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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. So, pretty sure I am going to get a set of Forgelines, probably going 18/19 (though i kinda like hte idea of 19/20, I just think traction would just be too much of an issue). The car is probably going to soon be a satin pearl white finish as well... I am kinda stuck with either the GA3R's: in this finish: http://www.forgeline.com/product_images/product_photo-xlarge_image-416.jpg or gold with a polished lip (ignore unilug and exposed bolts) http://www.forgeline.com/product_images/product_photo-xlarge_image-447.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8386/8452395046_35a9d7c922_z.jpg http://p.twimg.com/Az87ykDCcAEV0-h.jpg:large http://cdn.speednik.com/files/2012/06/zr1_ga3r-640x480.jpg http://www.lgmotorsports.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/GA3R_web1.jpg http://www.forgeline.com/product_images/customer_vehicle-large_image-516.jpg I also like hte concave look with the SC3C... probably the same combo of gold with polished lip... http://www.forgeline.com/product_images/product_photo-xlarge_image-585.jpg on a car: http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh83/bigticket44138/Forgeline/24-2.jpg Truth is, I like a lot of the Forgeline offerings, these are just the ones I think I like the most... Leaning toward the GA3R myself right now, in the black finish... pretty sure it will be lighter of the two, which is a plus...
  2. you have a ZR1 now? PS, black IS the fastest color.
  3. If you would ask, that would be great. Looking at Sept 13th thru 15th (havent decided if we want to head home Sunday or Monday)
  4. So, for the anniversary this year with the wife, thought it would be relaxing and peaceful to rent a cabin in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area. Looking at renting a single bedroom cabin for a long weekend. Anyone here ever done this? Have recommendations? I'm open to suggestions.
  5. video no worky for me EDIT... just work, watched from my phone, lol
  6. ls7 probs kirk... guide wear. the factory issue that GM doesnt want to admit is a factory issue...
  7. I think the car is paying you back for the licence plate you gave it....self fulfilling prophecy style.
  8. http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/null_zps8d26144e.jpg That thing looks like shit... clearly whoever owns it should just hand over the keys to someone who will take care of it... such as me.
  9. Better carry my joke over here... I guess the engineering minds at CTD have been moonlighting as writers for CNN...
  10. Be CR... resident hot girl troll.... dates super models with banging bodies and the soul of sister theresa... where every girl shown on CR is worthless trash to his ability to pick up real dimes. PS... I'm not a fan of tattoos, but would still gladly be that guy in the plane going down scenario. And if hte plane wasnt going down, would definitely double wrap and duct tape balls away for safety..
  11. RKT Performance specializes in these conversions... (C5Z to C6Z rear end/trans). Could give them a call... they will do built TR6060 conversions with everything you need to make it a bolt in affair for like $8-9k.... Think they might do "non" built versions too for less. http://rktperformance.com/transmissions/
  12. Maybe imstock2 wrote the article for them? or perhaps one of the great engineers at CTD?
  13. Buschur have something against him? I mean, it seems David and I are on the same page, just checking.
  14. Allow me to publicly say: I hate you. I feel like a democrat for the first time, and I think you should have to redistribute the wealth, namely to me. You can start by giving me one of your cars.
  15. That's a lot of periods.
  16. I did no such smug laughing, I agreed that the assertion that my thread title was inaccurate. I also prefer use of whp, though agree the standard to non-car people is crank... Since that is what industry uses for automobile posted number.
  17. I was getting ready to say the same thing.... lol. Part of me is trying to speculate that what appears to be the sole white kid on the bus said something racist or something about TM (this did happen in Fl) and the black kids jacked him for it, and old man kinds let it go, then said on radio "oh dear, this kid is getting beat up, nothing I can do, please come help." Then the larger part of me wants to think that is absurd.
  18. No one was talking to you either "Tim" (if that is your real name!). I think it is absurd that you think it's absurd that people are debating whether or not it is okay to make wagons. And yea, it is a sure thing!
  19. I wonder what he did to make those 3 innocent kids have to defend themselves...
  20. I would like to debate Tim on my level of boredness now... I am NOT too fucking bored. Im on my lunch break, cocksucker.
  21. this guy is smart. well, not 'too' smart, he does like audi junk...
  22. Yea, and that is all good, and I agree with it... I was more referring to your rant about not liking how adults did it for themselves to be 'cool'... which i see no issue with... I wouldnt put a baby in one either, or a toddler under 2... but would let my 3 year old have one, for sure.
  23. I agree... So you get annoyed with people that have hobbies? So what if people do it more for themselves, than for a kid? Some people like kinkering with things, just for the sake of doing it...
  24. I'm getting ready to renew my plates, I was seriously considering that as my new plate.... A friend of mine with a now 2j (formerly rb26) swapped 240 has licence plate of ZR1 LOL and another friend had LOL ZO6 when he had a terminator.. I was going to join the crowd.
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