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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Only dumdums seriously wonder why we can't keep a coach... I would say $1.7M plus bonuses taking it $2M is fairly competitive at our level... Only the perennial powerhouses can offer those crazy salaries they do, and UC will never be an OSU/bama/lsu/USC... Regarding stadiums, PBS has to be a near term solution, and several FBS schools use pro stadiums, Pitt and Mass come to mind first though. The estimated cost to get Nippert to 55k+ is like $60M. School doesn't have close to that number... Problem is, until UC is in a better conference and playing teams people want to come watch, the cost is too high. (Example, we sold out Oklahoma at PBS, but didn't at all against WVU)
  2. I think the primary notion is "no shit". You think that is some great new thought? And if people got pissed I imagine it was because you said it in some trolling manner...
  3. Dykes was rumored, but he just accepted at Cal... Fulmer maybe? A lot of locals keep saying to bring Kerry Coombs back, but no way is he head coach material... That's just the "bring someone with local roots who will stay" talking, instead if thinking of winning...
  4. Well, Butch Jones to Tennessee. I wish him well. Now to see if and who we hire next. Funny, three years ago I was mad a the decision for Butch over Skip Holtz, but seeing his failure at USF makes me wonder... (Btw, jones was picked over Holtz in part because he was suppose to be the "safer" option that would be less likely to bolt, lol.
  5. This is nothing new for Detroit, just YouTube and google Monica Conyers... She's even worse...
  6. You realize that 3rd one was a staged prank, right? That dude is a comedian... cant think of his name off the top of my head. Clearly it is an exerpt from some TV show (like a Jay Leno/Late Night, etc..) (you can hear the "live" audience laughing as it is being played to them)
  7. I dont think the reports say he is "in talks" I believe they say "his name is one that is in consideration" which are two completely different statements...
  8. Having 2 friends who met their now wives from using online dating services (eharmony and the like...) I do find your constant badgering/exaggerating that single issue on wiggles is kind of annoying, shallow, and tasteless... and in the case of both of my friends, suggesting it was because they couldnt "hook up" with girls in person/at bar/club/whereever is far from the truth.. but it is how, in their cases, how they met someone they could hold a long term relationship with... So that argument you made once about it making someone "less of a man" or however you put it, is both laughable, and false, based on my experience. A LOT of people use those services (otherwise they wouldnt be so successful, and all over TV commercials). "dating services" have been around for A LONG time, well before the public use of the interwebz for that matter. Its very obvious you are just using that useless bit of information to troll wiggles... unfortunately, that particular troll comment just puts you in bad light IMO... I'm not saying this to start an e-battle with you, or "call you out" or anything like that... I am saying this because I thnk you're a reasonable/smart person, and just want to make you aware of what is probably a sentiment most reasonable people on here share, and just arent saying, so maybe you will find something more solid to troll him on... such as putting his faith in "engineering" in someone who isnt as strong at it as they think they are.
  9. I completely agree that UC would never be in contention to join the B1G... it does nothing for expanding the footprint, regardless of athletics or academics (i.e. even if they were super awesome athletically and the best academics in the world, with a 105k stadium... it does nothing to expand the B1G footprint, so no go)... I personally would love to see an SEC invite (and before you laugh me off of here, consider this, sure UC would not be able to compete with the 5-6 power teams in football in the SEC... but I would argue they could be middle of hte pack, lower 1/3 against the rest of the conference, and when it comes to basketball, in the top ~4 every year. Stadium size would be a major setback, would need to either work a deal to get in PBS or a $60M renovation of Nippert. I would like to call Big 12 my second choice, but even the B12 isnt "that" stable, just a few years ago they were looking to crumble too. but I think we could come in and be made a good rival to WVU and further eastern footprint expansion of the conference. We would also be a top basketball power (though we all know conference decisions are made on football, not basketball). the ACC is my last choice, while it is looking to be the dominant basketball powerhouse, as i just reiterated, that is not what makes conference decisions. I could forsee the ACC be on the outside looking in, in the future if a super conference setup is created... UC would be more competitive in football in the ACC (top 30%) but would "above average" in basketball.
  10. Well, the Denver Post is reporting that Butch Jones has accepted the job at Colorado... Oh well, now the search begins for the next coach I guess... I am completely honest when I say, I am really not that upset... especially not as upset as I was when BK left. Butch was a "good" coach, but cannot be put in that "great" category. I just have to remind myself of the many times I would find myself in games thinking "really? what kind of call was that?" And the fact it took him as long as it did to start Kay, who should have started from the beginning is also in question. The only 'scary' part that worries me, is finding a coach in the middle of this Big East turmoil... though, I have faith we will find ourselves in a stable conference soon, as we are now really the "top" of the Big East, and one would think the next to go, if more shifting occurs. Oh well, onward and upward! Go Bearcats! EDIT: Now this comes out... lol, just fucking let us know, you're not good enough to put a strangle hold on the collective bearcat nation... http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/8718285/butch-jones-calls-reports-colorado-buffaloes-false
  11. Maybe the columbus warehouse it went to is a distribution center only? (only distributes incoming packages and outgoing packages to other facilities)... but yea, that's fucking stupid.
  12. yea, ive never done a turbo manifold, so never been worried about hanging a large mass on the end, haha. galvanized is not only tough to weld, the fumes it makes are toxic and can get you REALLY sick.
  13. got ya, I guess I havent seen many/any cast 304SS pipes... I usually always got seamless U bends from Burns Stainless. At first I thought it was some galvanized steel, and thought "OMG, I hope he is not welding galvanized" lol
  14. what material are the primaries? Are they coated?!? Just looks funny.
  15. You don't have to run from a spread formation...
  16. No, I think Butch Jones loves a run spread (why do you think we have had the top RBs (yardage) in the BE the last two, nearly three, years?) That's what he does at UC... I just didnt know if the current 'team' is built for a spread, or if they ran it at all. I dont follow much B1G these days, but traditionally other than Michigan maybe, they didnt do much, if any, spread offense...
  17. Hmmm, can you and your buddy have a pact and decide you want to be bearcat fans too?
  18. Apparently it's either Colorado or UC now, Purdue was dropped from discussion... After sitting down and logically thinking about it, if he does leave for Colorado, I will be disappointed for the additional instability to our program, and once again right before the bowl game... However, I think there are actually a few other good coaching options out there (if we can get them in the midst of this turmoil). Jones is a good coach, but I do have a hard time putting him in the "great" category. He did go 9-3 two seasons straight, but recognizing it could have been better, and I know I have on several occasions disagreed with his playcalling/decision making. In closing... god dammit we have to get into a stable AQ conference somehow...
  19. Wisconsin in a BCS bowl at 8-5 is the most laughable part...
  20. Well, as worthless as it feels, after a shitty week for my Bearcats... At least they can say they have owned or shared the conference title 4 of the last five years... Over and/or with teams that are now B1G, B12, and ACC... And as I said earlier, if they manage to win their bowl game, they are one of only five schools (including OSU and Bama) to have 10 game winning seasons 4 of the last five years.
  21. I've upgraded from my ricer days, a bit.
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