Im glad that asshole cop got no special treatment. I have a few really good friends of mine that are officers so I'm in no way against them all but there are alot of them that are pure worthless assholes. A horribly drunk asshole showed up at my house last saturday morning raising hell with my roommate and was so loud and out of hand that four of my neighbors called the cops. When they arrived they stated that he was obviously drunk as hell. You could smell liquor 5 ft. away from him like you were holding an open bottle of liquor in your hand. His car was sitting in the middle of the court in front of my house, still running, windows down, radio still playing loud as hell and they asked me and the neighbors if he drove here or was given a ride here. I hate the asshole so I had no problem telling them he drove here drunk as hell and that's why obviously his car was in the middle of the street blocking any cars from passing, and still running, windows down, radio blaring etc. The worthless asshole cops allowed him to pull his car over to the curb right in front of my house and told him he could come back once he sobered up and pick his car up. They then gave the cocksucking asshole a ride home with not so much as a written warning. To make things worse he has a history if dui's, and currently has no drivers license at all, not even work privileges. Three days later he was arrested on sawmill rd. trying to flag cars down jumping out in traffice at 11am in the morning dressed in a pair of winter boots, a pair of tight gym shorts, and a big puffy goose down style jacket. When they blood tested him they found large amounts of alcohol, cocaine, weed, percocets, Xanax, bath salts, and several other illegal drugs. Wait for it.....................wait for it..............wait for it .............the true kicker here is once again the absolutely worthless cod cops in this situation still didn't charge him with a single thing. I'm completely blown away that through all this not a single charge was filed.?????????