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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. All I need to know, is what i see. You're a lying, ricetastic, douche. You show the mental prowess of a middle-schooler, at best. And you are a leech on the system. A person with serious physical and mental ailments isnt chasing thugs around looking for fights, isnt going to the gym benching 350lbs, (or doing any serious weight training at all for that matter).
  2. :lolguy: :lolguy: This thread is cracking me up.
  3. I certainly dont believe you committed insurance fraud on the corvette... but it sure as hell sounds like you abused the system with your military injuries.... Able to go out and live a normal life physically, and other than being stupid, the gov't didnt do that, you dont have a "mental handicap" (outside of being fucking stupid)... yet you are getting 100% funding for life? WTF? Isnt there some checks and balances for this retardedness?
  4. :lolguy: BTW, as a guy who has been around the block a few times, I would guess her to be in the 180s +/-10 range, if she is 5'7"
  5. Just realized kirk and grant were already on top of this...
  6. I'm just confused on how you had an account with $16k in it, and didnt know about it??? And i feel it is my civic responsibility to at least suggest that you dont blow that money on toys. While as a car person I know it would tempted to throw more money around on a car BUT no matter what you might think, spending money on cars is a liability, not an asset. You will not get your money back. And knowing you dont have high earning in your future, you really should put that money towards something that will be an 'actual' investment. At least some sort of asset such as your home (though some will also consider that a liability in today's market) whether it be an improvement project or better, paying down the loan. Or some investment fund, low risk to grow over time, etc.. You wont do any of this, but it really is the 'smart' thing to do.
  7. Just saw this on Facebook and had to come back and post it... http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/563059_466208093433361_1453843703_n.jpg
  8. PS, I really wish someone could tell me about that mustang above... DO WANT THAT COLOR.
  9. Is it sad/ricetastic that I am thinking I am going to plasti-dip my car either white or yellow (or satin blue)? To see if I like it? then maybe wrap it next year?
  10. What a fucking jackass.... 1) I have been on CF for years... they dont not just "blame the tuner" when something goes wrong... it does get questioned as equally as anything else. Instead of DEFENDING the tune, or showing it wasnt hte tune.... you cowardly just let it go and lied (hey, another lie from you, shocker...), in a horribly failed attempt to try to save face.... 2) You didnt exceed the limits of the block capability, you exceeded the limits of how stupid someone should be.
  11. Thanks Jrod I like how this thread has turned into a Juicy fashion thread Note to self: Dont question Miller's integrity on CR
  12. Definitely not Would you guys like to tour my wardrobe or something? ColumbusFashionRunway
  13. HOW IN THE FUCK?!?!? The only way the tuner is at fault here is not recognizing you are a retard, and couldnt understand what "dont run it hard" means... You took a POS car to him with leaks and not able to make more than 5psi... and he tuned what he had been given... its not a tuners job to fix your fuck-ups.... This. Except replace 'mostly' with 'all'.
  14. THis is great.... "I wasnt running the car hard... Only doing WOT pulls to over 6k rpm" Yea, that's the way to do it. I guess with a potato like you, the tuner should have said exactly what he meant "drive it lightly, cruising, less than 40% throttle" You know, like any reasonable person would do.
  15. No prob... I can take it as well as I give it.
  16. His tuner said it was because of too much power :lol: :lol:
  17. LOL!!! Do you know what lock it in means?
  18. I did go to a C&C early last summer. I met Wagner, Cordell, Doc, and a couple others I think? I think you were with a few other guys standing around? I know the group of guys I was talking to (around the yellow c6) were talking about the "dorky CR trolls" being over there, and pointing to a group, not sure if you were one? I only remember hte name Paul being brought up? But no, I was not wearing jean shorts, lol. I honestly dont remember what I was wearing, but I doubt it was shorts of any kind, and I certainly own zero jorts , most likely jeans as it was cold from what I remember... I wonder if i can find a picture. No pictures found... it was 3/17... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101649&highlight=Coffee BTW, Miller, I never said you were a 'bad person'. Im sure you do help family/friends/strangers when they need it.. Im making a comment in reference to the story you told... try to think about it objectively, or from the shoes of the dude you were harassing at the dealership?
  19. 1) On topic, I have no issue with negotiating/haggling/etc... I have done similar things at furniture stores/hardware stores/etc.... using things like ShopSavvy on my phone to get the best price... I thought the first one, were you made it very clear, you were being a dickhead intentionally to get free stuff, is just stupid. 2) Who in the hells nuts do I swing from? That is laughable. I might agree with the people you mentioned above from time to time, and say that as such. But I would love to see posts that could be conceived as nut swinging? I state my opinion on matters, and may involve agreeing with or disagreeing with someone... This time I had a reasonable association with something Doc said? 3) I do not own a single pair of jean shorts, thanks though. But yea... male pattern baldness FTL... 4) Never claimed to be rich? Not sure what my income status has to do with anything either? You're right I make an "okay" income. 5) I am still better than you. Pretty much the best I know of, really... 6) Eat shit, ricer.
  20. What do you think they (anyone within earshot, including customers) were calling you when you left the dealership?
  21. You dont have anything to back it up with either, your shit pile doesnt run, and you have NEVER done anything impressive with what you have.
  22. Bartering and dealing is okay, and getting a price match is fine... but intentionally being an asshole to someone in order to try to "work the system" just to get something free/cheap is not okay... it just makes you a cheap asshole. I hope you are not also the person who is rude to waiting staff at a nice restaurant in an attempt to get a free meal, or if the food/service isnt perfect you do the same. Based on your story though, I get that feeling. When I see those people acting out being assholes just to try to get something for free, it just seems sad and pathetic to me, and if you took the time to look around and see how people were looking at you, you would realize what a jackass you look like doing that. No one is high 5'ing you being a dick, bro. Your father sounds a lot like the way my grandfather raised me. Just a different generation back then I suppose. People cared about integrity and being a good moral citizen. I think he raised me well, and I try to live my life the same way. I find being kind and honorable gets me a lot better rewards in the long term than just being an asshole. I would like to think there is a reason why being a return customer to the places I go, I get discounts and great pricing without having to ask for it... I respect them, and I get respect in return.
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