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Everything posted by FST94TSI

  1. If its not at somebodies house ive got a gas grill that we can take and use for the day if somebody has a truck to put it in. Ill be more than happy to do grilling duties. Thats my b-day weekend too so ill be out for sure it there's something going on for sure. Ill also donate a box of burgers and or dogs. Ill just get a bulk pack from sams club. So count me in for manning the grill, providing the grill, and some burgers or dogs, whichever is needed. Ive got a shitload of bulk pack asst. chip bags that we got from sams club for my daughters b-day and didnt use. Whoever is setting things up please contact me to let me know what I can bring and if we're going to use my grill.
  2. FST94TSI


    Its been a long time since ive been out on a good long cruise. I haven't been out for a good cruise since I got rid of my Talon which was way too many years ago. Anyways lets get a nice cruise setup guys and girls. Im down for pretty much whatever as far as area to cruise. Any ideas or input please lets get something going in maybe two weeks or so. That way itll give us time to get as many people in as possible. Input on good roads or areas would help too as i don't get to leave the city much so im not up on good cruising roads around here. As for a beginning idea how bout setting it up so that we all cruise to a park or campground somewhere, do a little cooking out, talking about cars, benchracing of course then finish by cruising back as a group. Maybe we can get this setup as an official CR cruise and maybe work in some kind of benefit for charity.
  3. I just don't have room for my tank anymore so im selling it instead of letting it collect anymore dust. Im sure ill miss some things so bare with me. Ill sell it as a whole or part things out. The posted price is for everything but I will break it up as well. Ill be working most of the day so please call me if youre interested. 614-507-8183 55 Gallon black trim tank with lids Long one piece light, working with bulbs Eheim Ecco canister filter w/ all parts works perfectly Whisper 500 oldshool over the back style filter 2 Whisper 200 oldschool over the back style filters Whisper 800 adjustable dual output air pump 25 ft. tank cleaning hose with gravel siphen Black wooden 55 gallon stand with two doors and underside storage Tons of hoses, pieces, undergravel filter ornaments, rocks, and pretty much everything you will need to set this up. If you wanted to set this up like it is all you need is water, fish, and gravel.
  4. I am selling my PS3 with one controller, Battlefield Bad Company 2, UFC 2009, and Need for Speed shift. If you want to get it today please call or text me at 614-507-8183
  5. Gonna try to make it finally. Will any of the guys that can do pics be there? If so can one of you hit me up please so I can ask a few questions?
  6. Ive got an 05 Hemi durango and although im not a big fan of it my girl loves the thing to death. The new one on the other hand is pretty hot inside and out. I was hoping theyd do something cool like an SRT version though. Its still early so maybe they will but until then the only disappointing thing is no new groundbreaking motor options. They did do away with the two dif. V8s, sixteen dif. V6s etc. etc. Now its just the Hemi or a pretty stout six. I dont see the point in a rwd option though. An SUV should like this should just be 2wd with awd when it needs it. No fulltime 2wd option please.
  7. Man this is my alltime fav. color combo on a bike. I wish you had this for sale a few months ago when I still had the money from selling the Mustang. Oh well GL with the sale man. Thats a beautiful bike.
  8. As for everyone else its all good. Paul you are a fucking asshole. You haven't had anything productive to say, yet you chime in to talk shit for no reason at all. I don't even know you and have never met you but you consistantly talk shit everytime I post in a thread. You follow me around on this board like a bitch wanting to suck my dick. Not interested man so you can quit stalking me and leave me alone. As for you finding it funny that some asshole made me choose between staying with my daughter or chasing him down and leaving her sitting by herself, you come try to take something of mine and see what happens BITCH! The dumbass that did that appeared on camera both entering the Mcdonalds and running out with my ipad, along with him calling me from his number which did get linked back to his home address. He's already been arrested and is sitting downtown as we speak. I got my ipad back about three days ago and some nice new accessories that he had added to it so id have to say he got owned on that one.
  9. This is pointless so ill end it here but I do find it funny that youre seventy years old. Twice my age would be seventy years old friend. Guess it doesnt really matter but I just thought that was funny when you said something about being twice my age. LOL
