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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Same head as last year... just sent them back to have the exhaust port opened up and a nitrous-port and valve job added, as well as LS3 intake valves to drop the valvetrain mass... and for some reason that I still havent had answered, they milled another 0.05" off the heads....
  2. And fresh friction plate added... http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/B55BBEC8-CBCC-4001-B8C7-97EA769CAC66-6927-000007BF395429D1_zps23486c68.jpg
  3. Like I said... some fast cars show up to race.... if you want to win the Kings Throwdown class, you better be ready.... Im sure imstock is going to show these guys whats up though...
  4. its a blast. It costs 15-20 to race (5-10 to spectate)... best money to spend evar....
  5. shiny new parts.... http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/452BA845-FDF8-438F-AF90-466A68A8E8F3-6927-000007B403C88EAE_zps1d092509.jpg http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/0EF8F9C8-9F4D-4841-BB45-5C3E07EE37AE-6927-000007B40959C65D_zps911c03c8.jpg
  6. He only ran at TNL a few times last year, and never won. They didn't prep the track so he just spun the tires, couldn't get that thing to hook. Though that shouldn't be a problem this year, since they are prepping the track.
  7. and back to full retard
  8. Holy hell, you made a smart decision.... The rotational axis of the earth just shifted....
  9. Luckily my penis only has to please 1 person..... Me. Don't be so coy, I've heard about your "talent".
  10. I predict Fill's mouth will get Phil'd with my corvette owner sized penor.
  11. I predict a lot of ricer requests for roll races.
  12. :no: Isn't that an oxymoron?
  13. Everyone who answered is a part of Johnny boy's social experiment. I refuse to be experimented on.
  14. I thought you were a baller throwing around chump change, why used heads and a used block?
  15. Yea, but they have a lot of potential. And again, the idea of a molecule being at zero degrees Kelvin has the same paradox of Dingus vs Darwin.
  16. Interesting, but what it really means is paradoxical. If imstock were to actually get in a drag race against natural selection the laws of physics would go into imbalance and could cause a rift in space/time. It would be like strapping toast to a cat's back butter side up, or plugging an extension cord in on itself.
  17. Not sure on this one.... imstock2 is evidence that natural selection has come to a halt.... eye sea wut yew did their. and it made me lol.
  18. So you want to roll race like a pussy? Using your words "roll racing isnt very impressive to me"... ricer. If you want to race at KilKare since that is about the middle between us, I will gladly lock in $100 right now.
  19. Says the guy who has ran no faster than mid 12s.... What do you want to wager I run a single digit time before you?
  20. You being called a veteran is a disgrace to military personnel across this nation. You are an idiot who crashed a dirt bike. I will never know how your discharge was honorable, but I dont much care either.
  21. Freeloader free·load·er /ˈfrēˌlōdər/ Noun - A person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return. Synonyms sponger - hanger-on (and in your case: Loser)
  22. Nope, not familiar with it, but I do know how to read... This is the point I was making: http://www.gibill.va.gov/benefits/post_911_gibill/index.html
  23. Again... astounding that someone could brag so much about getting free handouts... what a loser. You better just hope you get that heap of shit salvage title car running, and can keep it that way....
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