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Everything posted by FST94TSI

  1. Is there anything you would consider trading for it?
  2. I've had most of the best high end android/google phones and loved them from an ease of operation and freedom of use aspect, but the battery life tends to suck on most of the high end droid phones. I just switched to the iPhone 4s and so far so good. It doesn't really seem to do anything that just blows me away but it does everything reliably so far and seems to have the best battery life of any phone I've ever had.
  3. A bunch of people I know race pretty much every weekend at the Franklin county fairgrounds.
  4. Not sure how fast mine was going but I had a very similar amount of carnage after a full speed head on collision with a mini van. Damn minivan, don't the neighbors know my street is for rc racing, not parking your cars. Lol. I miss my brushless erevo really bad. I need to get another one sooner than later. Im just waiting on a good deal first as they're just too damn much new, especially knowing I'm gonna tear it up.
  5. FST94TSI


    Im glad that asshole cop got no special treatment. I have a few really good friends of mine that are officers so I'm in no way against them all but there are alot of them that are pure worthless assholes. A horribly drunk asshole showed up at my house last saturday morning raising hell with my roommate and was so loud and out of hand that four of my neighbors called the cops. When they arrived they stated that he was obviously drunk as hell. You could smell liquor 5 ft. away from him like you were holding an open bottle of liquor in your hand. His car was sitting in the middle of the court in front of my house, still running, windows down, radio still playing loud as hell and they asked me and the neighbors if he drove here or was given a ride here. I hate the asshole so I had no problem telling them he drove here drunk as hell and that's why obviously his car was in the middle of the street blocking any cars from passing, and still running, windows down, radio blaring etc. The worthless asshole cops allowed him to pull his car over to the curb right in front of my house and told him he could come back once he sobered up and pick his car up. They then gave the cocksucking asshole a ride home with not so much as a written warning. To make things worse he has a history if dui's, and currently has no drivers license at all, not even work privileges. Three days later he was arrested on sawmill rd. trying to flag cars down jumping out in traffice at 11am in the morning dressed in a pair of winter boots, a pair of tight gym shorts, and a big puffy goose down style jacket. When they blood tested him they found large amounts of alcohol, cocaine, weed, percocets, Xanax, bath salts, and several other illegal drugs. Wait for it.....................wait for it..............wait for it .............the true kicker here is once again the absolutely worthless cod cops in this situation still didn't charge him with a single thing. I'm completely blown away that through all this not a single charge was filed.?????????
  6. I do still have it but my new phone is delayed until the 29th so I've gotta wait. I'm grandfathered in on the original unlimited plan so I don't wanna risk switching to another phone and lose my plan. I am absolutely still selling it and do still have it. Sorry guys about the early post but Verizon keeps changing the ship date on me.
  7. I'm sure everybody has there favorite but I'd call chip at auto assets and tell him Pete sent you, there aren't too many people around the area that are better with audis than him and his shop.
  8. I am selling my droid bionic, it is in near perfect condition and comes with a Verizon branded car charger, a two week old battery, and of course the wall charger and manuals. If the buyer wanted I would order a new one under warranty as long as it doesn't cost me anything. That way you could start with a brand new phone. It also comes with a fitted hard case that has been on it since day 1. The only trade I would consider would be an iPhone 4s. This phone has also never been modified at all. Please call or text me at 614-507-8183 for the quickest contact. My name is Pete.
  9. Im looking for a new dd now that the motor is finally ready for my Gen. Coupe. I found a really nice 09 Maxima at a good price but it's been a couple generations since I've had a maxima so is there anything I should look out for in the Maximas? I can't wait for summer, LS gen. Coupe will be pretty damn badass.
  10. The front end shape reminds me alot of a Ferrari.
  11. That factory five car is very much badass. I love it. I would've like to see them plan 4g63 running gear though, the subi power plant isn't all that bad, just personal preference. It will be really hard to beat that car dollar for dollar especially if somebody gets smart and starts a dealership of some sort locally. They could offer the car semi complete, then the purchaser would pick the finishing touches and options which would directly effect the final price obviously. The dealer would then complete the construction. Obviously the sales numbers wouldn't be sufficient to support a sole dealership but someone who already owns a performance shop or bodyshop, it could be a great extra profit item to sell. Customers wanting future upgrades could really help an already established performance shop. Just my two cents.
  12. Hp employees are getting a special deal on them sometime next week I believe. My mom does work for them, she was telling me about it. 16 gb tablets for $19.99
  13. Does anyone have a copy of Microsoft Visio they'd be willing to sell or make me a deal on? I need it as soon as possible. Please email me at pete@scurensound.com or call me at 614-507-8183. Thanks
  14. I would have questioned the suggestion of a Sonata too until I drove one of the new turbo Sonatas and for what it is they are very impressive in every way. If course theres better out there but a loaded turbo Sonata is a really nice car and one hell of a waranty. I do really like the turbo Regals too though. They did a really good job of making that a car that people actually want again.
  15. Nice buy man, I loved my e36 m3. It wasn't the fastest m3 ever but they handle great and are just a blast to drive and pretty cheap to maintain as bmws go. If you ever want any stereo work done in it, I know those things inside and out.
  16. Hey Anthony can you give me a call please so I can talk to you about sponsorship prices. 614-507-8183
  17. Please make a new thread when you are a sponsor. ~Admin
  18. My thermostat is tied into my home security system which is controlled by my droid phone so I can do all my programming from wherever I'm at. Having the ability to program it for different circumstances has made a difference. Several different security systems have the ability to do this now. Since I do this for a living I decided to try it out and I love it. So far my thermostat, house door locks and garage door as well as my home security cameras all run through my security system and are controlled either from the alarm panel, any Internet connection, or my smartphone. The next step will be the easiest one being the lights inside my home, mostly just the entryway lights so that the hallway inside my front door is lit as I enter the house. Its really amazing all the things we can do with technology nowadays. As my daughter gets a little older I'll be able to set the alarm to send me a message when she disarms and enters the house so that I know she's home ok and safe.
  19. Jones when will you be placing your order?
  20. Wow I really love that Lexus SC. That thing is drop dead sexy.
  21. The sad thing is the fact that it looks like someone actually took the time to try and line up the badges straight. It would be funny if it didn't look like they were actually trying with them.
  22. Unless you're a fan of wood grain you should pull all the wood grain and get it painted a nice high gloss black or something. When I had my e39 5 series I did that with all the wood grain and it made the car look and feel so much more modern inside. With the exception of the the shifter and the panel around it all of the parts come off really easily but you'll find that the plastic holders behind the trim will probably need to be replaced due to age once you pull the trim they won't wanna hold it nice and tight the way the we're meant to. I bought all new ones from the stealerships when I did mine and it might of been 15 or 20 bucks max. There are several of them behind each piece of trim. All of the trim is actually metal with a thin wood grain glued to it then clear coated so it scuffs for painting really easily once off the car. Just my 2cents. Nice car for the mileage though by the way.
  23. 2002 BMW 540 6speed sport package car and throw a turbo on it. I had one and those cars are amazing in the snow and very reliable if maintained. I've also always loved that body style especially with a nice set of staggered wheels. I know this is crazy outside the box from the other suggestions and I'll probably get flamed all to @&); and back but after owning a couple of that lineage 5series it's hard not to love them. I abused my 540 to ridiculous levels and it never quit on me no matter what, well until I hydro locked the motor but that's expected.
  24. Come on now you know the only reason it can do a wheel stand like that is because Vin Diesel must be behind the wheel. It's got mad tight nos yo!
  25. Same way I've been feeling for over a week now. It seems to go away then comes right back at me.
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