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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. I do not have a TB port on my 102mm, in fact no LS2/3 TB has that.... that side is "theoretically" atmospheric anyhow.
  2. So, after doing the research (a lot of conflicting stuff out there) I think this is how I want to do my PCV system, but was hoping for feedback from the 'experts'.... http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/LS3Dual_PCV_zpscdb8c10c.jpg The thought behind this is that the valve covers will be the 'breathing' side of the system holding at or near atmospheric and the crankcase side would be held at a negative dP (lower pressure) being on the suction side of the intake. The other differences/considerations were to have an oil cap breather filter (came with the Holley VCs I bought) and/or instead of a filter on that catch can, have it route to the intake side (pre "maf" I have in quotes since I no longer have a maf)... which theoretically is also atmospheric pressure. I have a NW102mm DB throttle body, so there is no routing to that 'port'. Thoughts? Opinions?
  3. Yea, tinted taillights are for ricers.... http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/zo6ftw/a6889578330_fc2bfb326e_oe.jpg
  4. You should have gotten a police report unless there is more to the story... You will have a hard time getting his insurance to accept fault, he may change his story, etc.... And your ins will have to pay your damages and then your rates will go up. But good luck, and most importantly no one was hurt!
  5. And after catching up the rest of the posts since the one that had me off quoting.... I cant help but agree with Jonathan.... I would say the line has been officially crossed...
  6. uhhh.... And that's just this thread.... Yea, you're totally respectful to people, and CLEARLY go out of your way to avoid conflict/pissing matches.. /sarcasm
  7. Its just crazy to me. I mean as I was looking into this and reading, and seeing cases of amputees who now have real life hardships getting less like $400-600 a month in benefits, then seeing people who are physically and emotionally 'normal'... getting +$3,000 a month just seems wack to me.... And the story of the guy who murdered a 12 y/o girl, then claiming PTSD and getting $4,000 a month for life after he got out of jail, it is incredible to me... the us taxpayers via our govt is paying for a child murderer to life to live. Think about it deeper on that one, the parents and family of the girl that was murdered is paying money to their daughter's killer!
  8. At the risk of the forum jockeys calling me a nut hugger... Will you e-marry me? It's like we share a brain. <3
  9. I am not going to say if you do or don't have PTSD, because a close friend's husband does suffer from it, and I have seen how it can change a person (ie his wife having to sleep in a different room because he would get 'confused' in the middle of the night and start choking her). However I know he is a COMBAT veteran, and saw a lot of things including a gruesome death of his best friend for 15 years. I also know it to be a fact, especially after researching, that PTSD is the most abused and fraudulent military benefit sought after. There are a LOT of cases of those who need it getting denied, and those who don't, getting it. Based on the things you say in this forum and the way you present yourself, you PORTRAY YOURSELF as the latter.
  10. 1) Sign up for military 2) Serve for 6 mo to a year 3) Either hurt yourself in some manner (but make sure it is one you can recover from) or claim PTSD and get sent home. 4) Buy TTc6
  11. So finding that made me do a google search (see link below for example)... Incredible how serious it is, now i know why there is 'serious' discussions about cutting military veteran benefits! I always used to think that was horrible "who would want to cut veteran benefits?!?!" Now I see where it stems from, its a BIG issue... http://www.disabilityhappens.com/how-where-to-report-va-abuse-and-fraud.html Read the comments below the article. Dingus here isn't nearly the only one... I wasnt aware how bad this was...
  12. I happened to see this, and my face literally :lolguy:'d http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/Untitled_zpse02449a8.jpg
  13. You're right, it's not like I didn't price it all out, the right way. I know how much a quality kit costs, as well as fuel system, cooling, etc... Unlike you, I'm no retard, and have been around the block a few times. Regarding drivetrain; unlike you, I don't base what I need off random anyone's on a car forum. I know the root cause to the c5 drivetrain issues, and unlike you, I spent a solid year drag racing on slicks... Guess what, drive home every night. I have resolution to the primary factor on keeping my drivetrain together. Why not buy a 'built' drivetrain? Partially for ge same reason I didn't drop the money for a turbo or supercharger I don't need. Sunk cost that I don't want to drop if I don't need to. If and when the time comes that I need it, I will take care of it then. PS, lol at you telling me I have "no idea" on something. You are talking to someone much smarter than you (with tangible evidence to support that statement) and knows much more than you about prett much anything, especially in the automotive world, but thanks for playing.
  14. Im hardly worried about your "status". I could have quite easily have spent my money, without the need from an unknown government handout check, toward single/twin turbo/supercharger/more displacement/etc.... hell, i could still do that if I wanted to and not have a hiccup... But I don't care to, I am building the engine with a specific goal in mind, not to rice around town like a douche, or brag to anyone who will listen... or be just another dude that has a 1k hp car in the area (i.e. that salvage title heap is nothing special). Says the jackass who is calling out busas, and anyone else, without ever having done ANYTHING even remotely mentionable. You.Havent.Done.Shit. You better pray that no one notices and captures you on camera the first time you make a fool of yourself at a drag strip. No wait, you were the retard who was talking about how you were going to be road racing. :lolguy:
  15. BOOM! Roasted. that. just. happened.
  16. Yea, we know you would still be balling out of control if it wasnt for the government checks coming to your door.... I mean with your language skills, and the people you associate with, you MUST be a real aristocrat.
  17. werd. Family friend was a kicker, name is Kenton.
  18. Oh, and if geesammy and fill could stop bitching at each other, that would be swell.
  19. Oh, and i dont have an autobiography of myself, but dont worry, Im sure in a decade or two there will be a few biographies out about me...
  20. Fill, what year(s) did you play football at UD? One of my family friends was a kicker there, graduated a little over a year ago...
  21. Calls out Dover, but wont race a guy with a much slower bike. :lolguy:
  22. By imstock's rules on shifting.... http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/03/article-2138973-12E7D0E4000005DC-342_634x375.jpg Formula 1: Bitch Made http://fastcarsconnect.com/blogpics/how-fast-can-indy-ca-1529-pic1.jpeg Indy Car: Bitch Made http://www.corvetteblogger.com/images/content/121307_1.jpg Corvette Racing GT car (C6R): Bitch Made http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/05/alms-laguna-seca-2012.jpg Just about every other competitive car in ALMS GT racing: Bitch Made No picture needed.. Just about every x275, extreme outlaw, or any REALLY fast drag race car: Bitch Made
  23. this... You take off the line, put a schrader valve in with the same tool you would use on a car tire, and be done with it. You can get a schrader valve and tool from just about any parts store....
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