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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. weird, mine sounded fine on first start up... certainly not has horrible as that. but i actually did a good job putting it together so didnt have any massive exhaust leaks... And of course tuned myself, so didnt have to wait long for that... but what do I know?
  2. You are a master at posting useless videos... and holy shit that does sound like absolute shit. this time around, I am not assembling the short-block, due to time constraints with work compared to how fast I wanted it back up and running. And I dont think you should worry at all about my silly 416 on a small dry shot. You should spend more time worrying about that "built" rear-end of yours and how the "slightest of wheel hop" will make it explode, because I race from a dig, like any non-ricer would.
  3. I would think your money is pretty safe Phillip. But my car lacks fancy badges and LED lighting, and no turbos... not sure I can compete. And with my poor mechanical skills, who knows if my car will even stay together long enough!!
  4. so you bolted on an exhaust manifold, bolted on an exhaust and changed injectors.... Watch out for billy badass mechanic over here! That's one hell of an accomplishment! I bet you put the 2-3 sockets and wrench it took to do that job to work!
  5. You have got to be kidding me (the other hillbilly/ unappreciative shit is not hard to believe at all)
  6. Speaking of urban dictionary, I just saw this posted on Facebook and think it applies here... Though I would have included ricer somewhere in the definition too... http://m.urbandictionary.com/#define?term=roll%20racing
  7. The opponents to Darwinism could use this guy as their poster child
  8. Here is the problem dipshit. Its really hard to follow along with what you are saying because it is completely non-nonsensical. First off: Insurance companies dont give two fucks what the loan amount is. When a car is a total loss, they pay out the ACV (actual cash value) of hte vehicle, based on whatever standards they use to determine that... it is usually around KBB value or other... GAP insurance: This only "kicks in" when the value of the vehicle is worth LESS than the loan VALUE (because you dont just owe the amount of the loan, you owe the INTEREST as well) If you bought a car for $38k and put $13.5k down, then your loan amount was $24.5K, and the loan value was that plus the interest for the APR over the life of hte loan. If the bank sold you GAP insurance when you put $13.5k down on a $38k car, then you either had the WORST APR ever known to man, or they completely took advantage of your ignorance and convinced you that you needed it. And considering they explain how it works... you were either completely too dumb to understand it, the APR is astronomical, or you're lying about how much you put down on the car. So you total the car 2 months after buying it, before even having a chance to make a payment.... The insurance company writes a check for the ACV of the car. You take this to the bank. If less than the loan amount, GAP kicks in, and you get nothing back, but you dont have to pay off hte negative (often referred to as being upside down) amount of the loan. If this check is more than the loan amount, then there is no GAP used (and was a waste of your money, since they charge you for that as well), and yes you get the difference in that. But this is often for the loan VALUE not the amount loaned. And oh by the way, you still owe your deductible. So lets back up and discuss that.... Before the insurance has ever cut a check, they offer the buy-back. If you choose hte buy back, the check they cut is for the ACV of the vehicle, minus your deductible, minus the buy-back price it could be sold to a salvage yard for. (usually salvage yards will make bids on what they will pay, and the insurance will sell it to you for this price, and not a penny less). This is how things work in the real world. And why your shit makes no sense. Lets put pen to paper and make this as best case scenario as it can be: Purchase price: $38k Amount down: $13.5k Loan amount: $24.5k (loan value is some % higher than this) BOOM car is totaled. Lets say in 2 months the value is the same, maybe you scored a huge deal from the seller, etc... so for the sake of argument, the insurance is ready to say the ACV is $38K Check: $38K - Deductible (I will guess $500?) - salvage value ($6.6K) So lets say 0% APR to keep it simple stupid and help you out more. That check is now $31.9K - $24.5K leaves $7.4k back from that $13.5k you paid... so the total amount you have into that salvage title c6 is now: $6100 (difference of check paid from Down Payment) + 6.6K pulled to buy it back + $3k in parts and $1.8k in paint you paid to fix.... leaving you out of pocket $17,500... not $10k... However... that whole scenario seems irrelevent as you said you broke even on what the insurance paid the bank.... basically none of your story follows logically what happens in the real world.... and just makes you look more and more and more and more like an idiot. Furthermore, there is no fucking way you were going to sell a salvage title ls2 c6 for over $20k and even now with all the other shit you are dumping into it, you would be lucky to find someone who would pay that for a salvage title car... dont believe, just try.
  9. How in the fuck are you still alive as stupid as you are?
  10. You are so fucking stupid it hurts... The INVESTMENT is how much physically went out of your wallet. You PAID $13.5k in the original purchase. Unless the insurance or bank physically gave you back $13.k (not subtracted from the buy back price, but physically gave it back), then it is negative hit to you. Idiot. Otherwise the ins/bank gave you $13.5 back and of that refund you spent $6.6k to buy the car back, aka the insurance paid YOU $6.9k (13.5-6.6) to take the car... Which from your own words did not happen.
  11. Insurance is high, but I seriously thought it would be higher... though question the legitimacy for reasons given below I'm still trying to wrap my head around how the buy-back of the car was under $7k when it had been 'valued' in the $38k range just 2 months earlier.... unless it was completely destroyed... but then there is no way it cost as little to repair as you suggested. Either way, I am also still lol'ing at you referring to a salvage title car you are dumping money into as an "investment"
  12. That looks DELICIOUS! aaaaand, thank you for ruining it for me, asshole.
  13. Holy fuck... Did he seriously just call this complete dumping of money as good investing... lolerskates You seriously have take the cake as dumbest fucker I have met in at least the last 6 months
  14. They are working with NASA to develop a new ventilation system, it just isnt installed yet.
  15. wait a second... how long did you have the car before you totaled it?
  16. Nice exhaust ventilation system they have there... WTF?
  17. Dont go 1mph over the speed limit and make sure you always come to a COMPLETE stop, BEHIND the white line before turning right, or you are a hypocrite.
  18. They are all over town here too. This one is just particularly pissing people off because they set the ticket enforcement right at the speed limit, they are not clearly marked, etc.... They are CLEARLY there as a source of income, not as a safety device. In another suburb north of the city (Hamilton), they have them, and an unmarked vehicle with the equipment inside of it, that they move around the city and set off the side of the road. That one really causes no uprising or anger out of people, because they set the ticket limit at like 10 mph over the speed limit. It is clearly visible, and known, they even had the news cover a story on it, before they put it out on the street the first time.
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