  10. Im well aware of responsibility and what it means to be a parent. As I stated I have a daughter who lives with me fulltime and I get no help at all because im a male and I payed for everything with this child as I wouldve with the other one as well. I payed for every penny of the birth, doctors bills, childcare, etc, etc, etc,. I work tremendous amounts to make ends meet. As for her husbands income it does have a bearing according to the state since they require disclosure of total household income. That would include his income as far as im concerned. I dont expect you or anyone else to have the same opinion as me but if yours is different then state that and dont scream that what im saying that is a fact is anything but. You can fuck yourself and crawl back in the hole you came out of. You made this personal for no reason at all. I was simply trying to warn him of the bullshit that i've been put through and you jumped all over me for no reason at all. As for me not knowing being bullshit, once again you have no idea what youre talking about. We had a drunken one night stand and I did wear protection but apparently it didnt work very well. I had no contact with her until the child was almost six months old at which time I volentarily took a paternity test because I wanted to step up to the plate if it was mine. She should have never went for state aid to begin with. She makes well into the six figures but lied about her income which pisses me off too. As for clarifying my situation I didn't know that I owed you any explanation of my personal situation. Maybe if you minded your own business this discussion wouldnt be taking place.
  11. pdqgp you really should get a bit more info before you piss on someones situation. You're right there's no way a single parent can get by on that amount of money. I am a single parent and get no child support from the girls mom so I know first hand. However in the situation that I was speaking about I had no idea that the child even existed until the chick had already went and got state aid which does screw you into having to pay ridiculous amounts of child support which $480.00 a month is insane. She never told me about it, when if she had I would've gladly paid for everything to avoid the state getting involved. You can say what you want but until you've walked in my shoes you have no idea what ive been through with this crazy chick. She makes double what I do, is married to a man who makes more than me and im a single parent to my other daughter and the state still feels I should pay that insane amount so that IS WAY too much considering she took aid from the state that she didn't need to begin with. The only reason she did it is because when I found out she was married I walked away from her cheating ass and left her stuck with her pathetic little dick husband so go mind your own fucking business and come back when you have something productive to add to this thread. I was just telling him what he has to look forward too, or I could have sugar coated it all and said good luck buddy find a four leaf clover and maybe things will work out for you. I hope that he has a better outcome than I did but the state will fuck him if he isnt very careful how things are done.
  12. Ok the bad news is that if she goes for any sort of state aid you are fucked. The state will drag you in for a paternity test and take roughly half your income. I had this happen to me so I know for a fact first hand. The year that it happened to me I made roughly $12,000.00 in paper and the hit me for $480.00 a month. They don't care about what it takes for you to live at all. As for custody as long as you pay your support you will have as much rights as she does to the child. Your best bet to avoid crazy high support is to pay for whatever you can now to avoid her going for any kind of state aid. Once she goes for any state aid at all youre fucked.I do agree that Tony Greco is the way to go.
  13. I had the one with the keyboard built into it and several others that I tried over time and the one with the built in keyboard was a bit larger and took away from the slimness of the ipad but i still liked it considerably better due to the keyboard being nice for long posts and messages. I think you'll really be happy with your choice. I did find that also having a hard case for times when I used it in the garage or other potentially harsh areas was helpful. The hard cases are usually pretty cheap and offer alot of protection.
  14. Ill take the bmw and the lambo.
  15. Nice numbers for such a small amount of mods. Nice car. I love the easy power that the LS motors put out. I may keep mine since the LS swap kit for the Gen. Coupes is almost done if it's not done by now. This makes wanna check first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the motivation.
  16. I can't even imagine getting the title to my car anytime soon. I've still got another 41/2 years. Congrats man. Did you make alot of double payments or what?
  17. Yep its a full set of components. 2 6.5" woofers, 2 tweeters, 2 crossovers, mounting hardware, wiring etc. Sorry thought the model number would give an accurate lookup description.
  18. I have decided not to put an aftermarket system in my car so im selling the pieces that I had set aside for it. These are the Alpine Type S components model number SPS-600C. They are brand new and have never been used. Im willing to work a bit on the price but please be reasonable. Its fastest to reach me by calling me at 614-507-8183
  19. I am selling my Ipad accessories since I no longer have my Ipad. 1. Kensington black ipad holder with built in bluetooth keyboard, I paid $100.00 new at microcenter and will take $50.00 for it. 2. Apple brand keyboard dock with stand and keyboard included. Got it for a gift but ill take $45.00 for it. Both items are in brand new condition and have no defects or problems at all. It is easiest to call me at 614-507-8183
  20. Hey many can you please get me a price on getting a set of eibach pro-kit springs installed from you

    guys on my 2010 genesis coupe 3.8. It currently has the non track touring suspension from the

    factory still on it.

  21. FST94TSI


    I cant get my pm box to empty. It shows 99% full but no matter how many times I hit delete it won't change to empty.You can email me at Pete@securensound.com.......the theft happened at Cleveland and 270 at the mcdonalds right near the exit. On the 9 th of march around 330 pm
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