like. I used to carry the S&W 4506 steel frame its a fucking cannon, weighs a ton too. We now carry the S&W M&P 40 lighter and more compact, however no thumb safety the only negative to me, but it carries 15 + 1. I now have 46 rounds at my disposal versus the old 25 rounds. The S&W CS9 is a nice compact 9mm shoots awsome and is ligth weight. By the way I'm a S&W fan but most guns are good and some are better and some are worse just depends on what you like. To me the steel frames and the new polimer frames are just as good it just depends on what you like and want. I like the new S&W M&P 40 because it is lighter for me to carry for 12 housr a day. Good luck and happy gun buying let us kow what you get!!
  17. That was hilarious. They should have kept that up all night long.
  18. I worked all night. Took to many burglary reports. Everyone was out paryting and the thieves were out stealing their shit.
  19. I was just about to leave work and go home when that call went out I believe they shut down the whole freeway that night. That was an awsome job keeping your cool. It sucks that you had to see him die though. Ive seen way to many people die and to many dead bodies its already gettng old.. Drunk drivers are the worst. Good job!
  20. I saw a guy that had hung himself. Poor bastard had a fight with his brother and thought this was the cure all for his problems. It sucked felt sorry for the family.
  21. Just go into court and ask for a no point equipment violation and if that doesnt work ask for a no point speed and say you'll pay the fine. It never hurts to ask. Oh and shit does happen just ask the 7 speeders that I ticketed on satuday night. They werent paying attention and got caught. Remember cops are sneaky fuckers sitting on the side of the road in marked cars with lights on top kind of hard to miss. I dont write till at least 15 over on the freeway and 10+ over on the city streets depending on my mood. You must always beaware of your surroundings because po po is always looking for you. Good luck in court
  22. Did this happen in C-bus or else where? If CPD took a report let me know I'll pass the word around and keep an eye out for the guns. Send me the report number so I can look it up if it was CPD.
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