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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Fill is the only other guy I know who can bounce balls on his chin as well as those guys...
  2. These are the guys that host Friday Night Lightz that I posted about a couple months back. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110446
  3. shouldnt you be checking parallel to a painted wall somewhere?
  4. I am definitely one that learned that lesson the hard way... And yes, I am the best. Pretty much the best I know of...
  5. Too bad. I wonder what the salvage buy-back price will be. Tell your friend, not to worry about his pride, even the best have accidents every now and then. Hopefully he learned his lesson on not to take his car to a car with no reputation, or in this case, a shop with a gaining negative reputation. As well as the normal lesson of when/where to get crazy on a public road. At least the damage was limited to his own property.
  6. Very nice tool box. Though you should be ashamed at how you show favoritism to the GTR over the c6z. You probably hurt its feelings. You should just gift it to me so it can get the attention it deserves.
  7. At first I was with Bob, thinking the glasses gave an illusion... but now Im with this guy You can see both the red logo on the right side, as well as the white logo on the left side, in the pictures.
  8. The guy who did the video is from here in Cincinnati... nice guy. He did/does all the TNL events last year, will probably do the FNL this year. He also is looking to do a Ohio 2K13/14 video. I guess going to Texas 2K got him all excited to put some videos together of local street action.
  9. I'm naming my third born Tilly Vanilly.
  10. Hmmm, there appear to be missing posts in this thread... I wonder by who.
  11. Lee, I never met you. Sup.
  12. What an idiot... How that clown gets a sense that he has any intellect, is beyond me.
  13. If it was a major foreign terrorist organization, they would have taken credit by now...
  14. knew I should have got a TT kit.... If I just weren't so poor, and knew how to make good investments.
  15. Well, I do have a busted old c5... it should be good for 12s or so. So I better have a helmet.
  16. roll BAR for 11.49 and quicker, roll CAGE for 9.99 and quicker. (with the new 2008+ exception vehicles for roll bars) because street car. lol
  17. You think those people in the convertible bug realize how close they came to dying?
  18. I tell you what infuriates me, is when pieces of shit, make up a fake story, on a fresh tragedy, just to get some fucking facebook likes or some fucking tweets?????? (there was an 8 year old BOY who was killed, that was there watching his father run) and I cannot believe there are already political pundits (including in this thread) blaming the other political party for this horrific act??? fucking pathetic.
  19. I had my first experience for what its like to work at a National Security location today. The local PD's (two areas) shut down every road around the GE plant, including shutting down the highway feeder lanes and exit and on ramps by the plant. Traffic nightmare at rush hour. No cars allowed, only letting people leave.
  20. http://deadspin.com/explosions-reported-at-the-boston-marathon-473008941 some gruesome pictures...
  21. Welcome, I have read a bit on the aftermath, don't take it to heart, its the internet.
  22. While you were egging his house I lit dog shit in a bag on your porch. Now I know why you didn't answer the door....
  23. On the thread title... I have the first guy at work in my career that kisses my ass... It's highly annoying, and not productive in the least. At first it was flattering but a bit creepy... Now it's just annoying... And to make it worse its mostly talk with little action. Ugh. Just thought I would share, if you are "that guy" at work, you should know its picked up on and you're not respected for it...
  24. Jesus Christ, will you to just go make out already... I thought I would find pages of lol's here when I saw it was 8 pages, instead it's you clowns ebattling it out that I just scrolled past anyway....
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