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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. hey asshole, next time clarify you dont mean Cadillac before I waste my time!
  2. This thread: http://www.cringely.com/wp-content/uploads/trainwreck.png
  3. I really wish you both would STFU at this point... You both lewk dum. And this is why I tune my own car, lol.
  4. Neither was the edit of my jedi edit.... I'm slow today. :/ Just wait till I find out what L stands for.
  5. Johnny Bravo: Has the sense to link instead of IMG tag a photo, and put NWS tags on either side of link. NOT CR approved method. Thank you Jonathan.
  6. what the fuck.... shit is retarded in here...
  7. Dont worry CR, I will not be there the first couple weeks, so you have a chance at KoS class...
  8. Only video I could find... Hard to tell from the video since they sped it up... But that is a huge lot and it was packed and across the street it was packed, and what you can't see is since it was full people would drive to the Walmart down the street and park there too, which is who called the cops first, lol. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=zo_i2d2YR18 A couple years later they moved it to the forest fair plaza and would fill that lot up...
  9. Definitely had that kind of turnout in Cincy about a decade ago... If any of you know where the Dave & Busters parking lot is, the cruise in would fill that while lot up. (D&B, Morris, Sam Ash, mattress place)... People from Dayton and CBus would come... That was a fun summer.
  10. Saw this on 1320 video's FB page... http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/375098_10151621699117112_1575829857_n.jpg I nearly vomited from how ugly she is...
  11. Here, I will even start with the absolute best picture I have of my wife, because well, its an easy picture to look at, lol. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/4951_649706356305_6071498_n.jpg Don't be scared, show us what makes you such an awesome critic. Do I think I have the hottest woman ever? Nope, not at all... but you don't see me going around calling girls ugly either...
  12. Seems like a good deal, any pics? You will not get the random joke from CSS.... so to be clear, I am not serious.
  13. good point, I guess I would rely on CR'ers who know him, to call him out.
  14. So man up, show me the last 3 girls you dated. I would say "I bet you wont"... but it's such a safe bet, there really is no need to even say it...
  15. Be CR: Our standards are so high, we only date/marry/talk to actual super models. I dare everyone talking shit to post pictures of the last 3 women they dated. Then talk about how this sloot is ugly.
  16. I like satin finish paint jobs.... Sled's yellow lambo for instance, looks incredible to me.
  17. they had Jon's dark blue 2jz swapped s13 240.
  18. soooo, wtf is this from? dere be a story behind foto?
  19. Hey dum dum, "we" were all informed, over a month ago, when it happened. YUNOPAYATTENTION?
  20. It's because of the arrogant abrasive attitude of the owner. He speaks like an expert on matters he has NO IDEA about really (which was quite transparent to those of us who do know). He regurgitated poor engineering from another 'engineer' who has shown to me he is about a useful as a velvet painting of a whale and dolphin getting it on. I would at least feel better about the shop if I felt he had partnered with someone who could do some qualified engineering. Because really, a shop like that needs 'real' engineering to be successful. Hell, I would offer to help the guy if I could get over his personality... or at least the online persona he displays.... they say people are not as bad in person, but from stories like fill's, I wonder if thats the case here...
  21. I doubt they can be held liable... However, I would like to add, not only did they recommend that he convert the car to RWD, they took credit for it on their FB page... http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/CTD_zps952a72be.jpg Now, had they actually been the ones who performed the modification, the owner 'might' have a better case of holding them liable for the work performed, if it could be proved to be faulty and/or a safety hazard, etc... Either way, if the owner speaks his mind on the matter, its yet another knock against the shop...
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